Black Snake Moan
Fun little upbeat slice-of-life comedy where some nice southern folks learn some fun things together about friendship and the blues. Memorable for the scene where Samuel L. motherfucking Jackson plays an electric guitar in a thunderstorm, even if for no other reason.
In real life (aka not Sarcasm Mode), the 2006 film is about a cantankerous former Blues singer/guitarist named Lazarus (Samuel L. Jackson) who has fallen on hard times. His wife leaves him for his brother and his faith in both God and other people is rather low. Then he meets Rae (Christina Ricci): a nymphomaniac struggling with her sex addiction and other psychological problems now that her boyfriend Ronnie (Justin Timberlake) has gone off to the military. Lazarus finds her beaten and unconscious in the road near his home and decides to "cure" her: cure in this case standing for chaining her to a radiator. However, after much friction, Rae slowly starts to listen to what Lazarus has to say about life through his music and through learning how to deal with her problems.
A polarizing film, it made quite a splash with its controversial subjects that include but are not limited to rape, sexual addiction, parental abuse, anxiety disorders, and religious outlooks.
- Above the Influence: Mercifully, Lazarus refuses Rae's initial advances to have sex with her in favor of helping her deal with her condition.
- Badass: Lazarus (but then again, it's Samuel L. Motherfuckin' Jackson so that goes without saying)
- Contemptible Cover: Both Samuel L. Jackson and Christina Ricci have mentioned that they're not fond of the film's poster and how it overblows the potential Fetish Fuel at the expense of everything else.
- The Deep South: Tennessee
- Dyeing for Your Art: Christina Ricci ate a diet of fats and starches to give herself an unhealthy appearance for the film, and wore an actual 40-pound chain for all the scenes with it.
- Fan Service: A sexually-frustrated Christina Ricci chained up and struggling for release.
- Intimate Psychotherapy: A version of this is used. Rae and Ronnie pretty much keep each other sane by being together.
- Jerkass: Ronnie's "friend" Gill, who savagely beats Rae for refusing his advances, dumps her body in the road, and then brags about it when Ronnie comes back, effectively crossing Moral Event Horizon.
- The Kindnapper: Lazarus kidnaps Rae with the intent of helping her heal from her sinful ways and doesn't intend to let her go until he does so.
- Musical Nod: To the Mississippi Blues movement.
- My Girl Is a Slut: But she honestly can't help herself.
- Sex Is Evil: Both played straight and averted in this movie. It acknowledges the importance of sex with someone you love while highlighting the danger of having sex irresponsibly, all without being too Anvilicious.
- The Tease: Rae, in the beginning of the film. She gets better.