Black Legion/Characters
Characters within the Black Legion, on the tabletop, background, and the Horus Heresy novels.
Black Legion
Horus Lupercal
One of the twenty Primarchs created by the Emperor of Mankind for the Great Crusade, Horus and his brothers were scatted to the stars by the Chaos Gods. Landing on Cthonia, Horus was still relatively young when the Great Crusade reached the hive city. The first Primarch to be rediscovered, Horus was better trained in his powers by the Emperor, and when he reached maturity, was given command of the XVI Legion of the Adeptus Astartes, the Luna Wolves. In the following two centuries, Horus lead the Luna Wolves with diligence and precision. No legion fought harder, better, or brought more worlds into compliance than the Luna Wolves. As more Primarchs were discovered, Horus in turn formed a bond with each, but he was closest with Sanguinius of the Blood Angels, and their bond was said to be closer than any other Primarch. Following the Ullanor Crusade, the Emperor announced that he was returning to Terra and that Horus was to be named Warmaster of the Great Crusade. The Emperor also suggested that Horus rename his Legion the Sons of Horus, to further solidify his position.
At first, Horus lead with the diligence and precision as before, but the pressure began to get at him. Tragically, he was wounded at Davin by the governor he had installed with a Chaotic weapon. With the Apothecaries unable to heal the wound, First Chaplain Erebus of the Word Bearers suggested that they take him to a local lodge which was tainted by Chaos. Seeing visions of a future where the Emperor was worshiped as a god and he was forgotten, Horus embraced Chaos and lead nine of the other Legions in a rebellion known as the Horus Heresy. At the Siege of Terra, Horus lowered the void shields of the Vengeful Spirit in a challenge to the Emperor to come aboard and face him. The Emperor teleported aboard with the Adeptus Custodes, Sanguinius, Rogal Dorn of the Imperial Fists, and their bodyguards. Sanguinius found him first, and Horus offered him a chance to stand at his side. Sanguinius refused and attacked, but was struck down. The Emperor then arrived, but held back for fear of harming his most beloved son. Horus in turn so wounded the Emperor that he was close to death when a single loyal Custodes found them. Horus flayed the Custodes with a single look, and the Emperor realized his most favored son was truly gone. Striking with psychic bolt, the blast managed to give Horus enough sense of self to realize what he had become. Begging the Emperor to finish him off, Horus's mind and soul were utterly obliterated, preventing the Chaos Gods from raising him again.
- Antagonistic Offspring
- Badass
- Badass Boast: "Let the galaxy burn!"
- Badass in Charge
- Cultured Badass
- Four-Star Badass
- Bald of Awesome/Bald of Evil: First one, then the other.
- Big Bad: Of the Horus Heresy.
- Cain and Abel: The Cain to Sanguinius's Abel.
- Calling the Old Man Out: Horus does this on a galactic scale.
- Didn't See That Coming: He even admits that he should have known Angron would go down to Istvaan III and finish off the survivors of the virus bombing the old fashioned way.
- Drop the Hammer: His power mace.
- Dying as Yourself: Begged the Emperor to finish him off after realizing how far he had fallen.
- Evil Former Friend: To the loyalist Primarchs, particularly Sanguinius and Rogal Dorn.
- Face Heel Turn: The most tragic of turn in human history.
- Fatal Flaw: Pride.
- A Father to His Men: Both figuratively and literally. Then he's wounded and things turn...ugly.
- Galactic Conqueror: Horus actually did conquer a good portion of the galaxy.
- It's All My Fault: He was like this a lot in Horus Rising, until the end when he said it wasn't his fault (it wasn't) decided he had had enough, and ordered the Luna Wolves to kill everything.
- Killed Off for Real: Horus is dead in every way possible. The Emperor obliterated his mind and soul, but his body was recovered by the Emperor's Children. Fabius Bile made a clone of him, but it and Horus's body were destroyed by Abaddon.
- Not As You Knew Them: Which Sanguinius and the Emperor found out to their detriment.
- The Paragon Always Rebels
- Parental Favoritism: Horus was the Emperor's most beloved son.
- Power Fist: The Talon of Horus, a gift from the Dark Mechanicus.
- Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Horus's rebellion doomed mankind to a slow decline without hope...exactly what he saw.
- Wound That Will Not Heal: His was what caused the Horus Heresy.
- You Are in Command Now: Of the Great Crusade. And he wasn't ready for it.
Ezekyle Abaddon
The First Captain of the Luna Wolves/Sons of Horus, and Horus's right hand man. Following Horus's death, Abaddon took command of the Sons and renamed them the Black Legion. In the following ten thousand years, Abaddon has launched Thirteen Black Crusades against the Imperium, and they consider him their greatest threat.
- Asskicking Equals Authority: Want to try to replace Abaddon? Go ahead and try. You'll die anyway.
- Badass: Say what you will Abaddon's tactical abilities, but he is a terrifying force on the tabletop.
- Badass Long Hair
- Badass in Charge
- Four-Star Badass: Has the rank, but whether he has the tactical skill to back it up is another thing.
- Like a Badass Out of Hell: During the Black Crusades.
- Bad Boss: A major reason why the Black Crusades fail.
- Big Bad: Of the Black Crusades, and the top contender for the overall spot of Big Bad of Warhammer 40,000.
- CHRONIC BACKSTABBING DISODRDER: Another major reason the Black Crusades fail.
- The Dragon: To Horus during the Heresy.
- Dragon Ascendant: Following the death of Horus.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Evil Overlord: More so than your average Chaos Lord.
- Evil Weapon: Drach'nyen, his daemon sword.
- Galactic Conqueror: Would be one if he were not a...
- General Failure: In ten thousand years and 13 Black Crusades Abaddon has failed to conquer the Imperium. But somewhere along the way he wised up and started playing the Long Game, gathering various superweapons. These failures have not gone unnoticed by the rest of the Chaos Legions.
- Fangs Are Evil
- The Magnificent: The Despoiler.
- Number Two: As First Captain he split the role with Maloghurst during the Great Crusade, though he evolved into The Dragon during the Horus Heresy.
- ONE MAN ARMY: Abaddon may be tactically impaired, but on the tabletop he is the most dangerous thing in hand to hand combat.
- Power Fist: The Talon of Horus.
- Rage Against the Mentor: Abaddon once saw Horus as a god, but now hates his former mentor for failing to conquer the galaxy.
- You Have Failed Me...: An actual rule of Abaddon's in Battlefleet Gothic, where he'll fire on vessels that have failed a command check.
Maloghurst was a Captain of the Luna Wolves when he was injured in battle and made Horus Lupercal's Equerry.
- Bald of Evil
- The Consigliere: As Equerry.
- Number Two: Split the role with Abaddon during the Horus Heresy.
- Evil Genius
- Manipulative Bastard
- The Magnificent: The Twisted.
"Little Horus" Aximand
Captain of the 5th Company of the Luna Wolves/Sons of Horus, and a member of the Mournival. He is one of the "sons of Horus" who bears a great resemblance to Horus Lupercal, leading to his nickname.
- Bald of Evil
- The Captain
- Face Heel Turn
- Generation Xerox: Bears the most resemblance to Horus.
- Heel Realization: Seems to be in the throes of one following the battle of Istvaan III. Abaddon is keeping an eye on him for it.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Has this reaction after killing Torgaddon.
- My Master, Right or Wrong
Luc Sedirae
Captain of the 13th Company. An assault marine and a "son of Horus" who followed Horus in the Heresy.
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Boom! Headshot!: In Nemesis.
- The Brute: Following his turn.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Pre-heresy, he was appalled by how savage the World Eaters acted. Later, not so much.
- Generation Xerox: One of the "sons of Horus". So much that he was used as Horus's body double in Nemesis.
- Hot-Blooded: So much that he was passed over as a potential member of the Mournival.
Falkus Kibre
The Captain of the Justaerin Terminator squad. Despite only leading a squad, he is a full Captain. He is still serving Abaddon in the 41st millennium, appearing in Soul Hunter.
- Bodyguarding a Badass: His job during the battle of Isstvan III was to serve as Horus's bodyguard.
- Number Two: To Abaddon.
- Red Baron: Widowmaker Kibre
- Time Abyss
Devram Korda
The Veteran Sergeant of the 13th Company, and a mighty Chaos Lord of the 41st millennium, one of the Chosen of Abaddon.
- Evil Overlord
- The Hedonist: Appears to be devoted to Slaanesh.
- Number Two: To Sedirae.
- Your Soul Is Mine: He distilled the life essences of the people of Sarora's largest hive to make him invincible.
Serghar Targost
Captain of the 7th Company, and lodge-master of the warrior-lodge within the Luna Wolves/Sons of Hours.
- Brotherhood of Funny Hats: He's running one. Although once the Heresy starts they become less funny.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars
A Chaos Sorcerer of the Black Legion, and the main antagonist of The Fall of Medusa V campaign.
- Big Bad: Of The Fall of Medusa V.
- Extra Eyes: Four in total. But what else do you expect from a Chaos Sorcerer?
- Fangs Are Evil:
- The Magnificent: The Deciever
- Sorcerous Overlord
Luna Wolves
Those members of the XVI Legion who did not join Horus in the Heresy.
Garviel Loken
Captain of the 10th Company, and promoted to the Mournival follow Haster Sejanus's death.
- Break the Cutie: Horus Rising, False Gods, and Galaxy in Flames are more or less devoted to destroying his whole world view.
- The Captain
- Chainsaw Good
- The Hero: The closest thing those three books have to one.
- Sole Survivor: Of the Battle of Istvaan III.
- Oblivious to Love: To Mersadie Oliton, given that he's an Astares.
- Meaningful Rename: When the virus bombing of Istvaan III fails and Horus's treachery is revealed, Loken is given command and re-dubs them the Luna Wolves.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Played with. He's got white hair and is handsome enough, but he has the giantism that makes Astartes somewhat unattractive.
Tarik Targaddon
Captain of the 2nd Company, and a member of the Mournival.
- The Captain
- Generation Xerox: One of the "sons of Horus".
- The Mentor: To Loken.
- Off with His Head
- The Prankster
- With Us or Against Us: "Then I'm against you".
Iacton Qruze
Captain of the 3rd Company, and one of the original members of the Legion who fought in the Unification Wars.
- Badass Grandpa
- The Captain
- Cool Old Guy
- Defector From Decadence: "I'll not be called a Son of Horus."
- Important Paintjob: After reaching the Phalanx, he repaints his armor the White of the Luna Wolves.
- Old Soldier
- Strange Salute: Salutes with the fist over heart salute of the Unification Wars instead of the sign of the Aquila. By the 41st millennium this is the standard salute for the Space Marines.
Nero Vipus
Sergeant in the 10th Company.
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: Killed off unceremoniously by Orbital bombardment.
- Life or Limb Decision: He cuts off his own hand with the claim that "I threw it away".
- Number Two: To Loken.
- Sergeant Rock