Black★Rock Shooter: Innocent Souls (roleplay)/Characters
Black Rock Shooter
- The Idealist
- Mega Twintails
- Team Switzerland: Their illustrious leader.
- Ancient Keeper: To an extent.
- Martial Pacifist
Iron Chain
- Genius Bruiser: An expert in military tactics.
- Heaven Seeker
Dead Master
- Combat Sadomasochist: A bit muted in her case.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Loves the Sound of Screaming
Black Gold Saw
Player Characters
Wight Wrider
- Ambiguously Brown
- Book Dumb: Is a Nice Guy, but he can't put most of his thoughts into words.
- Cool Horse: Stallyn, the spectral horse summoned from his weapon, who never tires and fights along side him.
- Dramatic Ellipsis: Used to demonstrate his pauses as he thinks of words to use.
- Gentle Giant: Tall, muscular, and wants his cat back.
- In the Hood
- Kindhearted Cat Lover: To the point that he can't help but stare at the cat ears of the various women in the group.
- Machete Mayhem: His weapon, which also has the side effect of summoning his horse, Stallyn.
- Reluctant Warrior: Hates fighting, and would love nothing more than to talk his way out of every situation. Unfortunately, he isn't very eloquent and comes off sounding like a child half the time.
- Super Strength: Hits like a locomotive, but barely ever takes advantage of it.
- What the Hell Is That Accent?: Middle Eastern, but probably is this to those who don't have much memories of Earth.
Tempest Soul / Anna Maria Eklund
- Berserk Button: Being informed that she has her facts wrong.
- Catgirl: Of the lean predator variety (albeit not without a cute little fang).
- Deadly Discs
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: One vertical across the cheek, built in to her Threshold appearance as a result of the physical nature of her death.
- Guile Hero
- Last-Name Basis: With everyone except the faction leaders, who are referred to by their full name.
- Sky Surfing: One of many uses of her weapon
- Speech Impediment: Tends to rrrroll cerrrtain letterrrs.
- Throwing Your Shield Always Works
- Ticked Out Glove: On her right hand, used to control her weapon remotely.
- Tsundere: Minor Type B example ("dere" before "tsun").
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Mercury / Willow Swift
Bliss / Blair Corrigan
- Catgirl
- Classy Cat Burglar: In her past life.
- Electronic Eye
- Ms. Fanservice
- Seashell Bra
- Whip It Good
- Who Wears Short Shorts?
Selene Herastyx / Aya
Crimson Flame / Leo Silverstone
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Bi the Way
- Cool Big Bro: He had two younger sisters when he was alive.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Fiery Redhead: Literally, his hair is red, and he has a Fire based weapon.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Nice Guy/ Easily Forgiven
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: His eyes are red. Not usually glowing unless his Ether flame is in effect.
- Playing with Fire
- Squishy Wizard: Though he's nimble and athletic, he's not as physically strong as some of the others. His weapon is a Mage's Rod that can spew fire, and allows him to control the flames he makes when the rod is charged with Ether.
- Survivor Guilt: He died trying to save some kids from a burning building. The kids did not survive, and technically, neither did he. He feels some sort of guilt, but he can't remember for what. He tries to hide this with his cheerful nature.
- Walking Shirtless Scene
Neon Light / Luna Goodall
Nochi / Lyubov Nikitichna Volkova
- An Ice Person
- Does Not Like Men: Owing to her bad memories, she thinks all men are liars.
- Ice Queen
- Lady of Black Magic: She is however, also physically strong.
- Midnight Blue Eyes / Occult Blue Eyes
- Ms. Fanservice
- Sinister Scythe
- Underwear of Power
- What the Hell Is That Accent?: Evidently Eastern European, but is this to those with little to no Earth memories.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Cyan Dash / Olivia Madeline Evans
Ferris Frost / Alex Ryvil
Pale Point / Rome Fincher
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny
- Animorphism: He has many animal parts.
- Bookworm: Has read quite a few books in his past life and he seem to memory them more than his forgotten past.
- Blush Sticker: His cheeks are always flush.
- Cute Kitten: He just has the whiskers.
- Flower In His Hair: Actually it’s growing on top of his head.
- Goggles Do Nothing
- Gray Eyes
- Headphones Equal Isolation
- Incurable Cough of Death: He died from an illness.
- Little Bit Beastly / Petting Zoo People: An in-between of these two.
- Lizard Folk: His tail is reptilian.
- Man in White
- Mercury's Wings: His is on the gold bands around his ankles.
- Wings Do Nothing: They serve no purpose.
- No Social Skills
- Not Afraid to Die: Not even a little.
- Precious Puppy: His arms are canine and he, himself, is rather adorable.
- The Pen Is Mightier
- The Quiet One
- Useless Accessory: Most of the things he wears serves no purpose like his scarf and anklets.
- Utility Belt: Unfortunately his is empty; he might try to fill it up.
- White Bunny: His ears though his has a bit of black.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
- First Gray Hair: There’s bunch scattered through his hair.
- Multicolored Hair: His bangs to the left side of his head are different colored.
Miasma / Rafayel Gehret
- Ax Crazy
- Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: "[...]you needed to drink water when you were thirsty, eat when you were hungry, kill when you felt anxious and sleep when you were tired. Basic concepts."
- Cigar Chomper: Always has a cigarette in his mouth. Sort of justified, as that's actually his Weapon.
- Driven to Suicide: He felt like he was stuck in place and could never breathe properly back in life. Hence, this.
- Mad Artist: Miasma loves to paint... with blood.
- Murder Is the Best Solution: Believes this is the best way to treat anxiety.
- Nightmare Fuel: His looks and thought process. This is YMMV though, of course.
- Slowly Slipping Into Evil: Happened to him when he was alive; he started by stealing and selling drugs and ended up murdering people. Chances are, it's gonna happen again.
- Super Smoke
- Super Strength: Due to his abnormal arms.
- Tail Slap
- Wolverine Claws: Though they aren't quite that sharp/long.
Smoke / Theodore Grills
- Crusading Widower: To an extent, although he can't exactly remember what he's crusading for, or even that he's a widower.
- Every Scar Has a Story: Except he can't remember the story.
- Leaning on the Furniture Why participate when you can observe?
- Man in White: And looks awful dapper while he does it.
- Reluctant Warrior: Doesn't fight if he can avoid it.
- Survivor Guilt: Ironic, since he actually didn't survive.
- The Quiet One: He doesn't talk a whole lot, unless he feels he must.
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