< Big Time Rush

Big Time Rush/YMMV

  • Actor Shipping: Tons of Kendall/Logan and James/Carlos.
    • Also, Katelyn Tarver/Erin Sanders (Jo and Camille, respectively.)
  • Adorkable: Logan.
    • Occasional lab coat, check. Brain of the group, check. Almost always wears suit/necktie/t-shirt, check. Cute? DOUBLE CHECK.
  • Angst? What Angst?: Logan in Big Time Girlfriends. He certainly forgives James & Camille for accidentally kissing quickly, but that may be a by-product of the storyline having to split time with Kendall & Jo's relationship issues and Carlos & his girlfriend.
  • Award Snub: At the 2011 Kids' Choice Awards. They lost "Best Show" to iCarly and "Best Group" to the Black Eyed Peas.
  • Cargo Ship: James/Palm Tree, turns into Random Girl/James/Palm Tree.
  • Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch: This happens a lot.
  • Complete Monster: Atticus Moon from Big Time Movie. It's one thing that he has the beetle, a gravity defying device that is part of his plan to rule the world, but it gets worse when his plan to shift the moon out of orbit comes into play. He also kidnaps Katie and forces Kendall to give up the beetle to free her. Needless to say, karma definitely gives him what he deserves when Katie gets the Beetle on his back and causes him to float up into the sky.
  • Creator's Pet: Jo, for many fans.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Most of their songs, but especially "Halfway There."
    • Don't forget "The City is Ours!"
    • "Oh, you're such a turd, oh yeah, a giant turd; And you look like a turd, and you smell like a turd!"
      • Also "This is our Someday" and to a lesser extent "Till I Foget About You", "Famous", "Oh Yeah", "Nothing Even Matters" and the theme song. So, yeah, most of their songs.
    • "Superstar" from "Big Time Strike" as sung by Gustavo of all people! Also doubles as a Crowning Moment of Funny because...Well... just watch.
    • In "Big Time Concert", the boys crashing their own concert and foiling Hawk's plan.
  • Designated Hero: The four main guys are arguably this, especially in episodes like Big Time Mansion and Big Time Jobs where they are more notably selfish and careless.
  • Ear Worm: The theme song
    • A few-most of the songs qualify.
    • 'Stay In Our PJ's'. That thing is going to be around for a while.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Mercedes. She's a Rich Bitch (see below) who makes the boys her boyfriends and do what she says because she "loves manipulating people" and is a Clingy Jealous Girl (see above) at times...but she's so hilarious that everyone wants her to make another appearance.
  • Fan Disservice: Bitters soaked in water leaning on the car. And then dumping more water on himself.
  • Fandom Rivalry: When most people's first impression of BTR is a Nickelodeon-manufactured boyband, this is inevitable.
  • Fan Dumb: This comes up occasionally.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: Kendall/Logan, and James/Carlos to a slightly lesser extent.
    • Hey? What about James/Logan? It's ADORABLE!
      • And, admittedly, gaining a large following in a short amount of time. Now considered one of the 'main' ships.
      • Even the writers seem to be James/Logan shippers. See Big Time Sneakers, Big Time Songwriters, and Big Time Prom Kings, among others.
  • Foe Yay Shipping: Between Kendall Knight and Jett Stetson, especially after Green Time Rush.
  • Fridge Brilliance: Why was Kendall the only one of the band not to suffer from "Hollywood Fever"? Because his family moved to L.A. with him.
    • Why was Wayne Wayne so determined that Kendall would be kicked out of the band in Big Time Bad Boy? Because he was already the group's bad boy - Notice that when the guys are told that one of them has to be the bad boy, Kendall was the only one not willing to take the role. He's the bad boy, but not in same way the cartoonish Wayne Wayne was.
  • Girl Show Ghetto
  • Harsher in Hindsight: James spends most of Big Time Dance helping Logan try & ask Camille to the dance. Then came Big Time Girlfriends, where James & Camille kiss despite her now being in a relationship with Logan. What the hell, James?
    • To be fair, the kiss in Girlfriends was blatantly played as a consequence of getting too far into character and literally forgetting for a moment that they weren't a Hair-Model Spy and a Robot Princess who had fallen in love. "There was a bomb."
  • Hate Dumb: Too many times to count.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Hawk crosses this in "Big Time Superheroes" when he not only steals Gustavo's hard drive which holds BTR's second album, but then tricks the police into thinking Gustavo stole it, and not the other way around, which gets him, Kelly and the boys arrested.
  • Narm Charm: Part of the series' appeal is how over-the-top everything is.
  • The Woobie: Logan, at least in the pilot, where Gustavo's "The Reason You Suck" Speech (well, screaming rant) causes him to go into a Troubled Fetal Position, rocking back and forth. Kendall later claims Gustavo made Logan cry, but we don't see it.
    • His freakouts go between being a Crowning Moment of Funny and cementing his The Woobie status. Bonus points for his freakout in Big Time Mansion, which ends with him fainting in terror.
    • And the way he jumps into Kendall's arms a la Scooby Doo when frightened in "Big Time Crib."
    • James in the pilot, but only when the boys are telling Kendall's mom why they were arrested.

James: And now I'm sad.

    • Big Time Terror features the revelation that Gustavo wasn't allowed to act like a kid when he was a child, and his mother forced him to practice playing the piano instead of playing games with other kids his age. Partially averted, in that when Kendall says that he feels bad, Kelly immediately tells him not to.
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