< Big Time Rush

Big Time Rush/Funny

The city is ours!

  • The boys wonder how they'll fit everyone into their music video.

Kendall: We'll just put everyone in the background as extras or something.
Logan: Yeah, that's acting, right?
Every Extra in the Background: YES!!!

  • And this gem of a line:

James: We're TEENAGERS: if we don't party, we could DIE!

  • Camille's introduction.
  • When Kendall's mom opens her front door to find the boys, in police custody:

Kendall: "Mom! Remember that time I saved you from choking? Wow, that was close. <Beat> And I love you."

  • James and the FBI in Big Time Mansion:

James: Call the FBI!
Logan: For a lost cat? (James nods enthusiastically) The FBI only deals with serious emergencies!
James: Oh...that explains so much...
James: (in the bathroom, shaking a can of hairspray with an urgent look on his face) FBI?! I need help, quick! My hair is limp and lifeless! ...hello? (examines phone) Hellooooo?

  • Also from Big Time Mansion:

Kendall: And stop feeding me dinosaurs shaped chicken.
Mrs Knight: But you love your dinosaur chicken!
Kendall: I did... When I was eight.
Logan: We are men, Mrs. Knight!
<James and Carlos are making dinosaur noises & playing with their food.>

    • And another from Big Time Mansion:

Gustavo: Oh, you want me to let the monkeys mansion sit!?
Logan: Yeah, I thought we were dogs?

  • Most of the stuff Mrs. Knight did in Big Time Beach Party while trying to slaughter the boys with sunblock falls under this category.
  • Katie telling the boys their picture of Lord Prankerton is actually a picture of Sir Walter Raleigh and their big reaction to it gets me everytime.

Kendall, Logan, James, and Carlos: BLASPHEMY!!!

  • The cannon scene. No description can do it justice.
  • From "Welcome Back Big Time", Gustavo and Kelly asking Griffin how he got BTR a spot at Rocktober.

Griffin: A little wheeling, a little dealing... and poison.

    • A few moments later..

Griffin: Just remember: Big Time Rush, Rocktober... poison.

  • In "Big Time Jobs", the coffee machine going crazy. "MORE FOAM MORE FOAM MORE FOAM MORE FOAM MORE FOAM" "I WILL COVER THE EARTH WITH FOAM".
    • Later when Kelly is telling Carlos that they can't destroy it, the coffee machine calls her and women in general weak. Her reaction is to eagerly help Carlos destroy it while it yells for them to tell the blender it loves it.
  • At the end of Big Time Concert, after Griffin wants to buy back Big Time Rush, Kelly makes one of the requirements be that Griffin must run back to the studio and write "I will never do this to Big Time Rush again" 100 times on a chalkboard and he runs off to do it. Also counts as a Crowning Moment of Awesome for Kelly.
    • When they're looking for a replacement for James the last person to audition sings good but unfortunately happens to be a demon worshipper.
  • Everyone at Rocque Records trying to get a skunk sent by Gustavo's Sitcom Arch Nemesis Hawk out of the studio without being sprayed. In the end, the boys capture it with ease, making Gustavo look like a fool. They then use it to give Hawk his karmic comeuppance.
  • The City Is Ours Imagine Spot. They dance as buildings. That is all.
  • "Stop being orange!"
  • From Big Time Beach Party: The completely ridiculous yet somehow plausible reveal that Big Time Rush exists in the same universe as...SpongeBob SquarePants.
  • The part of "Big Time Songwriters" where Gustavo bursts out of a Polynesian mud bath (which had been filled with concrete so he wouldn't leave) yelling and stumbling around like a Kaiju that burst out from underground.
  • From Big Time School of Rocque: Gustavo has hired a 'WWE Super-teacher' to keep an eye on the boys. Kendall asks if Chris Master was going to stop them...and thus eats his words when the sceen changes and when Chris Master—all dressed up as a teacher and has written Mr. Masterpiece on the chalkboard—suddenly has the shirt ripped off.
  • Big Time Rocker: Carlos and James are trying to not be in the 'Friend Zone' with Lucy and constantly try to convince her otherwise. One scene involves them dressed up as Mario and Luigi.

Carlos: (in an Italian accent) We're getting desperate.

  • From "Big Time Strike": The scene where Gustavo tries to sing the BTR song, "Superstar". He sings pretty good but what makes it hilarious is that he sings the song WHILE DRESSED UP AS BIG TIME RUSH! Kelly's reaction to the whole thing also deserved to be mentioned.
  • Everything from Big Time Superheroes: From Hawk becoming Super Hawk and acting as hammy as the characters from the 1960's Batman, James oblivious to the others wanting to do something other than dress up as superheroes, the montage where BTR become superheroes (bonus for Kelly deciding to become 'Bowlhead') and the fight scene between BTR and Hawk.
  • Big Time Movie: As Logan states, "There is no princess! And are we singing the Beatles? Do we look like the Beatles? No!" (cue the beginning guitar riff for "A Hard Day's Night" as he realizes that they are doing an Abbey Road Crossing) "Wait a minute..."
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