< Better Off Ted

Better Off Ted/YMMV

  • Acceptable Targets: Veronica is apparently prejudiced against the Dutch.
    • She actually loves the Dutch. That's why she holds them to such a high standard
  • Family-Unfriendly Aesop: Crosses over with Accidental Aesop where Ted insists that at the end of one episode the lesson is to never take the low road. Veronica feels that what they should really take away is that when they take the low road they should coordinate better.
  • Fridge Brilliance: In the pilot, Ted and Lem are discussing Lem's mother. Ted says Lem's mother is many things, but not someone who "can make something out of nothing" and assigns Lem a project. Later, in season two, we find out that exchange wasn't just Ted trying to encourage Lem, but that Lem's mother is also a scientist, but works only in theoretical science and looks down on the things Lem creates.
  • Ho Yay: Ted is actually forced to go on a date with a canonly gay General - who is apparently very 'grabby' with Ted - in "Win Some, Dose Some."
  • It Was His Sled - In "Lust in Translation", Lem says the bagels are more corrupt than Michael Corleone at the end of The Godfather, spoiling both Phil and, no doubt, several members of the audience.
  • Les Yay: Averted in Linda's past:

Linda: I actually went to an all-girls school and was totally straight. But I'm very trampy now.

    • Linda and Veronica: "Hi best-looking-woman-in-the-company, possibly the universe..."
  • Magnificent Bastard: Veronica. Holy hell, Veronica. She's rather impressively amoral, can handwave the company's worst policies and can convince just about anyone to do just about anything. And regardless of how dirty her own methods get, she can come out of it all looking squeaky-clean to both her superiors and subordinates or making them feel they've let her down. It's hard to hate her and easy to be in awe of her.
  • Too Good to Last: We're lucky it lasted as long as it did.
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