< Ben Folds

Ben Folds/Tear Jerker

/wiki/Ben Foldscreator
  • "Magic". It's particularly touching if you've ever lost someone to a painful disease.
  • "Fred Jones, Part 2" is an extremely sad song, which deals with the unfairness of a good man fading away, unremarked on by the universe at large.
  • "The Luckiest." That's love, love, love.
  • "Don't Change Your Plans" is another one.
  • "Kylie From Connecticut" is a great one off his new album that can really get you, especially the heartbreaking cry of the chorus.
  • And then there's "Cigarette", which packs a heck of a lot of tragedy into a Single-Stanza Song. Even moreso when you find out it's taken verbatim from a newspaper clipping. Man, can Ben Folds write an incredibly sad song when he wants to (although to give proper credit "Magic" was written by Darren Jessee).
  • "Brick". It's especially horrible if you know the backstory.
  • Not to mention Ben Folds' simple, personal lament to Smith, "Too Late". *Sigh* "The songs you wrote... got me through a lot, just wanna tell you that... But it's too late."
  • "Fighting it" is a song about how teenage years are hard.
  • "Picture Window"
  • "Evaporated" is a pretty strong tear magnet.
  • Carrying Cathy.
  • Maybe it's just me, but I find From Above to be depressing as hell. Don't let the catchy tune fool you, just read the lyrics without any musical influence:

It's so easy from above,
You can really see it all,
People who belong together
Lost and sad and small.
But there's nothing to be done for them,
It doesn't work that way.
Sure we all have soul mates, but
We walk past them everyday.

    • And the music video doesn't help either.
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