< Beavis and Butt-Head
Beavis and Butt-Head/Characters
- Anti-Hero
- Alter Ego: "The Great Cornholio", which emerges when Beavis has too much sugar.
- Also appears after too much caffeine or drugs.
- Anti Role Model
- Berserk Button: Don’t call him "buttknocker"!
- Beavis Smokes: In some episodes, Beavis is seen smoking.
- The Chew Toy
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Determinator
- Gonk
- Hot-Blooded
- Iron Butt Monkey: He's never had any permanent side effects from his innumerable injuries.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Although he can be a prick similar to Butt-Head, he's never really been as malicious about it.
- Made of Iron: Seriously how is he still alive after everything He's been put through?
- Pyromaniac: "FIRE! FIRE!" It was toned down after that incident with the boy who set his trailer on fire and his mom blaming it on the show (despite that the family didn't have cable TV in their house), but when the show was revived in 2011, they brought it back.
- Red Oni: To Butthead's blue.
- Signature Laugh: "HEH HEH", does this very often to the point it's pretty much how he breathes.
- Too Dumb to Live
- Anti-Hero
- Anti Role Model
- Blue Oni: To Beavis's red.
- Casanova Wannabe
- Deadpan Snarker: In his own dumb way.
- Determinator: Like Beavis, it going to take a lot to stop Butthead on his quest… even if it means death.
- Gonk
- Jerkass
- Even Butt-Head Has Standards: He'll go out of his ways to see a naked women, but he draws the line on a naked man and seeing a woman give birth.
- Everyone Calls Him Butt-head: Even teachers and other professionals, one wonders if that really is his name?
- The most popular Fanon name for him seems to be Buford.
- Full-Name Basis: It's not just his real name, it's his first and last names combined! One episode has another person asking Butt-head his name. He replies that it's "Butt". When the other character asks what his family name is, he replies "Head".
- Major Injury Underreaction / Only a Flesh Wound: In "Whiplash", he gets ran over by a school bus and his reaction... "that was cool".
- Signature Laugh: "UH HUH UH", like Beavis, does this very often to the point it's pretty much how he breathes.
- Too Dumb to Live
- Unishment: In Beavis and Butthead Do America, Butthead gets subjected to a body captivity search, in where he responses with, "Did I just score."
Stewart Stevenson
- Butt Monkey: He'd be the Chew Toy if he appeared more often.
- With Friends Like These...: Though Beavis and Butt-head don't consider him a friend.
- Take That: Wears a "Winger" shirt and his wimpiness is compared to the main duo's Metallica and AC/DC shirts.
Daria Morgendorffer
- Badass Bookworm: For someone who tries her education serious, Daria knows how to have some form of a social life, even dealing with Beavis and Butthead. She even goes as far as exploring the reasons behind the duo's lack of intelligence.
- In Incognito, Daria goes to see who was shooting at the school, without fear and gives the orders to Earl, the actual target. She likely knows that Earl is armed with a gun, yet she goes forward to check out the situation without holding back... let alone without showing any sign of fear.
- Characterization Marches On: Especially evident in the Marvel tie-in comics. She starts out as a more generic know-it-all but gains the wry, unflappable, sarcastic streak we all know and love later on.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Enough to receive a spinoff that became just as popular, if not more, than the original show.
- Hollywood Pudgy: Was shorter and slightly chubbier in this series [dead link] .
- Only Sane Woman
- Meganekko
David Van Driesen
- Cool Teacher
- Badass Teacher: He was able to convince Earl to hand over his gun after a shot is heard.
- Hippie Teacher: Literally. He looks as if he's still living in the 1960s.
- Granola Girl - Rare Male example.
Coach Buzzcut
- Talking to Herself: Played by Tracy Grandstaff, better known as the voice of Daria.
- Ambiguously Gay: A big fan of notoriously lesbian singer KD Lang, though she also expresses a fondness for older men in other episodes.
- Electra Complex / Parental Incest: Talks about her own father in a creepily suggestive manner in Animation Sucks.
- Granola Girl
- Butt Monkey: Is constantly on the receiving end of the boys' antics.
- Funny Foreigner: Appears to be from somewhere in the Middle East.
- Honest John's Dealership: Hamid himself isn't particularly unscrupulous but he does end up working for one at one point.
- Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?: He's at a new job each time we see him, usually because Beavis and Butthead did something to get him fired from the last one.
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