Battle for Wesnoth/Characters
A Character Sheet for the heroes from Battle for Wesnoth.
Heir to the Throne
The main hero of the saga, and rightful heir to the throne of Wesnoth. He was saved by Delfador and raised by the elves, waiting for the day he'll retake the throne from Asheviere, the Mother Queen and his aunt. It's eventually revealed that he is an orphan raised by Delfador, as the true Konrad did die, but he gets to marry Li'Sar and become King.
- A Child Shall Lead Them: Well, not exactly a child, but he's still very young.
- Badass: By the end of the campaign.
- Blade Across the Shoulder: How he keeps his longsword.
- Bow and Sword in Accord: Starting from level 2 onward.
- The Chosen One: Subverted.
- Hair of Gold: And spiky too.
- The Hero
- Standard Hero Reward: The throne and the hand of Li'sar.
- Warrior Prince: Except for the Prince part.
A powerful sorcerer and wizard gifted with great powers and wisdom. He fought the armies of Queen Asheviere and killed her son, Garad, in self defense. He guides Konrad in his journey and helps him with his knowledge and wisdom.
- Badass Grandpa
- Badass Boast: When he scolds the skeptical dwarven lord for mistrusting him.
- Badass Beard: Yup!
- Crutch Character: At low levels he can easily destroy everything you throw at him, though you would ideally be using those easily disintegrated orcs as XP fodder for your other units.
- Death From Above: His lightning strikes, probably one of the coolest animations in game.
- My Greatest Failure: Failing to save the real Konrad.
- One-Man Army: Against low-level mooks at least.
- Origins Episode: Delfador's Memoirs, another mainline campaign.
- Older and Wiser: after Delfador's Memoirs.
- Old Master
- Shock and Awe: He's the only wizard capable of using lightning. He got this ability in the Underworld.
- Simple Staff: Which he used to impale Asheviere's son.
- The Smart Guy
Elf lord of Wesmere and a powerful ally to Konrad. He's the star of his own campaign called The Legend of Wesmere.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: He's no Elf Lord for nothing..
- Badass
- Cool Sword
- The Lancer: To Konrad.
- Our Elves Are Better
- Playing With Technicolor Fire: His Faerie Fire.
Daughter of Asheviere and technically the true heiress to the Throne, she hunts down Konrad, believing that he's an impostor. She's eventually forced to join forces with him and perform a Heel Face Turn. In the end she becomes Queen and marries Konrad.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: She's a decent fighter and has a high rank.
- Blondes Are Evil: Until she commits her Heel Face Turn.
- Breast Plate: When reaching Level 3.
- Flunky Boss: She's often escorted by Royal Guards.
- Fragile Speedster: She's extremely hard to hit without marksmanship or magic, but has a mediocre amount of Hit Points.
- Heel Face Turn: Starts out as an Enemy Mine situation.
- Royal Brat: She's quite arrogant and self-righteous sometimes.
- Royal Rapier
Queen Asheviere
The Evil queen of Wesnoth, she allied herself with Orcs and she's turning the land in a Crapsack World. She's hunting down Konrad in order to make sure that no-one will threaten her position on the throne. She also holds a grudge for Delfador, who killed her son.
- An Ice Person: Casts ice magic.
- Evil Is Sexy: Clad in form-fitting purple robes.
- Evil Sorcereress: Can use magic.
- Final Boss
- God Save Us From the Queen
- Orcus on His Throne
The South Guard
A young Knight sent by his king to command the South Guard after reports from Westin, the province's capital, ceased to arrive.
- Carry a Big Stick: He uses a flanged mace to fight.
- Fiery Redhead
- Glass Cannon: Being a mounted hero makes him really easy to hit.
- The Hero: Of his story.
- Knight in Shining Armor
- Nice Guy
Sir Gerrick
A commander of the South Guard.
- Blade on a Stick: A glaive.
- The Lancer: To Deoran.
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: His level 3 unit can even use said shield as a battering ram.
- Mighty Glacier: Sadly he's kinda slow.
- Quite the understatment. He's slow to begin with, and putting him on anything that's not basically pavement easily halves or quarters his speed.
The Minister of Kerlath, he's a White Mage.
- Cool Old Guy
- Light'Em Up
- The Medic: The main reason why he's so useful.
A Elvish Shyde met by Deoran and company; she agrees to help them fight the mysterious Undead plague that has befallen Kerlath. If you choose to forgive the bandits, she'll dessert you in anger.
- Can't Argue with Elves: Sometimes she can be pretty insufferable.
- Green Thumb: Can manipulate thorns and vines.
- Lawful Stupid: She has several sticks up her fairy ass.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: If you decides to forgive the bandits, she'll ditch you.
An Elven Sage who may know something about the unliving but went missing. He became evil and turned himself into a Lich, called Mal-M'brin in order to kill everyone in his path.
- Big Bad: He's behind the Undead plague.
- Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: He was heavily tortured by humans and forced to create zombies. That turned him insane.
- Old Master: To Ethiliel
- Our Elves Are Better: Not so better...
- The Undead
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Granted, his undead rampage was totally caused by the bandits.
A Powerful elf warrior of the south. He blames Mebrin's death on humans and launches a full assault on Kerlath, but Ethilien persuades him to leave.
- Can't Argue with Elves: Oh Boy...
- Jerkass: When he hear that Mebrin was kidnapped and killed by humans he starts murdering innocent farmers.
- Knight Templar: See above.
- Lawful Stupid
- Ungrateful Bastard: Deoran just saved everyone's ass by stopping Mal M'brin, and he still wants to kill everyone.
- The Unfought: He doesn't appear among his troops.
Under the Burning Suns
Young warrior of the Quenoth desert elves. After his hometown is destroyed by a meteor shower he hears the voice of Eloh and leads his people in a long, dangerous quest to find them a new home. He eventually rebels against Eloh/Yechnagoth and her followers and with the help of the merfolk he kills the creature and reclaims her island for his people.
- Badass
- Bow and Sword in Accord: Later he can add Bolas to the rack.
- Character Development
- The Hero
- Improbable Weapon User: Can learn how to use Bolas and gain a stunning scimitar attack.
- Punch Out a God: He has slain Yechnagoth for crying out loud!
- Ship Tease: With Nym.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Delivers an epic one to "Eloh" after she orders him to surrender to an outpost of humans.
- Sinister Scimitar: Averted, he's a good guy.
- Took a Level in Badass
Kaleh's best friend, is a female desert Elf Hunter, she is skilled with the bolas. She supports him and acts as his right-hand woman during the journey.
- Dark-Skinned Blond: Like most of the Quenoth.
- Deadpan Snarker:Does this often.
- Fragile Speedster
- Improbable Weapon User: Bolas.
- Knife Nut: A shortsword.
- The Lancer: To Kaleh.
- Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right: When Yechnagoth challenges Kaleh to a One on One fight, she decides to help him anyway. Thankfully, as Yechnagoth wasn't going to play nice anyway.
- Ship Tease: With Kaleh.
- After the death of Yechnagoth, they've become an Official Couple.
The venerable great priestess of the Quenoth. She acts as the spiritual guide of the clan and watches over Kaleh's work.
- Green Thumb: Being a Desert Elf doesn't stop her from conjuring roots and spikes.
- Heroic BSOD: After being tricked and petrified by "Eloh".
- The Smart Guy
- Team Mom
- Taken for Granite: When she tries to negotiate with Eloh-Yechnagoth
- Winged Humanoid: Can develop wings.
An elder elf captain of Quenoth. He aids Kaleh during his journey, despite feeling that his time his over. He sacrifices his life to kill two Undead lords who threatened the group.
- Badass: Old, strong and experienced.
- Death Seeker: He wishes to die in battle. When the Undead armies are summoned near their camp he catches the chance and goes for it.
- Demonic Possession: If he kills the Sceptre first he's possessed by his spirit and forced to fight his friends.
- Flaming Sword: When he decides to go to fight the undead, Zhul blesses his sword with bright flames.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Taking You with Me: If he kills the Lich first, he'll try to possess him, but he simply kill himself.
A powerful troll warrior who joins the Quenoth after they rescue him from the Dwarves.
- All Trolls Are Different: He's extremely loyal and gentle for a troll.
- The Big Guy
- Drop the Hammer: First a stone club, then a mighty metal hammer.
- Gentle Giant
- Mighty Glacier: Thankfully he can heal his wounds.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy
The Dark Assassin / Keratur
A mysterious being clad in black robes and wielding a scythe. He stalks Kaleh in the Caverns and tries to kill him several times. He's eventually revealed to be Keratur, a Quenoth Elf who was left behind and driven insane by the sight of Yechnagoth's necromancers turning the fallen elves to Undead.
- Alas, Poor Villain: He's quite sympathetic after all.
- Died in Your Arms Tonight: Kaleh's arms.
- Glass Cannon: He has average health points, but is very dangerous.
- The Grim Reaper: He looks like the typical one.
- Ninja: Looks a lot like one.
- Poisoned Weapons: Poisoned daggers.
- Recurring Boss: He's fought at least three times.
- Sinister Scythe: His main weapon.
Eloh /Yechnagoth
Apparently the Goddess of the Quenoth Elves who led them long ago, she has now instructed them to reach the north and "kill the infidels". She's actually a Cosmic Horror named Yechnagoth the Soul Eater, who wishes to Take Over the World.
- Blondes Are Evil: Only in her disguise though..
- Compelling Voice
- Eldritch Abomination
- Jerkass God: She doesn't sound very nice. Of course, being an alien beast..
- Mook Maker: In her true form she spams several critters as turns pass.
- One-Winged Angel: She reverts to her bulbous, fleshy form for the last showdown.
- Physical God
- Puzzle Boss: In order to make her main body killable you must destroy her "tentacles" first.
The Rise of Wesnoth
The young prince of the Green Island. Chased from his lands by an orcish horde, he's forced to fight his way to a new kingdom.
King Eldaric is Haldric's father.he stays behind to hold the orcs back so Haldric can escape.
- Carry a Big Stick: A humongous mace.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Decides to stay behind so his son will be able to get to safety.
- Large and In Charge
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- You Shall Not Pass: Against the incoming orcish hordes.
Lady Jessene
Also known as the Outlaw Lady, she's the shady leader of the Wesfolk. After fighting against Haldric for a couple of times, she joins him in his quest.
- Fiery Redhead
- Heel Face Turn: After her second defeat.
- Mask Power: A veil actually.
- Simple Staff
An evil Lich lord who was sealed in a sanctuary of the Green Island. He was released by Haldric, who later fought him many times.
- Big Bad
- Evil Overlord
- Odd Name Out: He's one of the few Liches without the "Mal" prefix to his name.
- Our Liches Are Different: He's a Lich Lord, hence far more powerful than the ordinary Lich.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Inside the vault containing the Fire Ruby.
The protagonist of Son of Black-Eye, he is an orcish warlord who leads a campaign in order to assemble the Great Horde and fight back the invading army of Humans, Elves and Dwarves.
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Badass
- Berserk Button: Insulting his skills or his father is a bad idea.
- Dual-Wielding: Later on level 2 and 3.
- Heroic Sociopath: He does have a good reason for slaughtering humans, elves and dwarves.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy
- Sinister Scimitar
The hero of Eastern Invasion, he is a Wesnothian officer sent to command one of the outpost in the east; he later escapes the undead horde so he can defeat them later on.
- Asskicking Equals Authority: His strength, competence and skills allows him to get to greater rank.
- Badass Normal
- Four-Star Badass: He's even represented as a General line unit.
- Knight in Shining Armor: Only on foot.
Mal Ravanal
A powerful lich-lord and Big Bad of the Eastern Invasion campaign. He's also the mind behind the events of Dead Water.
- Asskicking Equals Authority: There's a reason why he can control all those lesser liches.
- Big Bad: Of the Eastern Invasion.
- Dark Lord
- Green-Eyed Monster: His jealousy of Dacyn, especially after he was chose as the King's Advisor, led him to his ruin and damnation.
- Let's Fight Like Gentlemen: After Gweddry repeals his undead troops from Weldyn, he calls him a coward for hiding behind his soldiers and challenges him on a duel. He follows the rules to the letter.
- Pride: His greatest fault.
- Take Over the World: With an army of undead monsters, and he was really close to accomplishing the deed.
- Who's Laughing Now?: He took Dacyn's promotion to Royal Advisor really badly, and became a lich just to get revenge for this.
The main hero of Northern Rebirth. Starts out as a simple farmer who leads a rebellion against the orcs. Eventually, he forges the Northern Alliance.
- Badass Normal: Keep in mind that he was a simple, honest farmer.
- Designated Hero: Arguably.
- From Nobody to Nightmare: Starts as a farmer, and can level up up to Grand Marshal.
- Hair of Gold
- Magnetic Hero: He managed to make an alliance out of Dwarves, Orcs, Elves, Drakes and even two Liches.
Kai Krellis
A young king of the Merfolk and protagonist of Dead Water, where he must defend his subjects from the shambling undead hordes of Mal Ravanal.
- A Child Shall Lead Them: Starts out as a Level 0 unit too!
- Carry a Big Stick: First his scepter, then a morning star.
- Fish People: A Merfolk specifically.
- Heroic Bastard: The Queen wasn't his mother, but this hasn't much to do with the plot anyway.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Took a Level in Badass
Main character of The Hammer of Thursagan. He's a dwarf warrior from the Northern Alliance who's sent to recover the legendary hammer.
- An Axe to Grind: Naturally. He has a hammer too.
- Badass Beard
- Our Dwarves Are All the Same
- Took a Level in Badass: From Gate keeper to a ruler of a colony.
A dwarvish lord who owns the Hammer of Thursagan. He's the leader of the racist Masked Dwarves. He's revealed to be a Lich and is vanquished in his hidden lair.
- Big Bad
- Drop the Hammer: And not just any hammer...
- Fantastic Racism: Hates all the non-dwarves and call them "dustdiggers".
- Mask Power: He and his acolytes wear othem. His is made of chain-mail and hides his rotten face.
- Shock and Awe: Can channel lightning with his hammer.
- The Undead: He's so far the only dwarvish Lich to be seen.
An old woodsman and the protagonist of Liberty. He revolts against Queen Asheviere's unjust orders and starts a rebellion against her.
- Anti-Hero
- Badass Grandpa: He may lack magic or shining blades, but he will kick your ass if you screw with his villagers.
- Carry a Big Stick: He fights with a modest club.
- Cool Old Guy
- La RĂ©sistance: Leads one against Asheviere.
A legendary dwarf Runesmith who created the Scepter of Fire; he is one of the main characters in the eponymous campaign.
- Cool Old Guy: The greatest Runesmith in the land.
- Drop the Hammer: And it's magical to boot.
- Only Sane Man: When the king decides to give up the Scepter to the elves.
- Retired Badass: You have to persuade him to get back in action.
- Taking You with Me: Triggers a volcanic eruption in order to deny the Elves the scepter.
Malin Keshar
A young necromancer, the protagonist of Descent Into Darkness, who wants to use his dark powers to help his hometown, Parthyn.
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- He Who Fights Monsters
- Jumping Off the Slippery Slope
- Necromancer: His vocation.
- Squishy Wizard
- Villain Protagonist
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: In order to protect his town he's ready to damn his soul with necromancy.
Darken Volk
Malin's master, he is a dark wizard who plans to use Malin for his own needs.
- Affably Evil
- Evil Sorcerer: And petty too, apparently.
- The Necromancer
- You Have Failed Me...: He's prone to this towards Malin if he fails.