Barats and Bereta
Barats and Bereta are an Internet comedy duo who write, act, and post skits on their Youtube channel as well as their own Homepage. Some of their older, better known works are Mother's Day, Auto Insurance, Flag Makeover, Douche Off, Mantage and Jesus Pwned U. There are also some short series, such as Ad Guys.
They are probably known most for their usage of What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome? and Narm Charm as vehicles for their work.
Barats and Bereta provides examples of the following tropes:
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking
- In "Mattress Sale". "Cause Monday I go to prison for tax evasion, and child pornography, and Jaywalking."
- Also a recurring gag in "the Mantage" where 'cuddling a kitten' is inexplicably added to the list of manly activities.
- Ascended Meme: Getting The The Danza to sing along with "Hold Me Closer, Tony Danza"
- Bad Bad Acting: Parodied with the bullets in "Overacting Bullets" to great comedic effect.
- Berserk Button: Invoked purposely with the Boston fans in "Boston Jury Duty."
- Big No: In "April Fool's".
- Black Comedy Rape: Implied in "You Call That a Shot?"
- Calvin Ball: "Mousemate".
- And now, "Foodball".
- Captain Obvious: From "Rulebreakers": "We're the Smiths, because that's our last name!"
- Cloudcuckoolander: Barats and Bereta both, depending on what character they're playing. Barats especially in the "Lolcats" video.
- Cluster F-Bomb: The Boston fans in "Boston Jury Duty."
- Character Blog: After Barats' "fight" with Bereta, he actually did make a Youtube channel called BaratsAndNobodyElse.
- Completely Missing the Point: Initial reactions to "Foodball" has YouTube commenters complaining about how the Dynamic Duo is wasting food, despite the fact that there's a short segment in the video where the pair consider feeding a homeless man with the food they're wasting and then ruin the rest of the food he could have eaten.
- Comedic Sociopath: Both guys in "Foodball" for stomping on the banana that could have fed a homeless man.
- Construction Catcalls: This sketch teaches you how to do it right.
- Double Entendre: "Great Pick Up Lines in American History", "Great Pick Up Lines in Sports", "Great Pick Up Lines in the Bible" and "Great Pick Up Lines in Science" have more than a few of them.
- Ear Worm: The music to "F U!" will be stuck in your head for hours.
- Excited Kids' Show Host: Parodied in Yes Kidz Can.
- Escalating War: Used in videos like "Cubicle War" and "April Fools".
- Even the Guys Want Him: Luke has a "hetero Man Crush" on David Hasselhoff (Then again, who doesn't?) while Joe has a strange fondness for Mark Spitz (in a speedo).
- Glasses Pull: The defense attorney in "Boston Jury Duty."
"...fuck the Yankees."
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Luke Barats and Joe Bereta should be the Web Original posterboys for this trope. Their characters are often examples of this as well.
- Hilarious Outtakes: There's one at the end of "Rulebreakers" where Barats tries to continue being electrocuted but ends up breaking down laughing from the sheer silliness of his acting.
- Jerkass: Mr. Wentworth. (And maybe Jesus, but he's more like Crazy Awesome.)
- Also, Luke and Joe from Douche Off compete to see who is the bigger one of this trope. It is as epic as it sounds.
- Large Ham: Both Luke and Joe try to out-ham each other in
almostevery video. Special mention goes to "Ad Guys" and "Cubicle Wars" for making a plot out of the one-upping antics. - Mood Whiplash: When one of the kids gets a seizure in "Yes Kidz Kan".
No. Leave him. He is not a Kid Kadet.
- Precision F-Strike: In "Mousemate" and "Ad Guys".
- Rapid-Fire Comedy: Be careful or you'll miss something good.
- Rated "M" for Manly: The Mantage, obviously.
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis: Milkman and Mailman.
- Take That: In "2012", the time traveling pair accidentally destroy the only copy of Indiana Jones 4, which is one in a chain of events that prevents the apocalypse.
- "F U!" is a video composed of three people flipping off annoying people in the most amazingly over-the-top fashions possible. The first person lets his dog shit in a guy's yard right next to his paper, the second person, a girl, blows a kiss to someone's boyfriend while the girlfriend is walking right next to him, and the third guy drank all his roommate's beers. It must be seen to be truly appreciated.
- "Boston Jury Duty" is one big Take That at the New York Yankees. It's a slow burn, but the pay off is so worth it.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Pretty much everything they do qualifies.
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