- The Banjo-Kazooie series as a whole is hilarious, but one of this troper's favorite bits comes from Tooie. A really freaky character named Canary Mary can be raced for a Jiggy--she tells you it's been wedged under her wing. When you beat her again and she gives you a Cheato page, this exchange takes place...
Canary Mary: Oh, thank goodness! Here, you can have this. It's been wedged under my...
Kazooie: NO! We don't want to know where it's been!
- Kazooie is a never-ending stream of this in Tooie, due mostly to her role as the Meta Girl and having her Deadpan Snarker tendencies increased by at least a magnitude.
- Her exchanges with Salty Joe in Witchyworld.
- Kazooie is a never-ending stream of this in Tooie, due mostly to her role as the Meta Girl and having her Deadpan Snarker tendencies increased by at least a magnitude.
Joe: Looks like I'm outta fries. I'd better whip up some more.
Kazooie: Yeah, you should prepare for the impending rush.
Joe: Why, you cheeky little...
- The Idle Animation in both games.
- Then there's Lord Woo Fak Fak's pre battle dialogue in Tooie:
Lord Woo Fak Fak: You were going to steal my jiggy and drain my home, leaving me to flap pathetically around on the bottom until I shriveled up and died. Weren't you?
Kazooie: Something like that.
- Gruntilda's rhymes will forever be stuck in my head.
- Repeating over and over until you're dead?
- In the first level of Tooie, when you retrieve the MacGuffin for the guy, he was about to cuss when Banjo interrupts him with, "This is a family game!"
- Gruntilda's rhymes will forever be stuck in my head.
- In Tooie, whenever you get the secret unlockable attack that involves grabbing Kazooie out of the backpack and BEATING ENEMIES WITH HER. Every player first laughs, then feels terrible...then laughs some more.
- Gruntilda's full name. That is all.
Grunty: "...and you'll wish you'd never messed with the great Gruntilda Winkybunion!"
Kazooie: "Your last name's Winkybunion?"
Grunty: "Erm... no it's not. And if you tell anyone, I'll kill you!"
Banjo: "Sure thing, Winky."
- Could count as a Crowning Moment of Awesome for Banjo, as it's one of the rare times he of all characters snarks like Kazooie.
- Nuts And Bolts is by far the most self-aware installment in the series, constantly pointing out the poor logic of the game's universe. Some examples;
- The "Pointless Collecting" challenge at the start of the game.
- Cleaning up the debris after the volcano erupts causes Humba to say "Good thing I had this Jiggy to give away as a reward in case a random emergency happened!"
- The level introductions are parodies of 80's sitcoms, complete with their theme music. For some reason, people over 30 find this hilarious.
- Gruntilda admits to Banjo that if he beats her in a race she won't go through with her latest evil plan ( Polluting the water by having her cat take a crap in it) Kazooie points out how stupid this is, while Banjo claims it reminds him of something he did a long time ago "...and there was a genie and a giant pig."
- Many of Mumbo's vehicle part descriptions:
Description for Chameleon: Vehicle go all wibbly and hard to see when bear press button. Like film with muscle man and big bad alien.
Description for Spirit of Pants: Rubbish Rare website mascot now rubbish vehicle mascot. Not exactly flying lady like on sophisticated cars.
Description for Papery Pal: Bear put papery critter on vehicle and be filled with fun. Mumbo like 'Trouble in Paradise', recommend player buy it tomorrow.
- In Banjoland, a museum made up of elements from past games, the giant trash can appears, literally filled to the brim with copies of Grabbed By the Ghoulies boxes.
- Boggy appearing twice in one act, lampshaded by both Banjo and Kazooie.
- If you lose to the Final Boss in Tooie and try again:
Grunty: Back for more, eh?
Banjo: Just shut that hatch, and let's get on with it.
Grunty: Fair enough.
- In the beginning of Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo sleeps through his sister's kidnapping, with his backpack, Kazooie included, hanging on a hat stand. Eventually, Kazooie gets fed up and shouts at Banjo, rocking the stand so much it falls over!
- In the beginning of Banjo-Tooie, Bottles is killed when Gruntilda blasts Banjo's house during a poker game. (He didn't evac because the whole 'Grunty's back!' thing was just a gag) When Banjo and Kazooie meet Jamjars and relate the sarge about his brother's untimely demise, Jamjars asks if Bottles went down fighting.
Kazooie: Playing cards, actually.
Jamjars: Figures.