< Banjo-Kazooie


Fridge Brilliance

  • Omny: Why does Weldar have terrible vision? Because he's a welding torch who has a constant front-row-seat view of his own blinding flame.
  • At the end of Tooie, Banjo and Kazooie blast the life energy that B.O.B. sucked from King Jingaling back into him and bring him back from the dead. Okay, that's cool and all. But then, they proceed to do the same thing to Bottles, even though B.O.B. had no energy in it other than what it took from Jingaling. Whuh?
    • Half of JingalingĀ“s life was possibly beamed down to him and then beamed to Bottles.
  • Let's face it: a lot of people don't like Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts. It took an old childhood platform hero, deliberately removed all of his and her skills (even though there were hilarious justifications and lampshades for it all), and stuck him in a driver's seat for the whole game. Even knowing all these, the return of one of my favorite old platform heroes drove me to get the game...but I ran into frustrations all over the place, and eventually gave up on the game, having gotten about a third of the way into it but feeling like I wasn't making any progress the entire time. A year later, I started watching Rooreelooo's fantastic ~Let's Play~ videos of the Banjo series, including Nuts & Bolts. I saw him and his goon audience invent dozens of hilarious and creative machines to overcome the Jiggy challenges -- and not just overcome them, but pass them with flying colors. Around the same time, Stephen Totilo wrote a Kotaku article that called Nuts & Bolts "the bravest game" in recent years, which finally convinced me to play the game again. And then it hit me. What Rooreelooo and the goons showed me, and what Mr. Totilo realized, was that Nuts & Bolts is exactly as much fun as you want it to be. Sure, you can just use the recommended vehicles for all the challenges or build something that is the bare minimum required to get the Jiggy, but why do that when you can build Humongous Mecha to stomp all over the competition, or break off the vacuum and carry it over to the nuts it's supposed to scoop up instead of the other way around, or race in an airplane instead of on wheels like everyone else, or build some horrific perpetual motion device that utterly destroys the ski jump? You will only get out of Nuts & Bolts what you put into it. The game basically hands you the building blocks and the objective, and tells you "Figure out how to complete this objective on your own" -- it truly encourages out-of-the-box thinking and creativity, something a lot of games today lack. Is it a good Banjo game? Debatable, though I believe its total devotion to No Fourth Wall qualifies it as such. Is it a great game in general? Only if you build it that way. And while you're doing so, why not make it brilliant? User:Wild Knight
    • On a related note, I recently got why Nuts and Bolts was all about cars. People kept telling Rare to make a Banjo-Kazooie games that returns to their roots. Rare complied by going back to Banjo's roots... Diddy Kong Racing, which was all about cars.
    • Where can I find these videos?!?
  • In Banjo-Kazooie, Gruntilda speaks entirely in rhymes, however, in Tooie, she stops doing so at her sisters' request. However, in Nuts & Bolts, she goes right back to it. Why is that? She crushed her sisters at the end of Tooie, so they aren't around to stop her anymore.
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