Baman Piderman/Characters
Baman Piderman is a new Web Animation by Alex Butera and Lindsay Small, featured on Mondo Mini Shows along with the popular Happy Tree Friends. It follows the lives of Baman, Piderman and several others who inhabit a white, empty landscape while having surreal adventures.
Recurring characters only, please.
A rubbery being based on the DC Comics superhero Batman. He seems to be the more intelligent of the two, and usually offers suggestions on what activity they should be doing. Baman works worked for a large yellow creature that he referred to as his boss. He also lives in a small, boxlike house and appears to be able to drive it with a ship's wheel. As of Happy Winter Friends (Part 2), his house seems to have been destroyed by a giant snowflake. Sometimes parts of his body dislocate from him, and are able to be reattached. He seems to be in a relationship with Tuba.
- Acrofatic: Baman is actually pretty fast.
- Badass Cape
- Base on Wheels: Baman is able to drive his house.
- Bigger on the Inside: Subverted; Baman's house is just one small room and looks that way outside.
- Bizarrchitecture: Baman is able to drive his house using a ship's steering wheel. It has no wheels, tracks, treads, or any other plausible way of moving.
- Blank White Eyes: These are not caused by his mask, proven when he removes it on at least two occasions. When he gets pupils, he gains telepathic powers.
- Blessed with Suck: Being made of basically rubber does seem cool, but looks like it makes it difficult for him to move normally.
- Butt Monkey: Baman's started to go toward this. Boss kicked his house, Tuba's Dad made him uncomfortable, a giant snowflake destroyed his house, and then he lost his job to Squib.
- Chest Insignia: It looks remotely like a... bat? Maybe?
- Cool Hat: He calls his mask a hat.
- Dramatic Unmask: When Baman takes off his mask for Pumkin, Piderman is shocked. Pumkin faints when he does it again later.
- Expressive Mask
- Freeze-Frame Bonus: The source of a lot of it.
- George Jetson Job Security: Baman lost his job to Squib pretty quickly.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Piderman.
- Interspecies Romance: Baman appears to be married to, or at least dating, Tuba.
- Magic Feather: In Happy Winter Friends (Part 2), turns out the wish was literally inside of Baman all along.
- Pointy Ears: When Baman takes off his mask, it's revealed that those pointy things really are his ears... or horns... or something else.
- They do perk up when he's surprised/in danger/excited and do the opposite appropriately.
- Purely Aesthetic Glasses: Seen once.
- Rubber Man: Baman can stretched, squished, and pulled through himself.
- Silly Walk
- Simpleton Voice
- Smarter Than You Look: Baman is smarter than Piderman, but by how much we don't know.
- Something Person
- Stock Superhero Day Jobs: We still don't know what his job was. Something to do with shipping.
- Superheroes Wear Capes
- Too Dumb to Live: Debatable.
- Use Your Head: Baman tends to smash through doors and windows instead of opening them.
- What Exactly Is His Job?: To be more precise, was.
- Whole Costume Reference: To Batman.
A lazy, slightly overweight being based on the Marvel Comics superhero Spider-Man. He seems to have the same abilities as Spider Man, but he often uses for unnecessary purposes like grabbing small objects or dragging himself along the ground instead of walking. He lives in the larger of the two houses, which usually serves as the setting of the shows. Since the episode "Make Da Cards" Piderman's door is shattered when Baman came inside.
- Acrofatic: He can walk on walls, and sometimes actually uses his web to get out of danger. He can barely walk, though.
- Bizarrchitecture: His house has two stories, but many stories worth of stairs to reach the top floor.
- Blank White Eyes: All the time. These may or may not be caused by his mask.
- That is, if he is even wearing a mask.
- Blessed with Suck: He doesnt seem to use his powers for anything very strenuous aside from dragging himself around, since he can't really move well.
- Chest Insignia: It's a real spider. Or, more likely, pider.
- Cool Mask
- The Ditz
- Expressive Mask
- Five Legged Insect: On his chest and back.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Baman.
- Kid Appeal Character
- No Mouth: Maybe.
- Silly Walk
- Simpleton Voice
- Something Person
- Too Dumb to Live: Debatable.
- Unnecessarily Large Interior: Piderman does not need all those stairs. Not with his weight.
- Wall Crawl
- Whole Costume Reference: To Spider-Man.
A sentient tuba that first appeared in Make Da Band, and has appeared in every episode since. She communicates by making tuba sounds, moves by dragging herself along the ground, and drinks "Peabnut Bubber" as medicine. It's suggested that Baman and Tuba are domestic partners.
- Anthropomorphic Objects
- Big Eater: She sure does love cake.
- Companion Cube
- Intelligible Unintelligible: Everybody else seems to understand what Tuba says, but all the viewers hear is Tuba sounds. Her father got subtitles, at least.
- Interspecies Romance: Baman appears to be married to, or at least dating, Tuba.
- The Chick
- The Unintelligible
A pumpkin introduced by Baman in the episode Hab Da Pumkin, and has been a major supporting character since. While a regular pumpkin, he appeared to possess some level of sentience and could be seen moving around on his own several times and operating a phone. Pumpkin also has the ability to function as some sort of video game console. He was eventually carved by the Basement Monsters and screamed frequently to express his displeasure, which caused him to rot. As of Happy Winter Friends Part 2, Pumpkin is restored and is given a humanoid body.
He seems to live with Piderman.
- Anthropomorphic Objects
- Butt Monkey
- Companion Cube
- No Mouth: At least, after he gains his humanoid form. When he was still a pumpkin, the Basement Monsters carved eyes and a mouth on him.
- Silent Bob: Sometimes
- Smarter Than You Look: The only character seen reading a real book.
- The Voiceless: Again, only after he gained his humanoid form. In the episodes before he got it, he would often be heard screaming.
The Basement Monsters
Two discolored creatures that resemble Baman and Piderman who live in the latter's basement. They first appeared in Guess Da Number, in which they carved Pumpkin. Later, they break out of the basement door (which had been taped closed) to borrow an ingredient for a cookie pie, which they share with their housemates. When the main characters are not around, they are usually seen causing mischief.
It's unknown whether they're evil, in it for the lulz, or they just have weird taste. Possibly all of the above.
- Ax Crazy
- Basement Dweller
- Beware the Silly Ones
- Blank White Eyes: All the time.
- Costume Copycat: Baman's counterpart is wearing a version of Piderman's costume, and Piderman's counterpart is wearing a version of Baman's costume. Their body types also seem switched.
- Evil Counterpart: To Baman and Piderman.
- Evil Duo
- Evil Sounds Deep: The Basement Monsters have deep voices. They probably aren't evil, but they do like causing trouble.
- Evil Twin
- Expressive Mask
- For the Evulz
- Friendly Enemy
- Harmless Villain
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With each other.
- No Mouth: Piderman's counterpart.
- Palette Swap: They're basically Piderman in Baman's suit and Baman in Piderman's suit, with different colours.
- Plot Irrelevant Villain
- Pointy Ears: Baman's counterpart.
- Simpleton Voice
- Smarter Than You Look: They seem to know more than they let on.
- Whole Costume Reference: To Baman and Piderman.
A giant, yellow, lion-like monster. He is the boss of an unknown job, and really hates jokes.
- Ambiguous Looking Cat: Probably.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Do not tell him a joke.
- Berserk Button: NO. MORE. JOKES.
- Canis Major: One unlikely possibility for what species Boss is.
- Funny Animal
- Mega Neko: Another possibility for what he is.
- Large and In Charge
- What Exactly Is His Job?: What is he the Boss of?
- Panthera Awesome: What he would likely be, if feline.
- Talking Animal
- The Faceless: We only ever see as much of him as this picture does. We have seen a single eye, with was bright pink with a tiny, catlike pupil and long, thick, strangely placed eyelashes. It seems like he may be bipedal, judging by the sound of his footsteps and the times we've seen his legs in action (never more than two), but most images of him show him with what looks like a lower half.
- Your Size May Vary: Sometimes he doesn't seem more than twice another character's height, other times he seems the size of a skyscraper
A mass of tentacles Baman and Piderman first encountered when they went to find a wish to make Pumpkin better. He followed them back to Piderman's house. Enjoys tormenting Pumpkin ever since he got his new body.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Do not tell him a joke, either.
- Berserk Button: Seriously. No more jokes.
- Blob Monster
- Combat Tentacles
- Did We Just Have Tea with Cthulhu?: He's pretty docile... when you aren't telling jokes.
- Eldritch Abomination: Maybe.
- What Exactly Is His Job?
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous
- Naughty Tentacles: Squib could be seen as this in Happy Winter Friends (Part 2) when he has a hold of Baman.
- Tentacle Rope
- When Trees Attack: Squib's first appearance is when he's impersonating a tree, using a snowman as bait.