< Badass Abnormal
Badass Abnormal/Playing With
Basic Trope: A Badass Normal gaining superpowers.
- Straight: Jason, a black belt martial artist, gains the ability of superhuman strength, speed, and Shapeshifting.
- Exaggerated: Jason can turn his body into Shapeshifter Weapon, though he hardly ever needs to.
- Downplayed: Jason, the kung fu master, gains the ability of flight.
- Justified: Though Jason is already awesome, more powers can only make him more awesome.
- Inverted: Badass Normal, Power Loss Makes You Strong, Brought Down to Badass.
- Subverted: Jason has his virus powers, but is powered down afterwards.
- Double Subverted: But he gets them back later.
- Parodied: Jason starts out as the Badass Normal, than gets a bunch of useless powers, like Meat Vision.
- Deconstructed: The Badass Normal doesn't know how to handle his newfound power, which ends up making him less badass.
- Reconstructed: The Badass Normal doesn't know how to handle his newfound power at first, but slowly learns how.
- Zig Zagged: ???
- Averted: Jason never obtains any superpowers.
- Enforced:
- "Jason is awesome enough as he is, but we can make him even more awesome."
- "Alright, Jason might be pretty badass for a muggle, but he's getting outshined by his super-powered partners. Time to give him an upgrade"
- Lampshaded: ???
- Invoked: Jason injects himself with The Virus in order to make himself more powerful.
- Exploited: ???
- Defied: Jason never uses his newfound powers.
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
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