< Avenue Q
Avenue Q/Characters
- Desperately Looking for a Purpose In Life: Hence, the aptly titled number 'Purpose.'
- The Hero
- Master of the Mixed Message
- Naive Newcomer
Kate Monster
- Expy: Of Ernie.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Rod. Emphasis on the fact that "partner" is singular.
- Not-So Fantastic Racism: Possibly. "Happiness at the misfortune of others? That is German."
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: To Rod's Blue Oni.
- Amazing Technicolor Population: He's... blue?
- Berserk Button: Being accused of being gay.
- Coming Out Story
- Expy: Of Bert.
- Fiery Redhead: Subverted.
- Gay Conservative: He's a Republican investment banker. Who just happens to enjoy Broadway Musicals of the 1940's.
- Gayngst
- Girlfriend in Canada: Trope Namers.
- Blue Oni: To Nicky's Red Oni.
- Transparent Closet
Trekkie Monster
- Chekhov's Gun: His savings help Kate build her school for monsters.
- Eleventh-Hour Ranger: Considering the lateness at which he assists the group...
- Expy: Of Cookie Monster.
- Fiery Pinkhead
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Non-Indicative Name: He's obsessed with porn, not Star Trek.
- Species Surname
- The Internet Is for Porn: Duh.
Lucy the Slut
- Back From the Dead: With her virginity intact, too.
- Buxom Is Better
- God Is Good: Apparently, He revived her as a chaste woman. It's all Played for Laughs, natch.
- Ms. Fanservice
- My Girl Is a Slut: Well, duh.
- Really Gets Around
Mrs. Thistletwat
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Well, she was willing to let Kate teach her own session...
- Sadist Teacher
The Bad Idea Bears
- Complete Monsters: Defied. They might appear to be as such given that they're more or less there to tempt Princeton into doing increasingly stupid and/or destructive things, especially when they try to persuade Princeton to kill himself, but it's gradually made clear that they're just plain amoral rather than actively, maliciously evil.
- Evil Mentors: They suggest that Princeton gets drunk and then commits suicide. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
- For the Evulz
- Genki Girl: The yellow bear.
- Good Angel, Bad Angel: Don't believe a word of it. They're both pretty much the closest thing the show has to Chaotic Evil characters.
- Jerks With Hearts Of Jerk
- Manipulative Bastards
- Poisonous Friends
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: In this partnership, the blue bear tends to come up with the suggestions while the yellow one tries to enforce them more enthusiastically.
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: The guy is blue, the girl is yellow.
- Trolls
- The Lancer
- So Unfunny He's Funny: More or less the entire point of his character.
Christmas Eve
- All Asians Are Alike: Averted. Being Japanese is why she can't get a job in a Korean deli (Chinese restaurant in the UK West End version).
- The Obi-Wan: For Kate Monster, when it comes to relationship advice.
- The Smart Girl
Gary Coleman
- The Big Guy
- Butt Monkey
- Catch Phrase: Deconstructed, as he's more or less grown resentful of it.
- Mr. Fixit
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