Atop the Fourth Wall/Headscratchers
- In the Review of the Grinning Man in the fight scene you see Hologram Linkara cut down a pyramid head and then get stabbed through the torso. Which it just shrugs off. I can't get how the physical presence of the hologram works. It clearly isn't intangible or it wouldn't be able to throw the comic about (unless it was also a holographic representation. If it was tangible and able to wield the Bat'leth (however you spell that)and can kill while taking no damage why not just get the hologram to do all the fighting. Just hand the hologram the gun, let it do the rant and let it fire the gun. I find it weird the hologram can do battle and stab things while apparently being undamageable. Maybe I need to watch star trek.
- You need to watch Star Trek. It's a reference to Voyager's mobile emitter (or whatever it was called, it's been a couple of years).
- Holo-Linkara is basically a walking forcefield. He can be damaged, but you'd need to attack the holo-emitter. The monsters don't know that.
- It might also be a reference to Red Dwarf's Arnold Judas Rimmer.
- I'm just gonna come out and say it: The cursing thing. Or rather, the anti-cursing thing. It's great that he wants to keep things a bit more civil for his viewers, but you can't tell me it isn't a little jarring, especially when compared to the rather adult vocabularies of his contemporaries. And while it is nice that he can express himself without resorting to curse words, his self-censorship can come off as a little... overzealous. Like when he bowdlerizes his narration of comics that have curses in the dialog, like in the Silent Hill reviews.
- I think it's cute.
- It says a lot about the coarsening of modern culture that not swearing like a sailor would bother someone more than the opposite.
- I see where you're coming from, but in this day in age, when cursing is more acceptable (and even expected by some) in private situations and settings, I agree that it makes Linkara seem a little maladjusted.
- Um, yeah, that's exactly the point. There's nothing "maladjusted" about someone who doesn't like to swear all the time. The fact that Linkara's non-swearing would bug people in the first place says a lot more about modern culture than about him.
- Funk and Wagnall'(s) is funny, dammit. Linkara turned a dictionary brand into an Unusual Euphemism.
- His review of the old Fantastic Four movie with Sage made it hilarious. I never really cared and I believe he explained at some point that he wants to show you can be a good reviewer without cursing like a sailor.
- I agree slightly. Although it's not that bad when he avoids it, when he really gets angry and replaces a word with a lighter version, it makes him sound a bit...silly. I think it would be better if he found different words entirely to express his hate.
- I don't really care, but my dad actually only watches him because he doesn't curse (he thinks the other critics are nerds who are trying to look cool by cursing a lot)
- I find that a lot of the cursing makes his actual criticism more apparent. The rest of the internet critics seem to use it as... filler (the best I can think of).
- To be honest, his lack of swearing is actually one of the things I like about him. After all, it seems as though a lot of caustic critics (as well as people who overuse curse words in general) use Cluster F Bombs so often the word seems to lose its "shock value" anyway, so when Linkara swears, it has a much greater impact. Besides, his unusual euphemisms are more humorous, but YMMV on that.
- Seconded. He's my favorite of the TGWTG team, and part of it is due to his cleaner language.
- He does use minor swears occasionally. I think it's a combo of personal preference and the fact that if you want long, profane tirades, you already have AVGN, NC and Spoony, so what's the point?
- I don't know how to feel about this one. I like that he doesn't drop the F-bomb at complete random (I've gotta agree with that one troper's dad... some of the critic kiddies DO seem like nerds trying to be h4rd0r3)... but some of his replacement words just don't... work. Just bleep it or exclude it altogether.
- Linkara may not curse, but it may make you feel better to know that Lewis himself does. You can hear him swearing occasionally in behind the scenes videos.
- I find that Linkara is a truly funny comedian because he can pull off making me laugh without having to resort to random swearing, which all-too many comedians have to fall back on because, get this, they aren't funny.
- Linkara had this to say about the issue in his Top 15 Screw-Ups of AT 4 W video:
Okay, first of all, I swear all the time. When did "hell", "damn", and "ass" stop being swear words? No, of course, people are referring to the fact that I don't say the more colorful four-letter words, even when they appear in the comics. It's not because I'm a prude or anything. Outside of these videos, I, in fact, use those words plenty. Heck, you can see me saying the F-word in the bloopers for the Alone in the Dark review on the That Guy with the Glasses DVD. Plus, I mouthed it way back in my Batman #147 review, plus I had an entire video called the Top 15 WTF Moments. No, the reason why I don't use those words started out primarily because of habit, and later because I wanted to prove I can be funny without having to resort to it; and before anyone suggests otherwise, that doesn't mean I think my fellow video reviewers are lesser for using them. Many are downright skillful in their swearing, able to cobble together curses that I could never hope to match; but for me, it doesn't work for this show. Now, as for why I don't swear when the comics themselves swear, really, there have only been like 2 or 3 comics that have actually done so, and I'm pretty sure it was the Silent Hill comics; and does anyone out there believe for a second that those comics were made better by them swearing? Bottom line: yeah, I could say those words, but does saying them actually make my videos better? Really?
- Writing his own stuff without swears is fine. Reading the dialogue but just stumbling over the swears the way he did in the Silent Hill reviews comes across really badly.
- The Silent Hill comics themselves come across really badly. As Linkara noted himself: would reading out Christabella's f-bombs really add anything?
- Sure, he could have skipped the f-bombs and it would have been fine. The problem is that the self-censorship he did do was very half-assed. An immature "I can't read that" manner might be better than immature f-bombs all over the place. It's still not mature.
- Half-assed? It was a bleep. Perhaps two of them, in total. It worked fine. Again, as has been stated above, choosing not to swear is not "immature".
- Personally, this troper enjoys that Linkara avoids using the more powerful swears except for precise, powerful surgical strikes of the F-Bomb. Like when he utilized it, IIRC, once or twice in his short review of One More Day and Countdown.
- I never even noticed him not swearing. Does it really matter?
- I didn't notice it either. Some people just don't curse all that much. Is that really so weird?
- On the main page it says Linkara contributed to "Dragon Ball Abridged", with a link to the Team Four Star page. I did some research, and can't find any evidence of his involvement in DBZ Abridged. Is there something I don't know?
- It's only a cameo but he was the Namekian Village Elder at the start of episode 16.
- What's "The Source"? Is it the same thing as the Entity?
- If Vyce is warning us about the Entity, how come his slogan is "All that I see, I conquer" if he doesn't want power?
- Probably a case of Well-Intentioned Extremist, it's not that he wants power, but that he doesn't know how else to protect all those worlds aside from conquering them.
- Zero Percent Approval Gambit: He must make himself seem feared so the Entity will hesitate
- wait what? then if that is the case, then why did Vyce come to the universe where linkara lives when it was stablished that the Entity was here before Vyce came? If he wants to build reputation then he should avoid the universes where the Entity is there where it can just look around for a while for him. He should instead go to another universe where he can conquer easily and build reputation in the mayor number of universes he can to avoid that horror from spreading (assuming the Entity takes really long to jump to another universe to another) Linkaraverse will be eated, sure but in the long run more universes will be saved.............Assuming that the Entity will just sit there after finishing is last meal and die of hunger or being really bored with a long lifespawn because some Vyce fellow is supposed to be able to conquer anything he sees and cant risk it even if the alternative is doing nothing for eternity.
- Probably a case of Well-Intentioned Extremist, it's not that he wants power, but that he doesn't know how else to protect all those worlds aside from conquering them.
- Is the Power Rangers Zeo review the end of the Vyce saga?
- Presumably it's wrapping up in "Justice League: Cry for Justice #5-#6". All that happened in Zeo was he beat up Mechakara again.
- It has wrapped up now, with the Youngblood #3/Doctor Who Classics #7 double feature.
- I feel kind of stupid asking... but what does V minus 42 mean?
- I assume it's a play on the "T-minus" countdown that precedes the launches of rockets and missiles, only in reference to when Lord Vyce's ship (or Lord Vyce himself) arrives at/on Earth. No idea what the forty-two means.
- I'd assume the 42 means that Lord Vyce will finally confront Linkara 42 days from when the Cry for Justice video was released.
- Since the video released a week after said V minus 35, it is at least counting down by days.
- He probably chose '42' because it's the answer to life, the universe, and everything.
- I'd assume the 42 means that Lord Vyce will finally confront Linkara 42 days from when the Cry for Justice video was released.
- Oh, so it's like the "He's counting down from X" for Mechakara? Thanks.
- I assume it's a play on the "T-minus" countdown that precedes the launches of rockets and missiles, only in reference to when Lord Vyce's ship (or Lord Vyce himself) arrives at/on Earth. No idea what the forty-two means.
- People are seeing a demonic-looking eye when the Entity's static comes up, but I don't. Where is it?
- Was it just me, or did Linkara come off a little too harsh in his review of The Adventures of Kool-Aid Man #1? Granted, he was reading a rather dumb comic, but from the start, he seems to hate it simply because the main character is the mascot for a food product he apparently does not like, and he's convinced that no one was a big enough Kool-Aid connoisseur to want to buy and read the comic. He might as well have just said "I hate Kool-Aid and you folks should too because of this stupid comic!"
- It was more of confused rage than hatred. And by the look of the comic, I'd have to agree.
- The problem was that they didn't even sell the comic, it was just given out as a promotion for the drink, and he doubted anyone would actually get it anyway. See his rant about how Marvel agreed to it to get more of his view on how pointless the entire thing was.
- That was the point. With the other tie-in comics you could actually walk into a comic store and buy the thing; this comic was given away as strictly an advertisement; in this case entertainment was the secondary objective.
- There's also the point that - unlike toys like Air Raiders, wrestlers like the Ultimate Warrior, or singers like Nightcat - there's no gimmick or plot thread to the Kool-Aid Man that justifies making a comic out of him. You literally have to take huge amounts of creative liberties and build up the storyline, antagonists, and conflict from scratch to make a comic about him work. To wit, you could make a comic based on the Trix Rabbit or Lucky, because their commercials tells a story of them in conflict with the kids over their cereal. Even the Keebler Elves could have a comic made about them, considering the latest commercials have them dealing with disasters with their cookie-making machines that they need to fix. But the Kool-Aid man doesn't even have that; all he does is burst through the wall to give thirsty kids his drink, and even now, he doesn't even do that, the kids having all the Kool-Aid they want at his endless pool parties.
- Like Linkara said, every appearance of Mechakara has something to do with who he is or what he's trying to do. Except one: Zero Patrol. What was he trying to do? He said himself that he didn't break the Continuity alarm, so really all he did was stand around and look ominous.
- Red Herring.
- In my opinion, him showing up and commenting that Linkara had one less electronic device to order around was probably meant to hint at his "machines rebelling against humanity" back-story.
- I decided that it was referencing his secret identity as Pollo.
- An Alchemy Machine that turns Dog poop into gold will not pay for itself. It would destabilize the economy by devaluing gold. Even worse than stealing ancient golden artifacts like Goldfinger wanted to do in James Bond Jr since in that case there would still be a limited amount of gold in the world whereas the machine could create a theoretically limitless supply of gold.
- When he said the alchemy machine could pay for itself, he didn't mean using it to make more gold, he meant using it make almost anything into anything else. (i.e. turning nuclear waste into rechargeable batteries, that way, you wouldn't need to shoot the nuclear waste into space.)
- Except Alchemy despite what popular anime may tell you was about turning stuff into gold. So to be an Alchemy Machine all it should be able to do is turn stuff into gold. Either that or it is badly named.
- Except that no, even Wikipedia can tell you that "alchemy" was also about turning stuff into silver, creating an "elixir of life" or a "panacea" (whatever it is), and plenty of other things which are not as well documented (probably because if you can make yourself immortal and rich, why would you care about anything else?).
- -> What "Alchemy" means in terms of the machine doesn't matter. It can turn teenage idiots into superheroes, so it does more than turn stuff into gold.
- And just to clarify this, turning stuff into gold was more like a "holy grail" of alchemy, not one of its main uses, as such, alchemy is not exclusive to turning things into gold, but simply the most obvious conclusion to its use.
- When he said the alchemy machine could pay for itself, he didn't mean using it to make more gold, he meant using it make almost anything into anything else. (i.e. turning nuclear waste into rechargeable batteries, that way, you wouldn't need to shoot the nuclear waste into space.)
- But it's clone!Spoony who's doing the Let's Play of SWAT 4, not Black Lantern Spoony / Spoony the White.
- Clone Spoony and Original Spoony basically think the same way. If Original Spoony ever played the game before he died then he'd go berserk at the same things. Hell, maybe he was playing it as a Black Lantern while waiting for stuff to do.
- Also, am I the only one concerned that Black Lantern Spoony is still running around out there. I've read Blackest Night , I know how dangerous those things are.
- Worse than that Blackest Night is a Decompressed Comic that really takes place over a single night. That thing has been running around for months after it's creator and power source for the Black Rings has been defeated.
- Linkara is on Earth-Prime, though, not Earth-0. Maybe we have our own Nekron or an entity of a similar enough nature for the ring to tap into.
- Nope, Adventure Comics had a few issues concerned with Superboy Prime dealing with Black Lanterns (as well as Dan Didio and Geoff Johns) and those Black Lanterns all had to travel from Earth-0 and well if we had our own Blackest Night we'd be screwed due to lack of Lantern Corps and we'd all have been killed by the Black Lanterns now. '
- Ah. In that case, either Insano or Mechakara did something to it that changed it from being powered by an Eldritch Abomination to being powered by SCIENCE!
- Or, our Nekron is a lot more passive, lazy, and laissez-faire than Earth-0's. He'll power a Black Ring that immigrates in like Black Lantern Spoony's (its probably easier to let it tap into him than forcibly block it off, after all), but won't actively make any. Our Nekron might not even be sentient.
- "No active malicious mind behind it, just basic reanimation" thing is later supported by The Spoony Experiment, where Black Lantern Spoony only wants the hearts of other Spoony-based characters out of a desire to be whole again, rather than a desire to destroy and devour all that lives like he would if he was in full-on Blackest Night mode. He was even able to feel Christmas cheer for a bit, something Nekron has never known in his life.
- Clearly Black Lantern Spoony isn't the same as the other Black Lanterns, a normal one would go on a "The Reason You Suck" Speech before trying to kill its target, and is seem as a zombie Spoony rather than just the ring uses a corpse puppet so its using different rules.
- Worse than that Blackest Night is a Decompressed Comic that really takes place over a single night. That thing has been running around for months after it's creator and power source for the Black Rings has been defeated.
- Re: his Dark Knight Strikes Again review, he criticizes Wonder Woman saying "I'm pregnant again" directly after having sex with Superman, saying "How does she know?" But it's possible that she was already pregnant from a previous, er, encounter with Supes and just chose an odd time to let him know. Course, it could've just been Frank Miller being himself...
- It's more about how the sentence comes off. Since they just had sex before she says that, it comes off as her saying she's pregnant from that encounter and not one previously.
- Why did his character freaked out over the existence of a second issue of Sultry Teenage Super Foxes? He mentioned there was a second issue while reviewing the first, and I can understand if it just slipped his mind while writing the script. However, we see the second issue every time the opening credits roll. It can be seen after the lyric, "It could be your turn." Whether it's an error in the show's continuity or Rule of Funny, it still bugs me.
- He's acting, people. Exaggerating a reaction for comic effect. Remember his Amazons Attack review? In part 3, after realizing he's got no choice but to review this thing, he calms down and gives a summary of fan backlash against Amazons Attack, and mentions that the ending played a part in it "but I'll get to that later." When he DOES get to the ending, he acts like he hasn't read it before and has an epic freak out over the revelation that Granny Goodness, a character with no connection to Wonder Woman's mythos, is the main villain behind Amazons Attack. He does this for the sake of comedy. The Nostalgia Critic and Spoony often do similar things. Spoony even mentions it during his Slammies V-Log, talking about how, in his show, when he's reacting to something crazy, weird, or stupid that happened in a movie, we the audience KNOW he's not seeing the film for the first time—he's acting. All this can be excused by the Rule of Funny.
- That's not the second issue, it's the first. Also, there's a difference between knowing a thing exists and actually seeing it with your own eyes.
- Just watched his recent video and I have to ask: Who is Iron Liz?
- Presumably, it's that guy wearing an Iron Maiden T-shirt who appears in Linkara's place at one point.
- Hey, I just found Iron Liz's blog: . Apparently she's going to be in more reviews. Cool.
- That was the girl who said "Who am I?" in the Warrior #2 and #3 review I think? Also, and apparently I should already obviously know this a hundred million miles away, Linkara's girlfriend.
- So, what was Dr. Linksano's goal all this time? In the Warrior #2 and #3 review, he seemed to be trying to make his universe coexist with ours, but what was he trying to do up until then? In all of his appearances until then, he seemed to just be trying to make Linkara feel miserable. How would that have accomplished his goal?
- If Linkara was driven to madness he wouldn't have been able to oppose Linksano. After all, if not for Linkara, he would have conquered all reality in the second Warrior review.
- Maybe I misinterpreted the character, but it always seemed to me that Linksano had some plan that depended on Linkara going insane. But unlike Mechakara, Linksano doesn't seem to have had any good reason to be fixating on Linkara like this. At first, I thought it had something to do with Linkara being Linksano's counterpart in this universe, but now we know that Linksano is really Oscar Schlumper from Earth-982. Furthermore, he ends up trying to take over the world with the Warrior comic without having driven Linkara insane anyway, so...?
- Wouldn't the Warrior comic have driven him insane?
- If Linkara was driven to madness he wouldn't have been able to oppose Linksano. After all, if not for Linkara, he would have conquered all reality in the second Warrior review.
- This is just a tiny thing, but what's Linkara referencing every time he goes "Oh horsehorsehorsehorsehorsehorsehorsehorsehorsehorsehorsehorse prostitutes!"
- Shortpacked
- More specifically...
- Which was itself referencing Frank Miller's affinity for prostitutes in his comic books.
- Not horse, whores. Easy mistake to make (This Troper himself made it) until you hear prostitutes at the end.
- Shortpacked
- Harvey Finevoice mentioning Pokémon. Or to be more precise, Harvey Finevoice referencing the Name Rater from Pokémon. I dunno, it's just... odd. No more odd than the Missingno. gag a few episodes earlier, but how old is Finevoice supposed to be?
- Given that he refers to Linkara as "Kid", one can assume he's at least meant to be a few years older than him. Add to that the fact he was either brought from the past, travels back and forth between the past and present at will or just decides to act like he lives in the past, age with him just gets confusing.
- Maybe he's in Limbo with 90's Kid and 80's Dan. 90's Kid, at least, shows some knowledge of things from outside of his decade.
- He's an alien, isn't he? Human logic does not apply.
- Wait, what? Alien?
- 'Course he's an alien. Think million dollar pipes like those come from a human?
- ...does that make the real Lewis Lovhaug an alien then? He's talented of course, but seriously?
- Reference to . Maybe I shoulda added "Besides, dames really dig a foreigner." or perhaps just open with a link, but whatcha goin ta do.
- Okay...sorry. Don't think that's technically canon considering it's a jokey alternate endings thing and the credits uses the qualifier "alien" in front of Harvey's name, but what can you do?
- Given that he refers to Linkara as "Kid", one can assume he's at least meant to be a few years older than him. Add to that the fact he was either brought from the past, travels back and forth between the past and present at will or just decides to act like he lives in the past, age with him just gets confusing.
- I can't remember the exact review, but it was the one where Linkara went on vacation and returned a few months later stating that "they caught up with [him] in Molossia". This aired midway through Kickassia's airing which really wraps my head around the whole timeline thing.
- I'm not sure, but I think that it was meant to be canonically 'over' by the time it started airing, and that it was kinda showing you what had already happened rather than day-by-day. If that makes sense.
- The fact that they caught him in Molossia this time was pure coincidence with no connection to anything else going on (in-universe of course), since he was clearly in his home at the start of Kickassia.
- Not quite. At the end of that episode (Lunat!k #1) there's a card that says "What was Linkara doing in Molossia? Watch "Kickassia" to find out!" IIRC Linkara's vacation was supposed to be three months, and Kickassia takes place over the course of a week (I think). He was at home at the start of Kickassia because his vacation wasn't a huge, around the world trip, it was just a quiet period at home without having to read stupid comics.
- The fact that he didn't use the full morphing sequence in the Ewoks #9 review. I love the "Internet Reviewer!" bit, why didn't he keep it?
- Time?
- If I remember correctly in Power Rangers after the first morphing sequence it cuts to them saying what they are then showing them morphed. I assume Linkara did the same thing
- Uh, yeah, he did that in the Power Rangers review, but not in the Ewoks review for some reason. That's the JBM.
- Power Rangers sometimes skipped the sequence and got straight into action. Linkara probably did it as a subtle homage.
- Why did Linkara refuse to review the Archie vs the Punisher comic on the grounds that it doesn't suck, he specifically review that X-Men comic that didn't suck? The Archie one was much goofier and would have made a better episode.
- X-Men #1 was the best selling comic of all time, and people were donating more than one copy at once to try and get him to review it. There was only one way to stop the madness.
- Also it was "Secret Origins Month", so he was going to do the first issues of major characters first appearances, like Batman in Detective Comics #27 and Supes in Action Comics #1.
- Wrong X-Men comic. This was months before the The X-Men #1 review in Secret Origins month. The original poster's talking about X-Men #1, which was released in the 1990s. Here.
- When did anyone ever doubt that Linkara is a man?
- When you compare his voice to Iron Liz.
- Her voice is not THAT mannish, is it?
- I meant when did anyone doubt that he's a man, thus his creation of the phrase "I am a man! *punch* ".
- You obviously haven't watched the show. He just thought it sounded funny and ridiculous. To quote:
- When you compare his voice to Iron Liz.
When debating, solve your disagreements not with words, but by screaming I AM A MAN!!!, and punching them in the gut.
- Where in the hell does that say anything about doubting him being a man? He does go on to say that you still have to say that even as a woman, but that's neither here or there.
- Nobody ever doubted he was a man, he doesn't say I AM A MAN because someone didn't think he was he said it because of the above line.
- Jesus christ guys, it's a joke.
- Linkara's catchphrase or the entry? Because the person at point 4 got the origins of the catchphrase utterly wrong.
- "I am a man!" comes from his review of Superman At Earth's End (which also started the more minor "Of course, don't you know anything about science?" Running Gag). The comic features this unintentionally hilarious panel, which Linkara has repeatedly mocked ever since.
- In the Brute Force review, why does he continue to use an overdramatic man's voice when reading off the lines of a female reporter? I kept expecting him to make a joke explaining that, like the way he did with the drunken robot in Ultimates 3, but he doesn't.
- "Every reporter, regardless of gender, I give my Tom Brokaw voice." This is Linkara's answer to that question from his twitter.
- Why isn't Bloodgun a real comic yet?
- Because the 90s ended.
- Why does he keep pronouncing "room" as "ruum". Granted I don't know my regional dialects expertly, but I don't think that's a natural Minnesotan way to pronounce it.
- Again, it's his thing.
- It's a Midwestern thing; notice that he also says "roof" as "ruff."
- Agreed. As a Michigander, it took this troper a good 30 seconds to figure out what was weird about Linkara's pronunciation.
- He has a magic gun. Where'd he purchase that?
- That's actually an even more legitimate question in light of recent developments. Having Power Rangers and Star Trek tech is one thing, but the gun is a superweapon intended for use on a god. In that light, seeing exactly how he ended up with it would be pretty awesome. So long as he didn't get it off eBay.
- He said on a podcast that he purchased the gun from a Renaissance Festival.
- The physical prop yes, but we're talking how he got it in story.
- That's actually an even more legitimate question in light of recent developments. Having Power Rangers and Star Trek tech is one thing, but the gun is a superweapon intended for use on a god. In that light, seeing exactly how he ended up with it would be pretty awesome. So long as he didn't get it off eBay.
- Coins, robots—hey, what's that on his arm?
- The minigun, a variation on the Arm Cannon.
- Kinda a small one (never played Silent hill before), but in the Silent hill: Dead/Alive reviews, he talks about a little girl who was sacrificed by a cult. It doesn't have much to do with the comic, and the way Linkara tells the story is pretty creepy, but was that from the game or did he make it up?
- Initially I thought it was Christabella. What exactly was her fate again?
- If my memory's correct, wasn't she molested and killed?
- No, it's not from the games. It's the backstory of his magic gun.
- Initially I thought it was Christabella. What exactly was her fate again?
- I don't know if this is really a Headscratcher, but I can't find an answer to this anywhere. Does Linkara ever explain why he's called Linkara?
- I think it was from a character in a book he wrote. Don't count me on this.
- Apparently Linkara wrote books from the ages of 13 to 19. Linkara was his pen name.
- Well, it's still used as a kind of pen name as of 2010. Does anyone know what the name means?
- Absolutely nothing; according to his Origins video he's a fan of the name Link and just slapped "-ara" on the end of it.
- What was that thing he was scanning at the beginning and during The Stinger of the X-Men Origin story?
- A sonic screwdriver, from Doctor Who, a (principally) magical door-unlocking and machine breaking/fixing device. The first one belongs to the Ninth, Tenth and (briefly) Eleventh Doctors (Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant and Matt Smith), while the one in the Stinger belongs to the Eleventh (Smith) for most of his run.
- Yes, but the OP was asking what he was using the screwdriver on. The gold thingy.
- It was one of the two parts to a zeonizer.
- Yes, but the OP was asking what he was using the screwdriver on. The gold thingy.
- A sonic screwdriver, from Doctor Who, a (principally) magical door-unlocking and machine breaking/fixing device. The first one belongs to the Ninth, Tenth and (briefly) Eleventh Doctors (Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant and Matt Smith), while the one in the Stinger belongs to the Eleventh (Smith) for most of his run.
- So in Linkara's Cry For Justice video he makes a point at the begining about how/way the cover could be used as a joke for "Gay for Justice". Whut. Sorry, but honestly... What's the joke. Was there a joke? Did I miss it? Help? Please... P_P
- If you look at the title it can look like it says gay for justice rather than cry for justice.
- OH!!! I get it now! I was looking at the part where it actually said "Justice League". Fail. >_<
- If you look at the title it can look like it says gay for justice rather than cry for justice.
- So what's the problem with suggesting Huntress, Lady Blackhawk, and Hal Jordan had a drunken threesome? Badass characters are allowed to have sexytimes, too. I don't know, this is probably just a case of YMMV on my part, but the fact that it seemed to bother him so much (and the fact that he singled out the Birds of Prey characters when he mentioned it) just...well, bugged me.
- When asked about this on Twitter Linkara said "Threesomes in themselves aren't bad. It reduces two ass-kicking heroines, though, into drunken conquests of Hal Jordan."
- Aha. See, that makes much more sense. Complaint retracted.
- Wait, why? Because women who enjoy threesomes and one night stands are instantly "conquests"?
- It was the way it was being discussed, I think.
- Plus, if a person's intoxicated enough, it's rape even if they say 'yes.'
- Well, Hal was also drunk, wasn't he raped as well? Yeah I know...
- ...what?
- I mean, when drunken consent of Lady Blackhawk and is invalid then how can be Green Arrow's consent valid when he was also drunk?
- So drunken sex is now automatically rape? In what universe does that make any sense?
- This universe, apparently, since laws state that sex when drunk is considered rape.
- Depends on the degree of intoxication- generally, as long as the individual is capable of understanding what's going on around them, and is consenting to intercourse knowingly, then it's not rape, even if alcohol has impaired their judgement somewhat. If however, they are so intoxicated that they've no idea where they are or what's happening (and are thus unable to consent knowingly to intercourse for example, by being so drunk as to be unconscious) then it's rape. Granted, the cut-off point between drunken, but valid consent and the taking advantage of a person incapacitated by drink may be indistinct. Generally, if they are able to say yes (or give some other indication of consent, verbal or otherwise) then it's usually held not to be rape. Note though that I'm citing UK (specifically Scottish) law on the matter, so if anyone wants to correct me on the equivalent US law, feel free.
- I think his problem with it wasn't that it was "rape" or anything - just that the way Oliver was asking about it, it basically made it sound like he was patting Hal on the back for his vagina scoreboard, which is what reduced the women to "conquests". It wasn't the scene in and of itself, it was the tone.
- I'm not too familiar with Green Arrow, but from what I've seen of his characterization...isn't that just the way he would say it?
- I'm not terribly familiar with him either, but from what I know yes. But in character or not, that seems like the kind of thing that would bug Lewis. Of course, if it is in character, then it's not entirely Robinson's fault, but Lewis was probably just nitpicking because he was still mad, justifiably so in my opinion, over the death of Lian Harper. For what it's worth, Gail Simone's thoughts on the subject can be found here.
- Some more Word of God from his blog here (in the comments)
- When asked about this on Twitter Linkara said "Threesomes in themselves aren't bad. It reduces two ass-kicking heroines, though, into drunken conquests of Hal Jordan."
I got pissed off because two characters discussed something that had broader implications to other characters that had nothing to do with the story just so they can raise this image of Hal Jordan as sexually virile in the hero community for no reason whatsoever.
- Is it just me, or did Judas Liz come completely out of nowhere? There's no reason why Liz has an evil twin, or any explanation for why she's showing up now, or why her face is constantly obscured—seriously, her name is Judas Liz and Linkara has access to one female actress. Even if the name didn't imply exactly what she should look like we'd know it in advance. The whole character seemed *ding!* completely pointless.
- She's not an evil twin, she's a Liz from an alternate dimension, and presumably she'll show up again later, Linkara's already said Liz has worked out Judas' backstory with Iron that will come into play on her reviews.
- There were also hints about Judas Liz coming in some of Iron Liz's vids. And as to the weird framing Linkara admitted they were a bit awkward and came from some confusion between him and Liz on how they were going to do the reveal of her.
- That bothered me too. Especially by the fact that his biggest pet peeve are tie-in comics that require you to read to fully understand them, yet you have to watch Iron Liz's videos to get the full story on this one. I think with all the time he spent working on his storyline, he shouldn't assume everyone is going to watch every review or the videos of guests who come to the show.
- Keep in mind, with all the stuff Lewis is doing behind the scenes, it's most likely he would forget to fill in that little plothole.
- His problem with tie ins having plot points is when they have major plot points that are critical to the story, not when they have plot points, period. Judas Liz is a pretty minor plot point.
- I don't watch Liz's videos, so I saw none of the foreshadowing to the Judas Liz reveal. I'm not too fussed about that, however, as I had no idea that Judas Liz was foreshadowed, when I saw the Power Rangers Zeo review, I got the impression she was a Giant Space Flea From Nowhere who only existed so that Liz wouldn't be involved in the Mechakara fight. It also doesn't help that it kinda shows inadvertantedly that Liz is rather superfluous to AT4W, as they othewise wouldn't need to introduce Judas Liz, seemingly just to keep Iron Liz out of the Mechakara.
- Linkara transforms with the Magic Coin? How does that work? Is it a Power Coin?
- No, its a magic coin that just happens to fit in a classic Power Morpher and have enough energy in it. Morphers are pretty generous about power sources that way- if it fits and meets the power requirements, it'll provide energy for a morph.
- I think it's a Call Back to his US-1 review.
- The magic coin is from Gozilla vs. Barkley, which made Charles Barkley the size of Godzilla. I think he fought Neutro with the same coin the first time around.
- I am aware of what it is, but I always figured that Linkara used his own Power Coin. Well, at least he's trying to rationalize all of his arsenal and not pulling things from his ass. He explained his Star Trek tech, his Power Rangers weapons, and now his Power Morpher. Now to just explain his Sonic. And Pollo. And Tom Servo. ...And how he got to Arizona to steal Neutro.
- The way I figure, he's been using the Charles Barkley coin as his Power Coin this whole time. The last one is explainable by the fact that he has Star Trek transporters, so travel isn't really an issue for him.
- Well, that makes sense, and I do suppose that everyone has Sonic Screwdrivers so maybe someone has a dealer. But still, that leads me too this question...
- Speaking of which, how did Linkara (not Lewis, I know that) get two robots? First of all, how did a comic critic build a robot out of cardboard with a hoverskirt? I know he didn't build Servo but thats not the question: how did Linkara get ahold of Tom Servo?
- It's magic, he doesn't have to explain it. I can't think of a reason for how he got Pollo, but aside from one scene in a "Previously On", which already has so many crazy moments that its best to file it under discontinuity, Tom Servo never spoke, and only moved, much like how Pollo does. For all we know, it's just a Pollo-like robot with a Tom Servo shell.
- Zeo Rangers #1: Why is Linkara barefooted during the fight with Mechakara?
- He got ambushed in his own house? Doesn't seem like too much of a stretch that he'd walk around his house with no shoes. (Alternately, Linkara responded to this on Twitter.)
- I think the better question is: Was Liz barefoot? :P
- He got ambushed in his own house? Doesn't seem like too much of a stretch that he'd walk around his house with no shoes. (Alternately, Linkara responded to this on Twitter.)
- In Linkara's Superman: Distant Fires review, he says that launching every nuke in the world at a single spot would just move it an inch out of orbit. Just to clarify, wouldn't moving the Earth out of orbit, even by a inch, mean that it would eventually drift into space or fall into the sun, or is that just TV science?
- TV science. I think the Earth wobbled a couple of inches during the earthquake that caused the 2004 tsunami.
- Well, what was the verdict of the scientists on that?
- Even if the Earth did move that really shouldn't be enough to noticeably change anything. A planet's orbit is never perfect.
- To give you some idea of how insignificant an inch is, mount everest is about 348000 inches high yet if the earth was the size of a snooker ball it would be just as smooth.
- TV science. I think the Earth wobbled a couple of inches during the earthquake that caused the 2004 tsunami.
- Linkara makes a big deal about the word "synthesiser" in his Doctor Who Classic review... but it's a real word.
- It is, but in terms of American English pronunciation it makes no sense. Two countries separated by a common language and all that.
- He stated it might be a British thing.
- It is. British English doesn't use the letter "z" as much when "s" is perfectly acceptable.
- Linkara's hard line belief in Thou Shalt Not Kill. I mean, granted, I can agree with him up to a point that when it gets taken to Dark Age Of Comic Books levels without being a black comedy, it can get stupid, but the idea that taking a life is always wrong, and that superheroes should never kill is just ridiculous, and frankly it's insulting to real life heroes such as police officers and soldiers who are, as unfortunate facts of life, occasionally forced to kill someone in the line of duty.
- That's one is always going to be a YMMV. There are plenty of comic book fans and writers who believe that their heroes would never kill and there are plenty of fans and writers who believe that technical pacifism really isn't possible. Linkara just ranges on one side instead of the other.
- It should be noted that there's a major difference between a superhero and a police officer/soldier. Cops and soldiers are agents of the state and are accountable to the people. They're the ones we the people have specifically charged with keeping the peace and defending us from harm. And we place very specific restrictions on their ability to use lethal force. Superheroes are not bound by that same restriction. They aren't accountable to anyone, nor are they bound by any rules beyond their own personal conscience. If superheroes ran around killing people, society would be unable to tolerate them. Sticking to purely non-lethal methods allows the superhero community to maintain the trust of the people.
- Until people start wondering why [insert comically over sympathetic family member here] had to die because someone refused to kill the Joker and he escaped to kill afformentioned comically over sympathetic family member. If people are going to tolerate poorly dressed people running around beating people up at their own discretion, I'd suspect they'd require a certain level of effectiveness and competence from said poorly dressed crime fighters. They're already taking the law into their own hands, they're already playing god.
- Except they're not taking the law into their own hands. They're essentially performing citizen's arrests. Fully within the limits of the law. If civilians want to complain about murderous supervillains never being killed I've got two words for them: capital punishment. If the judicial system applied the death penalty more often to supercriminals there would be a lot less Joker victims out there.
- Until people start wondering why [insert comically over sympathetic family member here] had to die because someone refused to kill the Joker and he escaped to kill afformentioned comically over sympathetic family member. If people are going to tolerate poorly dressed people running around beating people up at their own discretion, I'd suspect they'd require a certain level of effectiveness and competence from said poorly dressed crime fighters. They're already taking the law into their own hands, they're already playing god.
- Why isn't the name "Darkseid" considered a case of Poor literacy is kewl?
- Because it wasn't written that way to be "edgy", like other names that have had this thrown at them.
- Then, why was it written that way?
- What I've seen elsewhere (and I can't find it again to save my life, so I may be paraphrasing incorrectly) is that it was written that way to show his inhumanity. The difference is that it wasn't written with the mindset of "kids will think this looks cool". It had an actual narrative purpose.
- Then, why was it written that way?
- It also probably qualifies for Grandfather Clause. Jack Kirby created the New Gods back in The Seventies, when this sort of thing wasn't common. In The Nineties, it became a fad and seemingly every new "hero" had a name like this. I'm surprised Nineties Kid doesn't spell Bloodgun as "Blüd-Gûnn", though I probably shouldn't give him any ideas.
- Dunno if this helps, but I've heard it was originally meant to be pronounced "dark-SEED" rather than the now accepted "dark-SIDE."
- There's a story floating around that it was always officially "Darkside", but once a fan met Jack Kirby and said "Darkseed"—whilst talking to this fan, Jack Kirby used "Darkseed" as well. If this story is true, then Kirby probably didn't care too much how you said it.
- Dunno if this helps, but I've heard it was originally meant to be pronounced "dark-SEED" rather than the now accepted "dark-SIDE."
- Because it wasn't written that way to be "edgy", like other names that have had this thrown at them.
- Why does Linkara hate Crazy Steve so much? Crazy Steve's pretty badass. I mean, yea, there's the whole, possibly agent of nambla thing, but that's only implied. What's obvious is that Crazy Steve is A) insane, and B), kicked Batman's ass and stole all his stuff.
- Well he DID kind of grope his dead mom. I can't imagine being too fond of a guy like that. Also the murdering. That can't help.
- He just does? Morrally he's scum so maybe Linkara just can't get past that. Or maybe its just shock over how this is supposed to be Batman. Its obvious Batman has a nostalgia factor for Linkara, and from what I've seen he seems (from what I can tell) to lean a bit more towards Bats than Superman so maybe Batman's his favorite superhero in DC. If you take that idea, and add in the nostalgia, seeing this guy would make you quite mad.
- Maybe it's because 'Crazy Steve' casually kills police officers,[1] hits children, leaves these children on their own in dank caves with the intent of making them eat raw rats, threatens the closest thing he has to a father figure for giving the child food and calls himself the 'Goddamn Batman'.
- As The same trope who talked about his hypocrisy in Cry for Justice before, I have noticed another complaint. This to me is most apparent in this review, but also a complaint elsewhere for him. In the review, he hates on Green Arrow for shooting Prometheus, who just killed his grand daughter, mutilated his son, and beat down his wife, and says it's petty. But when Donna Troy starts pummeling Prometheus into the ground, flat out trying to kill him for revenge, it's satisfying? To this troper, he spends too much time talking up female super heroes anyway, but this example pissed me off quite a bit. Also, he says it's wrong for Green Arrow to kill, but he loves the Huntress, who has a MASSIVE body count, and once crippled an innocent cop for trying to stop her. What the hell!?
- ? He said he liked the Birds Of Prey but hasn't talked about any individuals other than BC and Oracle. (Though he made a passing reference to Vixen.)
- My problem is that he's very hypocritical when it comes to female Superheroes. He says that it's wrong for Green Arrow to shoot Prometheus in the head, but thought it was great to have Donna Troy try to literally beat his head in. He says it's wrong to kill, but calls the Huntress a bad ass. She has a massive body count, and crippled an innocent police man when he was inconvenient to her. I know he's a feminist, and I support him, but man, does he like to remind us.
- The Huntress used to to do that, and an important part of Birds of Prey, a faviorite of his, is that she has to earn Oracle and Black Canary's trust and stop killing people. She's still violent but she attoned for all that murder. And as for prometheus while the Donna thing is a bit of a double standard, it wasn't because Ollie's a man, it's because Prometus, a guy with powered armor and the ablites of the worlds greatest minds and athletes, got killed by an arrow he could have easily avoided.
- No, he called Green Arrow petty, and said that his revenge was a worthless motivation. But he thinks it's awesome to watch her try to kill Prometheus in a blind rage. I just notice he has a massive double standard.
- You do realize the comment about revenge was a reference right? Its a movie quote.
- Doesn't change how he seems to treat the two differently.
- It does, in the same way murder and manslaughter are treated differently. Donna Troy was in the heat of the moment, trying to stop Prometheus, and yeah maybe get some revenge for what had literally just happened. Green Arrow, meanwhile, took the time to think about it, and actually chose to walk right into Prometheus' home and murder him.
- ? He said he liked the Birds Of Prey but hasn't talked about any individuals other than BC and Oracle. (Though he made a passing reference to Vixen.)
- Maybe I'm missing something, but why does he have such a problem accepting that Image Comics has a Shared Universe? Okay, granted referencing Youngblood in every Image book gets incredibly annoying,it only seems to further the whole Shared Universe thing. Seriously, what the hell?
- It's not the idea of a "shared universe" in itself, it's that he considers Youngblood to be so terrible he's flat out stunned that anyone would want to be in a shared universe with it.
- So is Linkara completely ignorant of the sizable portion of the population that considers latex clad women to be fetish fuel? In part one of his ultimatum review he ranted(briefly) about how part of his beef on sexualizing female characters has to do with him thinking "whats the point? they can't show anything anyway"(well, part of that is from ultimatum and part is from an earlier review that escapes me at the moment). Is he truly unaware that some people like things being left to the imagination?
- It's not just about the female characters looking sexy. It's about having them look sexy at the expense of logic and practicality. A skin-tight suit may be sexy, but it's still practical. Linkara's issue is with putting female superheroes in thong string-bikinis and high heels for their uniform, which is the least practical thing a person can wear for crime fighting. Artists and writers put the women in such outfits for the sole purpose of making them look sexy, and in doing so it makes it appear that having her look sexy is the number one priority for the character.
- I'll put this as delicately as possible. Linkara can be rather...irrational about "sexism" in comics. He makes good points from time to time, but he also makes some pretty silly ones. Like when he said in the second ASB&R review that it was "sexist" for Black Canary to be inspired by Batman to become a superhero. If BC had been inspired by a female superhero Linkara would never have called it sexism. Nor would he have called it sexism if a male character in a comic were inspired to become a superhero by Wonder Woman.
- I think you're missing the point here. It is sexist because it's the Black Canary, a strong, female character in the main DC universe whose reasons for getting into superheodom were a lot more complex than "being inspired by a man." If it was a new character he wouldn't have called it sexist, but since it was a well-established character with Frank Miller's typical handling of female characters (*cough* whoreswhoreswhoreswhores) that pushed it into sexist territory. It'd be no different than Wonder Woman being inspired to become a superhero soley due to Superman's example; it'd be taken a strong female superhero and stripping them off their motivations and potraying them as following in a man's footsteps.
- No, I think you're missing the point. It's an entirely different continuity. Frank Miller can make up any origin he wants for her. But because he dared (dared I say!) to write her as being inspired by a man to become a crime fighter, by God that's sexist! Bullshit. If you want to complain that her origin was poorly written, insufficiently nuanced, or has no purpose in a Batman book, fine. But you can't get just throw around the word "sexist" whenever you want. I submit to you again that if Frank Miller had written it so Black Canary had been inspired by a female superhero, no one would have ever called it sexist. But because she was inspired by a man, suddenly it magically becomes sexist? Again, bullshit. There's nothing wrong with a woman being inspired by a man's example and I defy you to prove otherwise.
- The problem is Frank goes well out of his way to tell us it's "a man" and a man alone (not her personal experiences in Gotham, not any specific horror stories of the town, just "a man") that's motivated her to become a crazed vigilante. It's compounded by her lack of baring on any of the plot. All she does is beat a bar full of patrons senseless six months before any of the story takes place and then bangs Batman after he saves her from thugs. Essentially, her entire character is to show that Batman is a sex god that can make hot Irish ninja chicks all sweaty for him by just existing in the same universe as him. Add in the other females of this book like Straw Feminist Wonder Woman and Ms. Fanservice Vicki Vale and it's not really surprising Linkara is calling sexist on this book.
- Her lack of relevance to the plot, Straw Feminist Wonder Woman, and Ms. Fanservice Vicki Vale are completely and entirely irrelevant (and Straw Feminist Wonder Woman isn't even an example of sexism anyway). In the Elseworlds story Frank Miller was hired to write, he decided to change Black Canary's backstory so that she was inspired by a particular male superhero to become a hero herself. This is not remotely sexist. If the roles were reversed and a male character had been inspired by a female superhero, nobody would have called it sexist. You have to do some serious mental gymnastics to conclude that it's automatically sexist for a woman to be inspired to do something by a man's example. I'm not saying ASBAR was perfect, or even good. But if you want to complain about it, make sure your complaints are actually based on fact and logic, not an irrational hatred of Frank Miller and/or irrational attitude about sexism in comics.
- In most continuities, isn't it the case that Superman and Batman are typically the first of the modern superheroes? Pretty much everyone who shows up after that (particularly heroes who operate mostly in America) are at least partially inspired by their example.
- I think you're missing the point here. It is sexist because it's the Black Canary, a strong, female character in the main DC universe whose reasons for getting into superheodom were a lot more complex than "being inspired by a man." If it was a new character he wouldn't have called it sexist, but since it was a well-established character with Frank Miller's typical handling of female characters (*cough* whoreswhoreswhoreswhores) that pushed it into sexist territory. It'd be no different than Wonder Woman being inspired to become a superhero soley due to Superman's example; it'd be taken a strong female superhero and stripping them off their motivations and potraying them as following in a man's footsteps.
- Linkara self-identifies as a feminist and spells out the complexities of that position with welcome care. In spite of this, he also tends to come off as a bit of a prude adverse to discussing anything sexual in comics in terms other than condemnation. His positive example of fictional characters having a sexuality is a page showing Nightwing and Starfire sleeping in bed nude together. Such a mild example: is sleeping together nude the limit to what he thinks characters can do sexually on the page without it passing over into exploitation? Nor does he praise the image on the level of aesthetics, the way he so frequently does praise so many other things about comics art: is depicting the beauty of the human form not an objective comic book artists are allowed to have?
- Oh, please, we're not talking about the "Beauty of the human form" here, we're talking about BOOBIES! ASS! DID I MENTION THE BOOBIES AND ASS?!? That is why he's upset.
- I don't think you read the comment to which you're replying very closely; it's about even Linkara's positive example being praised on the levels other than aesthetics. He has ever right to complain about sexuality in the service of juvenile titillation and exploitation and objectification, but seem unwilling to acknowledge that anything else exists.
- I have to agree. As much as I enjoy AT 4 W, the rants about feminism are getting tiresome. I really don't want to come off as sexist or insensitive, or anything, but...Its actually making me not want to look at his reviews, because I don't want to hear yet another anger filled rant about showing a woman's ass in a comic (rants about other stuff is fine). I'm all for feminism, and I know that there is some horrible, objectifying stuff in comics, but it feels like he's going overboard on the stuff so far, like with the Terminator VS Robocop or with the Frank Miller thing about. Its almost like watching the OTHER animated Titanic movie, with the message just being pounded into your brain. I get it, don't objectify women!
- In his latest review (Kamandi At Earth's End #2), he manages to shoehorn in a rant about "OF COUSE THEY HAVE AN _ASS SHOT_" over two panels, that's right, two panels in an entire comic book... and one of which didn't seem like it was drawn with the intention of being sexy. ("...and the highlighted it in orange so you can see her ass better!" Um, no, it was so the character would stand out in the scene. Her entire body was colored in orange.) And the whole "Sorry you don't match our standards of beauty!" (implying that the other two women weren't rescued because they weren't hot, no, they weren't rescued because it's a shitty comic book with bad writing and the writers forgot) Linkara can funny, but the 'feminism' is grating. Although in the Athena review, the cover with the blatant ass shot gets a partial pass. I have a theory as to why
- This could just be me imagining things and if so I apologize, but does it seem to anyone else that Linkara has a habit of...erm..."borrowing" jokes from other contributors at And I don't mean the times when he borrows signature jokes that are used all the time, like "I was frozen today!" or "Of course!". Those are clearly homages to the other contributors on the main site. What I'm talking about is a few times when he makes one-shot jokes that seem to be borderline ripoffs of other one-shot jokes. Like in his Neutro #1 review where he "borrows" Spoony's "What follows is the awesomest thing you will ever see" joke. Or in his Amazons Attack review when he uses the same joke the Nostalgia Critic used in the Goodburger review where he pulls back and sobs "I need a minute". It doesn't happen often, but when it has happened it's really stuck in my mind and gave me the feeling that Linkara was trying to pass those jokes off as his own.
- It seems like the "OF COURSE!" joke transcends throughout the entire TGWTG site as many other reviewers use it as well, and I don't think saying "I need a minute" after seeing something personally disturbing constitutes a steal-able joke. The Nostalgia Critic didn't make that up, people have been saying that for ages. As for the rest of it, Linkara probably just thought the joke would fit and didn't think the others would mind, which they probably don't. And as Linkara doesn't seem to be doing it much anymore, it doesn't seem like much of a problem.
- It's not just the words, it's the tone and the context also. The Nostalgia Critic may not have come up with the phrase but he DID come up with the specific joke where he stops the review and sobs to himself for a minute after the thing he's reviewing does something particularly disturbing or distressing. The reason it bugs me is because in the past when Linkara has "borrowed" jokes from other TGWTG contributors he's lampshaded it in some way (adding "Apologies to the Nostalgia Critic" for example). In that case the fact that he took someone else's joke is, itself, part of the joke. But those other times I mentioned, he didn't do that. It was...I don't know...jarring I guess. I don't think he meant to steal it, I just meant that that's the impression it gave me.
- It's just him making a reference to their jokes, not stealing them. Most people who watch his reviews do watch the other reviewers, so when he makes that joke it serves as a Shout-Out to the other reviewer(s), just like the "OF COURSE" gag.
- Why does Linkara always yell at the continuity alarm? The poor thing's just doing its job.
- Haven't you ever yelled at your computer? Same thing, really.
- Linkara's flip flopping on his stance of Characterization Marches On. It may just be because he (apparently) reads more DC than Marvel comics that he's more familiar with it, but it annoys me that he'll rant about people messing up evolving characterization for DC characters, but complains about it with Marvel characters. Specifically I'm talking about him complaining about the Thing's portrayal in the Brain Drain comic(which was admittedly, a very stupid comic), where he ranted briefly about Ben Grimm not angsting over being The Thing. Ben has been at peace with being the Thing for decades now; he's long since gotten over that angst.
- I think his complaint was more that he acted like being The Thing was universally positive to the change which he never was.
- I am the only one that finds weird that in the episode of "Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #5" at the end where Linkara finds the book about the girl that became a the magic gun to be responsible to bringing The Entity? I mean, at the very end where you can hear The Entity doing his noise like he was "summoned" or "escaped" or "lured to this world". Wasnt Vyce supposed to prevent it to come to this reality to begin with? and if so, WHY would he let mechakara to use this strategy of making Linkara insane to comit suicide if that involves making a link to this dimencion/Universe for The Entity to get here? He should have told mechakara or AT LEAST be fully aware of his operation because even if they succeded they will have to abandon this universe ASAP or fight The Entity
- While the book is definitely connected to the Entity somehow, saying that the book is what summoned it is inaccurate - the Entity was already there. You can first hear it after Linkara and Munro defeat the Vorsoth in the review for the "Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force" comic, before the events of the "Dead/Alive" storyline. At the end of the review, Vyce mentions that he sent the Vorsoth because he doesn't want to attack Linkara directly, because he doesn't want to alert the Entity to his presense just yet. The whole reason Vyce came to this universe in the first place was because he chased the Entity here. I think the reason the Entity made that sound after the Delorem was destroyed was the same reason it made that sound when the Vorsoth was destroyed - because both times, Vyce's plans had been foiled.
- Ok, so the Entity was there before the Dead/alive review.........Then why did it take so long to find Vyce or Linkara? In fact, you said that the Entity was laughing because Vyce plans were foiled, so if it is aware of Vyce existence then why doesnt kill Vyce right away if he is the only one trying to stop him? Linkara was too busy doing reviews to know of the danger. You could say that Vyce who knows the Entity got technology to avoid being detected by it but it kinda fells weird that the Entity just stands there and laught for every time Vyce screws up (and if it was there all along why dont he just eat Linkara)
- Well now that you mention it, it DOES seem a little strange, but remember that we still really don't know anything about the Entity, or what it is, or what its motives are. Hopefully, once we learn those things, the Entity's actions will make more sense.
- The Entity doesn't kill Vyce because Vyce has a Fate Worse Than Death. Therefore It doesn't see him as a threat anymore. He doesn't kill Linkara because like many of the great villains in both TGWTG or media in general; like to screw with the hero's mind and emotions to render him unstable and vulnerable. It erases many of the people that would help Linkara defeat it or offer Linkara words of encouragement. Worse of all judging by the laughing, it doesn't just do it for intelligent reason, but it flat out enjoys doing it.
- That is a contradiction, Vyce has a fate worse than death? say who? by the way Linkara build up Vyce and let him alive in a place he can RETURN to i did say that Vyce and Linkara will team up. After all Vyce is very alive and still knows more about the Entity than anyone (and probably more than the book that Vyce didnt even consider even to take a look after he let mechakara do his plan in the Silent hill review) and THAT makes him a treat that the Entity should kill ASAP along with the book. Also if this Entity has intelligence to do stuff for the evulz and even reach the logic to know what to "Remove" from the board rather than mindless destruction in its path as you said, then it makes the fact that he didnt even EAT linkara when he had the chance even less sense.
- Ok, so the Entity was there before the Dead/alive review.........Then why did it take so long to find Vyce or Linkara? In fact, you said that the Entity was laughing because Vyce plans were foiled, so if it is aware of Vyce existence then why doesnt kill Vyce right away if he is the only one trying to stop him? Linkara was too busy doing reviews to know of the danger. You could say that Vyce who knows the Entity got technology to avoid being detected by it but it kinda fells weird that the Entity just stands there and laught for every time Vyce screws up (and if it was there all along why dont he just eat Linkara)
- While the book is definitely connected to the Entity somehow, saying that the book is what summoned it is inaccurate - the Entity was already there. You can first hear it after Linkara and Munro defeat the Vorsoth in the review for the "Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force" comic, before the events of the "Dead/Alive" storyline. At the end of the review, Vyce mentions that he sent the Vorsoth because he doesn't want to attack Linkara directly, because he doesn't want to alert the Entity to his presense just yet. The whole reason Vyce came to this universe in the first place was because he chased the Entity here. I think the reason the Entity made that sound after the Delorem was destroyed was the same reason it made that sound when the Vorsoth was destroyed - because both times, Vyce's plans had been foiled.
- I'm ok with Linkara not saying "fuck", but then why does he play America: Fuck Yeah! whenever Captain America does something awesome?
- 1) A bleep would probably sound awkward there. 2) He's not saying it himself. 3) Most of the cursing he does use seems to be emphatic in nature, as using that song in this case would be.
- Why don't any of the villains stop and think to themselves, "hey, maybe I should try to shoot him!"? You could get away with it for Dr. Insano and Linksano (because he's insane) and Mechakara (because he wants to torture Linkara), but what about lord Vyce? You could say the laser is his weapon but Linkara can get shot by the laser and be fine. That means that, since a gun would kill him, that a gun is stronger than his laser. So why doesn't lord vyce just go but a gun, teleport in, and shoot him? Or, by extension, since the gun is better than the laser, why didn't Linkara just shoot Lord Vyce? I mean, he has a Tommy gun he could borrow from Harvey so there's no excuse.
- They did try to shoot Vyce. They hit him with everything they had and only managed to knock him unconscious. As for Vyce not just shooting Linkara, maybe he just doesn't carry a gun? Their first encounter, Linkara blocked the laser with the Captain America shield and then got curb-stomped, so maybe Vyce concluded the laser would do the job and didn't come back with extra firepower. Either that, or he was so enraged by Linkara's taunting that he rushed in without arming himself first. In either case, Vyce probably decided that he wasn't worth coming back for until said taunting.
- no actually linkara said bullets wouldnt work and no one tried to use an AK-47 or a pistol or a tommy gun or anything. I would think vyce would have known what a gun was, and that it would kill people.
- More likely is that Linkara would say that Vyce didnt use guns because because of pride that doesnt let it recognize something as primitive as a gun as a CHOICE to deal with this CHOSEN ONE problem and somehow punching Piramid Head trough the heart with HIS FIST isnt barbaric or primitive at all
- Why does Mechakara feel pain? I'm not talking about how he can be destroyed by Neutro that's fine BUT WHY DOES HE RECOIL IN PAIN! When he gets hit by the lasers, he starts shaking his hand around like it got burnt. Why would he be doing that unless he felt pain? And if he did feel pain, why would you build a robot that feels pain??
- To prevent it from allowing gratuitous harm to come to itself during battle? Robots that can't feel will just keep going and eventually be blasted to smithereens. Robots that can feel pain have incentive to retreat, meaning that they can be useful further down the line in battles they might actually win.
- touché
- actually the robot can just be informed in a little screen in his eyes or a voice built in his system to be informed that the impact or the next one CAN be lethal for the system to function at 100% efficiency. I dont say that a robot CANT recoil if he gets hit by something strong like being punched really hard, that is ok, but recoil because he was programed (or in this case DECIDED ITSELF) that feeling pain to make him recognize the treat at hand its as useless as programing a mob to have a status effect for himself to take longer to recover from a hit in a video game for a gamer to abuse this to make him stunlock.
- Yes, but the program can't possibly know exactly how hard the next impact will be or whether or not it is, in fact, fatal. And besides, the robots have free will and could easily ignore the voice if they feel it's worth the risk. Compare the effectiveness of telling the hero in a movie "You can't go, you'll die" to the hero, say, having his arm hacked off, tell me which one is more likely to make him back down. (Do not use the Black Knight as an example.)
- So in a world where the computer can calculate the trajectory of a missile so it can use another missile to intercept it to avoid major damage, why cant do the robots do the same to avoid proyectiles or at least know where that weapon that is pointed at them will shoot? Also it seems out of character for a cold and calculated villain to let himself at risk to begin with instead of opting for hiding behind the couch where linkara do his reviews and snap his neck or use teleport spam tech to stab him several times and run away? or how about go all or nothing and taking him with Linkara but making sure that if his body is destroyed at least have a backup body to be active once the main objetive is done after all he can be rebuild but the squishy human not. Or how about bringing more robots from his dimencion to use agains linkara or at least use THEM to rebuild him if he fails?
- They can't rely on that working, and dodging all projectiles in the middle of a fight is more difficult than getting one stationary missle launcher to take out missiles. Not to mention they're being fired upon by people, who might change their aim at the last second to make their shots less predictable. Also, Mechakara not just killing Linkara was elaborated upon—Mechakara killed the Linkara of his universe too quickly last time, and wanted to watch this one suffer, mentally as well as physically. As for why no extra bodies or backup, we don't know if the robots had the technology to send so many people across demensions. Mechakara alone might've been the best they could do with what they had.
- Not buying that excuse of not killing him. All that preparation and build up was for nothing because all Mechakara has to do is to ENSURE the victory over Linkara REGARDLESS if he breaks him down and makes him suffer or not. He had to make an environment where he can kill him when he gets bored or when something goes wrong. Kinda like walling up a house in the Sims, you make sure that he is at your mercy and the resources to chose whatever horrible destiny you want too (set the house on fire or make them swim in a pool until they die) Someone like Mechakara WOULDN'T risk doing something unless he made the conditions to ensure that he won already but if that doesn't seem possible to you then how about this? in the moment that Mechakara presented itself with Linkara he could have said that he can teleport anywhere on Earth in a instant and because its a robot he only needs to wait for Linkara to sleep or be distracted with a review and then stab him once, teleport away (Hit and Run tactics) and let him bleed to death or snap his neck. With that said he now has scared Linkara enough to be paranoid and he can spend time killing his friends, 90's Kid is almost always playing with the Sega Genesis so is attention is in the TV and wont be able to hear him, Harvey mostly is training with his voice and wont hear him coming too, Iron Liz wasnt present until munch later in the series so i wont count her but then again Mech could just ,you know, act like him to treat Liz like crap so she would leave him (unless robot duplicates are a common theme in HER videos then i dont think she would ever suspect). That is just an example but no, he has to do what he did in that video or the show would be over. Also "we don't know if the robots had the technology to send so many people across dimensions. Mechakara alone might've been the best they could do with what they had" The portal to the multiverse WASNT opened by them but by Dr Insano with the Warrior Comics ,so no, they dont have technology to send 1 or more people across dimensions but they still could send some1 better than Mechakara that ISNT programed to react with pain or emotions that interfered with the programming of (you know) get rid of the humans. They could have send a robot with a more simple programing like 1) Search for posible treats for future invasion 2) Exterminate them in the most stealthy and efficient way possible until reinforces arrive 3) repeat 1. Or you know, they could have send an atomic bomb from the other side to this one or a small bomb after all the portal was in that hotel room where all the alternate universe people (cameos) took place so you kill more than one enemy that way
- "Not buying that?" Mechakara said, in the video, that he didn't just kill Linkara so he could make him suffer. His goal was only to retrieve the magic gun, getting to torment Linkara was just a bonus. It wouldn't benefit his cause at all. Could they have sent a better agent? Definately. But Mechakara, being Pollo, would know Linkara better than anyone and have an idea of where the gun might be, so that might be why they sent him.
- Yes i know that he wanted to make him suffer, didnt you read it? i said that if he wanted to make him suffer and WIN he should make the escenario failure proof long before engaging him. Let me put it in this way: You have a bird that you hate and you capture it and place it in a cage. From there you can scream at it, toss the cage around, open the bird cage and break his wings, etc. The bird will probably attack your hand but in the end if the little door is occupied by your hand it wont escape (unless you broke his beak too) It will still be trapped anyway and you will play with it until you are done. Its a Win-Win situation but Mech didnt do it because.....................because. Remember when Mechakara killed the resurrected spoony and made him Black Lantern Spoony (again)? that scene took like 6 or 7 seconds. Spoony leaves the room where linkara and he were reviewing some games, gets punched in the face, he tries to recognize the attacker from the ground and gets his neck broken with one hand. Why he didnt kill the others?? that makes people suffer you know? especially someone with friends like linkara, but Mech who has been around long enough with the other Linkara of the alternate dimencion seems to have forgotten that and got his ass handed by even this universe Pollo. The only reason of why all this happened is because Linkara already tough of the other villains inspired by series or games he saw in his youth and if he made Mechakara any stronger there wont be any series or spotlight for the others
- Yes, but the program can't possibly know exactly how hard the next impact will be or whether or not it is, in fact, fatal. And besides, the robots have free will and could easily ignore the voice if they feel it's worth the risk. Compare the effectiveness of telling the hero in a movie "You can't go, you'll die" to the hero, say, having his arm hacked off, tell me which one is more likely to make him back down. (Do not use the Black Knight as an example.)
- actually the robot can just be informed in a little screen in his eyes or a voice built in his system to be informed that the impact or the next one CAN be lethal for the system to function at 100% efficiency. I dont say that a robot CANT recoil if he gets hit by something strong like being punched really hard, that is ok, but recoil because he was programed (or in this case DECIDED ITSELF) that feeling pain to make him recognize the treat at hand its as useless as programing a mob to have a status effect for himself to take longer to recover from a hit in a video game for a gamer to abuse this to make him stunlock.
- Why doesn't Linkara, with his ability to teleport, spaceship, and all his healing items like the dermal regenerator, help the world itself? I bet you if he tried, he could get rid of all the dictators of the world, and cure world hunger in the same day, easily.
- Because, like Lewis said, he's a good guy at heart but still an asshole. He's one of those people who crave power but defend themselves by saying it's for everyone else's own good.
- so what you're telling me is that Lewis will not help make the world a better place? Yeah that doesn't seem like Linkara.
- how about giving that information to the entire world ASAP so the Entity doesnt take more people and corner it and proceed to analize some more to know how to kill it? you could say that no one would believe him and may be true if only Linkara could just let his technology be accesible to the world (at least the ones that are needed to track supernatural and such)
- In the case of tech and magic taken from shows, etc. I amuse myself by assuming that copyright laws prevent it. Still doesn't explain not sharing the other stuff. Maybe Linkara's crossover(lord?) arsenal hints that he has Genius-like powers? If so, perhaps his stuff wouldn't work for others?
- There's a simple reason he won't share his technology and change the world: Reed Richards Is Useless
- The Stinger for The Twilight Zone #9 - Literally in the same minute Linkara tells Pollo, Liz & 90s Kid that people are vanishing when they are alone (And citing Linksano, Harvey Finevoice & Ninja Style Dancer as examples), Linkara sends Pollo off on his own. Is it just me, or does it just seem incredibly stupid that Linkara wouldn't have someone go with Pollo, especially since it had just been established that the Entity wouldn't strike if there was more than person there?
- you mean like the time that Linkara was alone in the Silent Hill review and the Entity DIDNT eat him because...........because? or maybe Pollo isnt a person in the eyes of LINKARA??
- Actually, that's easy to justify - The Entity wasn't active & abducting people at that time, and if it was, Lord Vyce was targetting Linkara at that time. Attempting to abduct Linkara then would simply reveal the Entity's location to Vyce. Remember, Vyce's goal was to stop the Entity.
- And since when Vyce has that kind of power? because until now i thought that the only thing he could do is conquer each universe and build him up in reputation that the Entity would fear him, but in case he COULD actually stop it then the Entity should not have been laughing most of the time that it is on screen because if Linkara knew about this danger and was at least able to inform during a dialogue with Vyce that it was already there or if Vyce had pay any attention at all then he should have know by then that the Entity was after Linkara or at least WILL be there any time soon, so all it has to do is wait for it and finish it with the help of linkara or let linkara fight it and weaken it and then teleport in to finish the job of both of them and take the credit if he so pleases (but this only can be true if Vyce had power all along to do that to begin with)
- You've missed the point - If the Entity had gone after Linkara prior to Vyce's defeat, it would have found itself in an Enemy Mine situation with Linkara & Lord Vyce teaming up. On top of that, it was implied that Vyce was chasing the Entity from universe to universe, which wouldn't have happened if he wasn't a threat to it.
- From his twitter:
- you mean like the time that Linkara was alone in the Silent Hill review and the Entity DIDNT eat him because...........because? or maybe Pollo isnt a person in the eyes of LINKARA??
Nooo, I said we CAN'T stay together all the time and he was within twenty feet of us, so I figured he'd be fine.
- Except at that specific moment in time, someone could have gone with Pollo - Keep in mind, he'd just cited the abduction of Ninja Style Dancer, who the Entity had tried to abduct within several feet of Linkara, and Boffo the Clown was abducted earlier in the episode, despite being in the same room as Linkara.
- ...I don't know either, that was just his (apparently IC) answer.
- My guess is that (possibly subconsiously) he thought that since Pollo is a robot, and the Entity had only been making people disappear, that he'd be fine. I'm not saying that he thinks of him as just a machine, but thought he'd be fine because so far it had only taken human.
- Isn't Linkara alone for a good 20+ minutes most of the time when he's reviewing the comic? Why isn't the Entity grabbing him then and there?
- Because it wants to torment him, and us. It leaves messages so we can warn him, but he can't see them. This increases our tension and fear for what might happen next, which makes it stronger. Once it gathers enough fear and energy, it'll make its move.
- Fear makes it stronger? since when that is true? and what about the people that it has eaten until now? what did they fear so munch that the Entity fells the need to pay a visit to them?
- According to the cult pages that are popping up in the comments of recent reviews, The Entity is only a small sliver of a larger, more dangerous creature that was able to slip through an open lock when it was sealed away in a multidimensional prison. It fed on fear, and the fear it's slivers were able to inflict on people made it stronger. As for the people, I assume everyone would be afraid of it when they saw it. And it didn't care who it stole at first as long as the fear gave it power. When it realized Linkara and his friends were a more legitimate threat to its plans, it targeted them specifically.
- WHAT are you talking about? its fear of him or fear in general? because i am pretty sure that people as fear all the time but from their mundane lifes problems rather than being eaten by a unseen force if it works on fear in general then the whole planet would be empty a long time ago. Since when did the Entity care about who has the book? you said he doesnt as long some1 is shitting is pants but if they didnt then he DOES care about who has the book? why? is a book and he was in the Linkaraverse loooooooooong before that book even appeared and also its a book from a cult that may or may not made up the words because they want to ensure control over the ignorant even if they are ignorant themselves. Take a look a The Call of Cthulhu, the tribes, cults and etc had years worshipping him and pretending that they knew when it will be back but all it took was to a few of sailors to get to Ryleh and BAAM, instant Cthulhu that they had to ram a ship on his face to hold back. In other words the book is no guarantee and you know what i dont even care anymore.
- People, please. A little overlap between Headscratchers and WMG is ok, but let us know that they're theories.
- Turns out it's a kind of thankyou for defeating Vyce.
- According to the cult pages that are popping up in the comments of recent reviews, The Entity is only a small sliver of a larger, more dangerous creature that was able to slip through an open lock when it was sealed away in a multidimensional prison. It fed on fear, and the fear it's slivers were able to inflict on people made it stronger. As for the people, I assume everyone would be afraid of it when they saw it. And it didn't care who it stole at first as long as the fear gave it power. When it realized Linkara and his friends were a more legitimate threat to its plans, it targeted them specifically.
- Fear makes it stronger? since when that is true? and what about the people that it has eaten until now? what did they fear so munch that the Entity fells the need to pay a visit to them?
- Because it wants to torment him, and us. It leaves messages so we can warn him, but he can't see them. This increases our tension and fear for what might happen next, which makes it stronger. Once it gathers enough fear and energy, it'll make its move.
- If the Time Shield thing on Vyce's ship only applies to inside the ship itself - how is he destroying the satellites at that pace? Does he have a method of doing so that doesn't require anything to leave the ship - that doesn't look like them just disappearing, as Linkara can see they're being destroyed when the video's slowed down. (Note: I'm doing an Archive Binge and am only up to about this point in the plot and vaguely avoiding spoilers, so if this is explained later... don't tell me how it's explained, just say it's a spoiler.)
- It's not just inside the ship, the 'time shield' is a bubble around the ship, the satellite pass the edge of the barrier, comes into sync with Vyce's ship's time, and then he shoots it down, which due to the different reference frames, happens so fast that to anyone outside the shield it looks like the satellite just reaches a point in space then goes "poof".
- A small one, and pretty meta, but I'm still curious: The storyline recap is being given by Linkara-Prime, the future Linkara, who is played by Lewis' father. Prime lisps as well, but is that just Lewis' dad putting it on to mimic his son's Verbal Tic, or is Lewis' lisping hereditary?
- And the Silent Hill: The Grinning Man review answered that question. The lisping IS hereditary. Lewis has his under control moreso than his father does.
- But wait, didn't Warrior #4 already happen on AT 4 W?
- No. Warrior 1 through 3 and the Poster Special have been done, not Warrior 4.
- No, I mean, in continuity, didn't it happen between The Ultimate Warrior's Workout and Ultimatum?
- Doesn't mean it's online though. Don't forget the reviews do exist in-universe. Spoony just hasn't uploaded it to the internet yet, it totally happened.
- Yes and no. Remember when Insano told Linkara to come to Chicago because of the problems with Hypertime? Linkara actually returned from Chicago seconds before he left, and it was explained that this was down to the problems with hypertime. Think of it like Spider-Man debuting his black suit in Amazing Spider-Man #252 in May 1984, but the reader being in the dark on where he got the suit until Secret Wars 8 several months later - We know there were problems with hypertime & that Linkara helped fixed them, but we don't know what happened until we've caught up with the corrected timeline in October.
- I know that, I meant Spoony was unveiling warrior 4, when it had already happened it continuity
- No. Warrior 1 through 3 and the Poster Special have been done, not Warrior 4.
- How come Burton is back in the latest AT 4 W but he is gone in spoony's videos?
- Linkara tweeted that the continuity of other shows is different from his own. It's why Spoony and Marzgurl are still able to make videos.
- Did anybody else think that Linkara's reaction toward Lian Harper's death was... really... really silly? And hilarious as a result? I mean, I laughed.
- no, I think you're the only one
- I doubt that.
- Say what you mean. Why would it be silly? Or funny? Give us details and defend your claim, or else it seems like you're trolling.
- Fair enough! Alright. Well, to watch the thing, the guy seems genuinely and completely upset over a little girl dying. But the way he rants, the way his voice goes... it really makes it hard to take seriously. I have no problem with Linkara, just his voice? Little high pitched? Slight lisp? If he gets angry or incredulous, it seems funny. Ridiculous, even. Not sad, not "righteous" or anything like that. Just silly. And what he was actually saying? People use shock tactics and distasteful stunts like that fairly often. It's not a sign of good writing - it's quite bad writing in context, actually - but for him to get that offended over something that's hardly uncommon just further catapulted it into absurdity.
- just because it's hardly uncommon doesn't mean you can't get upset over the shock death of a child.
- No, I said the way in which he did it was Narmy, not the cause of the reaction. What he said and how he said it.
- "but for him to get that offended over something that's hardly uncommon just further catapulted it into absurdity." Right there, you said he shouldn't be so worried about it because it happens a lot
- No offence there, but you really oughta read what I said instead of taking one bit out of context. I said that offended, the "way in which he was offended" still covers what I said.
- I think a certain anonymous poster said it best, "I hope DC brings Lian back and kills her off again. Just to piss him off more." Seriously, he got way too strung out over the death of a fictional character.
- Yeah, I can agree with the sentiment. Linkara seems like a nice enough guy, but Jesus. If he thinks that's bad, he should try reading Millar or Ennis.
- I'm not so sure about Millar (unless you mean Frank Miller, in which case Linkara knows what he's talking about there) but Ennis usually kills a character for a reason, or because it's funny, not for pure shock value for no reason. Lian's death added nothing to the story and that's probably one of the things that made him so mad. Also remember; Character=/=writer.
- no, I think you're the only one
- what happened to Dr. Insano's orbital death ray from Superman vs. the terminator?
- My guess is that he still has it in his basement somewhere. The arrival of Mechakara coupled with all that business with the clone/Black Lantern Spoonys probably distracted him, and he just hasn't really thought about it since.
- In the end of the Amazons attack review, Linkara is teleported into a place to fight with wonder woman. Was this ever followed up on or explained?
- No and no. Not yet at least.
- In the end of Ultimates #3&4, police tape is seen behind NSD. What was the point of that?
- I'm not an expert, but possibly he probbaly went there to evade the entity. Or he went there for clues to see what it was but had to run away fast since it was still there.
- In Warrior 4, did they fix hypertime?
- Yes, they brought it back from apathy mode with their hatred of TNA Impact.
- In Silent Hill: The Grinning Man, if Linkara was a hologram then how did he kill that first Pyramid Head?
- Variable Hard Light. Or the Bat'leth wasn't a hologram.
- Linkara's confirmed that variable Hard Light is the answer. His holograms can switch from solid to not, which is apparently consistent with their Star Trek roots.
- Oh god, where do i begin with the AT 4 W: Spider-Man: Planet of the Symbiotes ending? Aside from the fact that i already talked about of some questionable actions that involves NOT killing Linkara made by the Entity, i at least could pretend that he is a Eldrich Abomination and run with it because he doesnt think in a human way of reasoning. But now that he is revealed to be Missingno pretending to be 90's Kid in disguise its break the atmosphere that he was just a creature that seemed to be mindless and unpredictable and open up more problems. Why did he droped the act when Linkara figured it was him? Linkara reasoned that 90's kid would never say something like a Nirvana reunion that involves digging up Kurt Cobain's body and having zombie chicks play him like a puppet and from there its goes on.................ehm, Link. Did you spend the rest of the 90's playing pokemon too munch that you forgot how fucked up the 90's was? That is something HE IS ABSOLUTELY LIKELY TO SAY. And even if that IS correct, he could try to the very end to be 90's Kid and get shot at and then play dead. This way Linkara would look like an idiot and possibly in a very depressed state and confusion seeing his only friend dead by his own hand and now alone in the world with doubts about his own reasoning skills, you know, the thing that The Entity was going for to begin with???? That would have been magnificently executed in part of The Entity but no. And before you said that 90's Kid has standards like when Superboy Prime killed an pregnant woman and didn't like it, i remind you that in that case makes sense for him be horrified for a chick to get vaporized after all he is supposed to be a selfish little shit from the 90's that only cares about himself and like any kid from that age he would never let a chick that he could bang and pretend to be cool to die and it makes sense as well that he could wish for a Undead Nirvana reunion for him because its a KID!!! kids are selfish, they dont know any better and could have been great seeing linkara reach that conclusion after he shot him and realize that he took it too far and killed and innocent (a innocent moron but still an innocent) only to be part of the The entity plan to destroy him and making suffer even more
- Yes, because Linkara obviously doesn't know the character HE MADE as well as some fan who's just looking for things to complain about during a big reveal. No, no. Linkara was totally wrong about what 90's Kid would and wouldn't say. Right...
- Also, where did you get "90's Kid wants to bone the pregnant chick" from?
- And that he's a "selfish little shit"?
- Plus the fact that no, 90s kid isn't that screwed up to say they should dig up a man.
- To the sarcasm guy, does the rule "Show, dont tell" ring a bell to you? Or the trope "Death Of The Author"??? HE MAY KNOW the character you say, and that is true, he knows him well...............but did he showed enough evidence of this character to the audience to demonstrate that he is enough sane to NEVER say something like he did? to me is a kid from the 90's (played by a much older person but if the body of the actor playing actually is part of the character he would have been called "90's Dude" or "The Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude from the 90's"). The "Selfish little shit" thing is because its a kid........from the 90's. two of the worst trait in the existence of anything combined and you think that ISNT enough??? werent you a kid or at least close to kids in your youth? i remember perfectly that they could say as munch "Fuck" as possible to sound cool and talk all the day about how they make out with some girl and how "real" those boobies they saw in a horror movie and how "The Bride of Chucky" is a SERIOUS movie and bragging of how easy it was to steal all the Coca Cola from the school storage, you know, selfish little shits........from the 90's, the kind of people that are the victims of a slasher film or the audience for a Michael Bay movie. And besides how does it make sense that he loves comics about people being violently beaten up and mooks getting killed like any Rob Liefield 90's comic ever but gets horrified at a pregnant woman getting killed, how does that work? Assuming that most of the mooks are males then they are so expendable that isnt horrifying to see one die?? or its because when he reads or do something its because he wants to be entertained regardless of who is getting shoot???? Of course it is, he wants to be entertained and doesnt care for anyone else nor thinking the implications like the mooks were forced to work for the evil villain and such, so why would come as a surprice that he still wants to be entertained this time by desecrating a corpse and having it play a music concert for him????? Now i could say that i could have missed something in aaaaaaaaall the series so could have told me about a scene that proves that 90's kid is or has munch more deep personality than being a insensitive moron and i could accept that but you instead tried to be pretentious sarcastic fanboy and didnt tell me anything. Enlighten me of a scene that SHOWS it because i still assume that he forgot something along the way and simply tough that he already showed it to us in a recent (maybe) review. Also i love how many of you didnt try argue about The Entity making the mistake of droping the act because aparently defending 90's kid with a simple "NO he isn't" is more important that arguing about the Entity holding the Villain Ball
- Enjoying reading about something and actually doing something is two different things. I read about guys cheating on their girlfriend, but I don't go and do it. And I wasn't being a "pretenious fanboy". You were proven wrong, accept it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go watch AT 4 W and have fun, while you simply hurl insults to fictional characters and fail to use the shift key or punctuation marks.
- To the sarcasm guy, does the rule "Show, dont tell" ring a bell to you? Or the trope "Death Of The Author"??? HE MAY KNOW the character you say, and that is true, he knows him well...............but did he showed enough evidence of this character to the audience to demonstrate that he is enough sane to NEVER say something like he did? to me is a kid from the 90's (played by a much older person but if the body of the actor playing actually is part of the character he would have been called "90's Dude" or "The Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude from the 90's"). The "Selfish little shit" thing is because its a kid........from the 90's. two of the worst trait in the existence of anything combined and you think that ISNT enough??? werent you a kid or at least close to kids in your youth? i remember perfectly that they could say as munch "Fuck" as possible to sound cool and talk all the day about how they make out with some girl and how "real" those boobies they saw in a horror movie and how "The Bride of Chucky" is a SERIOUS movie and bragging of how easy it was to steal all the Coca Cola from the school storage, you know, selfish little shits........from the 90's, the kind of people that are the victims of a slasher film or the audience for a Michael Bay movie. And besides how does it make sense that he loves comics about people being violently beaten up and mooks getting killed like any Rob Liefield 90's comic ever but gets horrified at a pregnant woman getting killed, how does that work? Assuming that most of the mooks are males then they are so expendable that isnt horrifying to see one die?? or its because when he reads or do something its because he wants to be entertained regardless of who is getting shoot???? Of course it is, he wants to be entertained and doesnt care for anyone else nor thinking the implications like the mooks were forced to work for the evil villain and such, so why would come as a surprice that he still wants to be entertained this time by desecrating a corpse and having it play a music concert for him????? Now i could say that i could have missed something in aaaaaaaaall the series so could have told me about a scene that proves that 90's kid is or has munch more deep personality than being a insensitive moron and i could accept that but you instead tried to be pretentious sarcastic fanboy and didnt tell me anything. Enlighten me of a scene that SHOWS it because i still assume that he forgot something along the way and simply tough that he already showed it to us in a recent (maybe) review. Also i love how many of you didnt try argue about The Entity making the mistake of droping the act because aparently defending 90's kid with a simple "NO he isn't" is more important that arguing about the Entity holding the Villain Ball
- Plus the fact that no, 90s kid isn't that screwed up to say they should dig up a man.
- Alternately: 90s Kid wouldn't say it not because it was disgusting, but he is a big enough fan to know the guy was cremated instead.
- Still waiting for the answer and you still are acting like a you control the conversation but you are just evading the question. Unlike you however i did research if there was an answer in a possible resent cameo in other videos and i found the 90's kid cameo over Oanciticen video where Kyle said that "Nirvana is responsible for Nikelback to exist" and seeing him disturbed by it seems like a pretty good indication that he actually respect Nirvana enough to dont have their image tainted by another band. See? that its actually a good character moment for the kid hinting a good natured person that actually cares..................except that it was a cameo, does that mean that plot relevant moments are scattered around other videos? Link, what did you said in the Amazons Attack + Countdown + Ultimates about having key elements to the plot scattered around other comics instead of having them IN the comic that started the plot? These is like when the people complained about Iron Liz not being properly presented to the fans when he appeared out of nowhere in the Vyce saga (not the complains about why she is his girlfriend, those are stupid) Now if you excuse me, i will wait for someone who actually CARES about this development of events and all the possible outcomes that this could have been executed. You may go now
- Gladly.
- At the risk of getting my head bitten off: We didn't need that bit. Yes, it's nice to have, but it wasn't necessary. Back with the "Superboy-Prime-Vaporizes-a-Pregnant-Woman" incident, we saw that, though 90's Kid is pretty messed up, he has standards and isn't a complete psychopath. And as for the Kurt Cobain bit, Linkara is usually just annoyed by him, so when what he said horrified Linkara, it isn't that hard to guess that it wasn't just 90's Kid being 90's Kid. And jeez, you're acting like the Something They Would Never Say piece was Linkara's only evidence. I think you need to calm down.
- You may be right, but it "felt" that the driving force behind it was that thing he said back then and remembered now that is why i cant take off my head that for a moment Linkara might have been too overconfident and rushing too fast into conclusions that might have shoot a innocent by accident and sending him to a worse mental state and even making even worse decisions in despair like going for Vyce for help and could have been great, after all he was kind of a jerk that doesnt want to help the world with the tech he got or even sell that stuff to have money to even buy Marvel comics and kick Joe Quesada ass out to stop ruining anything else. But again, even if he was correct, how do you think that the Entity should have reacted to being cornered? and what is exactly the 90's kid he is using? he killed the original and made a copy? he is possesing 90's kid?? he killed him and using his skin as a cloth? i was under the impresion that he doesnt have a form of his own and needs to use other but then Link said that all the other glitches are also forms of Missingno, so he HAS forms but arent obviously human looking so 90's kid wasnt replaced, it was possesed............And that is terrible
- All right, I guess I can understand your frustration with that. As for Missingno., I have no idea if my interpretation of the events is right, but I think it ate 90's Kid and pulled a Ditto, and while Missingno. here represents all glitch pokemon, it represents them as Missingno., which has no form to call its own. And so what if the plot didn't play out how you would have written it? Linkara's not you. He wrote it the way he liked best, and it just happened to not go the route you would've picked. It's just an internet review show, it's no big deal.
- Still waiting for the answer and you still are acting like a you control the conversation but you are just evading the question. Unlike you however i did research if there was an answer in a possible resent cameo in other videos and i found the 90's kid cameo over Oanciticen video where Kyle said that "Nirvana is responsible for Nikelback to exist" and seeing him disturbed by it seems like a pretty good indication that he actually respect Nirvana enough to dont have their image tainted by another band. See? that its actually a good character moment for the kid hinting a good natured person that actually cares..................except that it was a cameo, does that mean that plot relevant moments are scattered around other videos? Link, what did you said in the Amazons Attack + Countdown + Ultimates about having key elements to the plot scattered around other comics instead of having them IN the comic that started the plot? These is like when the people complained about Iron Liz not being properly presented to the fans when he appeared out of nowhere in the Vyce saga (not the complains about why she is his girlfriend, those are stupid) Now if you excuse me, i will wait for someone who actually CARES about this development of events and all the possible outcomes that this could have been executed. You may go now
- And that he's a "selfish little shit"?
- Wait, is the lost beast from the poem the entity, or not? Missingno came from off the coast where the lost beast came. But then Missingno. can't be the lost beast.
- Some believe the "Lost Beast" refers to Mewtwo.
- Also, the nature of the glitch is such that normally, pokemon from wherever you just flew in from appear along that coast, with Missingno being a rare conditional exception. The "lost beast" may refer to those pokemon from other areas that are out of place.
- Linkara confirmed on his his twitter that the Entity is the Lost Beast. He also admits that it's not the clearest, and that miscommunication is understandable.
- Using a glitch Pokemon as a villain. All the rest of his references and characters are heavily built into pop culture; even if you never saw the shows or played the games Pop Culture Osmosis will guide you. Missingno is obscure even among fans of the games, and has no place in the Pokemon show at all.
- Modern fans: Yes, but they are too young to be watching. Older fans: very much yes. Missingo. was EVERYWHERE back then.
- Older AT 4 W fans who were already above the Pokemon demographic when it became popular, say mid-twenties or older: not a goddamned clue.
- That's probably why he devised the Entity as it's own thing in his show. People unfamiliar with Missingno from the games would at least have heard of it from the joke he made about it earlier. No, you wouldn't be able to guess in advance and you wouldn't get the "Heavy" clue, but you would still be able to enjoy the storyline for what it is.
- Well, since the very next episode explained just what Missingno. was towards the beginning of the review, it shouldn't be too much of a problem, anymore.
- How was "heavy" the clue that made Linkara realize that 90s Kid was the Entity? According to the Fridge Brilliance page its was a slang from the 80s (probably from Back to The Future) apparently something that 90's kid should not know but how does that make sense? didnt they make reruns on cable or get a VHS of the series? what is wrong if a movie that good actually makes it to the 90's slang? Even the "groovy" said by Ash from Evil Dead 2 popularised in the 90's dates back to the 1940s.
- It's actually because Missingno. is the heaviest Pokemon.
- It wasn't a clue, per se. It was more like a trigger that reminded him of all the clues.
- Why does Mechakara hate Linkara so much? He says it's because AU!Linkara treated him "Like a tool". However it's been shown that our Pollo doesn't hate him, even though one would assume AU!Linkara treated him the same as normal Linkara.
- It's sort of left open to speculation, but the idea is that it was different in Mechakaras universe. I mean, there was a machine uprising in that universe, whereas there was none here. So who knows what else could have been different?
- Agreed. Maybe the other universe never had the paranoia that Linkara's does about machine uprisings. Maybe nobody ever considered artificial intelligences legitimate for some reason. Maybe Mechakara's motivation is programmed poorly. There's tons of things you can speculate about this.
- It's sort of left open to speculation, but the idea is that it was different in Mechakaras universe. I mean, there was a machine uprising in that universe, whereas there was none here. So who knows what else could have been different?
- How did Linkara know the girl was sacrificed? the delorem implied it to him, but for all he knew that was fake.
- Okay, this is going into spoiler territory here, but In the Suburban Knights DVD, there's an Alternate Ending which, essentially, was Mechakara finding Malechites hand. Not that I'm not totally hyped by this and all, but it certainly raises a lot of questions. 1. When and how did Mechakara come Back from the Dead? I mean, he was a disembodied metal hand that only twitched a little last we saw ihim. 2. How did he even know about Malechites Hand? It's not as though he was present for the events of Suburban Knights. Yet clearly he knew something, or he wouldn't be laughing maniacally. 3. How did he find it? Taking away the fact that he was, you know, dead, he was in Minnesota! On Linkaras shelf! How did he get to Chicago? If the Hand was even in Chicago, since it disappeared from where the gang were when Malechite did, which raises the question of just where the hell were they anyway. 4. Why has he not done anything yet? I mean, from Lewis' perspective it makes sense, as Linkaras character has had enough problems with the Entity and all that. But from a story perspective... Mechakara essentially just gained ultimate power. He could make all our heads explode just by snapping his fingers, and it's not like there's any moral values of his stopping him. And this was months ago by now! Did the Entity get in his way or something? I guess that'd make sense, but it was never really explained, and since he never knew about the Entity, I don't see why he wouldn't at least try to destroy the world and Linkara and everything.Again, I did find The Stinger really cool, and it's possible some of this stuff could get explained somehow in the future, but right now, it's just confusing as hell to me.
- Doug said in his commentary it was a teaser for year 4, not something to happen on AT 4 W
- All the more reason for it to make sense from their perspective. But it still doesn't explain much away regarding character behaviour, though who knows, perhaps it will.
- And now, thanks to the newest AT 4 W episode, the question of continuity is raised once again...
- Word of God states that it will be explained at the storyline's conclusion in February.
- And the explanation is that it was Vyce, not Mechakara and the two things are indeed completely separate.
- Doug said in his commentary it was a teaser for year 4, not something to happen on AT 4 W
- Let's get this out of the way. The "talking the monster to death" done to The Entity works because it is a glitch and wasn't supposed to be in the game and therefore it DOESN'T have a purpose. However, I do find weird that the Entity didn't think about it before at the very beginning of HIS existence, but we could argue that it didnt absorb enough of the world around it to develop intelligence beyond auto preservation. So, after absorbing an entire universe with all the intelligent life forms around it still didnt think about it for one second nor anyone even tried to talk to him about it. Some time later it will develop the capacity to make people suffer for fun (like when he could enter the room when Linkara was reviewing the Pokemon manga but he didnt anyway just to torment him) and somehow after being lectured by Linkara about its meaningless existence he didnt think about making his plans keep going anyway to absorb all existence and THEN dying to reset the whole thing and make things differently this time around, considering that he now knows the concept of having fun by making other beings suffer so may as well try again from nothing and see how munch he can manipulate thing this time to keep him entertained. After all, it kinda fits that a video game creature wants to play with the very universe that created him an beyond and all their living beings in the same way that a person plays a video game over and over. So i guess what really bugs me is that the Entity just went down too easily even if it could just disregard the accusations of Linkara or just keep going on with its plan
- Perhaps the conditions under which the Entity would listen to such an argument were never right?
- Never right after all the bast and unlimited universes he has devoured? Not a single soul nor technological advanced alien race questioned his existance? And even with all the inteligent lifeforms he has absorved and all the time of the world to think about it, it never crossed its mind? That its pushing it a bit too far, especially the fact that a god is listening to a nerdy human that is talking out of his ass to save his life (a patron that he may recognize after all the realities he has devoured already). But of course, Link may probably read this and start thinking a solution.
- Perhaps the conditions under which the Entity would listen to such an argument were never right?
- Linkara frequently Did Not Do the Research and strangely even seems proud of it, prone to flaunting his ignorance... in his review of Wonder Woman's debut, he notes that Diana's mother is named "Hippolyte" instead of "Hippolyta" and he insists that he doesn't care how accurate it is to the myth: "don't know, don't care." The very first line on the wikipedia entry for the mythological character refers to her as "Hippolyta or Hippolyte," so it's not like this would have taken a trip to the library, and it wouldn't have taken much more to learn that the pronunciation is not "hip-po-LITE," any more than Aphrodite would be "af-ro-DITE." Later that same review, he goes into an exegesis about western democracies in 1940, which conspicuously lacks any reference to Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc., strangely both calling out the comic for its America-centrism and wearing his own like a badge, including even stating "being an ignorant American, I don't know much about other countries across the world." Nobody's expecting you to intricately recreate the immediate historical context that surrounds this 1940 comic, but why bring it up to begin with?
- Something about Linkara always threw me a bit off. I get that his shtick is reviewing comics, which involve heroes more regularly than almost any other form of media, but he seems to want to be the "hero" of TGWTG way too much. His stories always involve the near annhilation of the human race if it weren't for a lisping comic book geek with a model gun. I mean, I dig that he has narratives to his reviews, but... he takes it all way too seriously for my tastes. And for someone who hates these tropes being used in comics, he not only has a lot of shock-deaths (fake deaths too, at that), but he has waaaay too many last minute asspull deus ex machinas. Also, dude's flat-out bloodthirsty and cruel in some of his battles. But eh, just me bitching about an internet comedian who's gotten too big for his britches.
- He's supposed to be a pathetic egotistical prick who wants desperately to be a hero. That's the character, Lewis is the nice guy. That's how it always is with this site.
- See, it never came across like that to me. Whereas Doug and Lindsay and Noah and most other reviewers write their characters to be obvious exaggerations of an aspect of their personalities, Lewis's always came across as just an idealized version of himself. If he wrote in more jokes that made his character seem flawed in a significant way, or made it obvious that his ego was intentional, it would make me like his character more. But it really just seems like Lewis, while a decent guy in real life from what I know, is living out his fanboyish Gary Stu fantasies now that he has an audience. While this isn't annoying persay, it's just sort of... uninteresting.
- This Troper noticed that Linkara (the character, mind you), while several of his actions are indeed heroic, has actually been sliding towards the more egotistical, overconfident side of things. You see it in his first fight with Lord Vyce, in his conversations with supporting cast members, in the fact that it took him over a year to figure out the Entity was even around, and the fact that the Entity storyline was entirely Linkara's fault.
- See, it never came across like that to me. Whereas Doug and Lindsay and Noah and most other reviewers write their characters to be obvious exaggerations of an aspect of their personalities, Lewis's always came across as just an idealized version of himself. If he wrote in more jokes that made his character seem flawed in a significant way, or made it obvious that his ego was intentional, it would make me like his character more. But it really just seems like Lewis, while a decent guy in real life from what I know, is living out his fanboyish Gary Stu fantasies now that he has an audience. While this isn't annoying persay, it's just sort of... uninteresting.
- I just think Linkara's characterization might be a little more subtle than you want it to be. After all, the narratives are second to the reviews, and it's harder to develop a character when one has a really limited amount of time. And there's also the weird recursive thing of the character Linkara writing his own reviews...but it's all being written by Lewis, so that might explain why there's fewer jokes on Linkara's egotism.
- Leaving behind the fact that HE may be reading Tv Tropes right now and this section may suddenly disappear, what do YOU think that he should do to make sure the audience knows that he is just a prick with an ego too high for his own good, without going into Viewers are Morons territory?
- ...Wait, am I the only one who assumed it was all parodying all those elements? I thought the point of his various story arcs was to make fun of the many clichés involved.
- That's entirely possible too.
- He's supposed to be a pathetic egotistical prick who wants desperately to be a hero. That's the character, Lewis is the nice guy. That's how it always is with this site.
- Wait, does this mean a Silent Hill cult, pyramid heads and all, worships A Pokemon?
- Depending on how long ago this cult started, they might not be aware of the Entity's origins.
- Plus, given that they're so un-Silent Hill-y to begin with (as Linkara ranted and ranted about)...
- In other universes, it's probably something else entirely.
- How did Linkara know the girl was sacrificed? Dolorum implied it to him, but for all he knew that was fake.
- Linkara spoke with the magic gun telepathically. I'm sure she confirmed it.
- OK, this isn't to be mean spirited or anything, but I really don't understand how Linkara is some sort of sex symbol. I mean, the guy is pretty... ordinary. He's very plain looking, has kind of a reedy voice and - not trying to be rude or anything like that - he's a bit overweight. I really, really don't understand it. And I don't see at all how the guy is apparently so desirable that he fills entry after entry over on the Fetish Fuel Wiki. It's just strange.
- Well, I think that's the entire idea. Fetish fuel. From a mainstream perspective, he's a little bit pudgy, a little bit nasal, and overall, nothing terribly special. But he hits a lot of niche fetishes. He's really sensitive. He's a great feminist. He's a very respectable singer. And probably most importantly, he's a self-confessed nerd and incredibly unashamed of it. A lot of girls go crazy for those sorts of things.
- Agreed with the above troper. Being fetish fuel, it's a matter of personal taste. As a matter of fact, most of the reviewers from That Guy With The Glasses aren't traditionally attractive, with the possible exception of The Nostalgia Critic but many of them have entries on the fetish fuel wiki all the same.
- Well, I think that's the entire idea. Fetish fuel. From a mainstream perspective, he's a little bit pudgy, a little bit nasal, and overall, nothing terribly special. But he hits a lot of niche fetishes. He's really sensitive. He's a great feminist. He's a very respectable singer. And probably most importantly, he's a self-confessed nerd and incredibly unashamed of it. A lot of girls go crazy for those sorts of things.
- Linkara has acknowledged (in the Power Rangers Zeo #1 review) that he knows about Mechakara being able to adapt to his weapons, and judging by the way it looks in the fight, it works similar to Borg shields. Why not just call in Ensign Munro with his Infinity Modulator?
- Because he wants the glory of defeating him, rather than getting someone else to do it for him?
- I still watch his shows, but what troubles and infuriates me that he considers one of his earlier reviews to be the best due it being short and to the point... While his recent episodes go on for forty to fifty minutes. I wouldn't mind the time so much if it weren't for "plot" taking over the true portion of the show that teaches the viewer of comic history and explain why the comic is bad. So, why can't he make shorter episodes anymore?
- He, and many others, believe that if people will watch a 30+ minute show, they'll watch a 30+ minute review. And hey, if you don't like the story lines, you could just skip them and get to the reviews.
- In the Warrior #4 review, Linkara mentions that he has the Zeo Crystal. When did he get that?
- Probably the same time he got his Zeonizer.
- He eventually reveals that they're toys he enchanted with a spell book.
- So....why did Linkara hated so much The Grinning Man character motivation of For The Evulz?
- Probably because a For the Evulz motivation, especially for a character that was so transparently a Joker ripoff is isn't even funny, is a really uninteresting and dull motivation.
- Link himself said that The Entity has this For The Evulz trait too on his commentary on the Pokemon Manga review. I somehow find even more perplexing that an omnipotent god like The Entity that has devoured countless realities to have this trait rather than an humanoid monster that doesnt have reality warping powers. Actually this guy reminds me of Caleb from Blood rather than the Joker, except that even Caleb couldnt be this unfunny, he at least had a taste in songs and well timed horror movies references
- Probably because a For the Evulz motivation, especially for a character that was so transparently a Joker ripoff is isn't even funny, is a really uninteresting and dull motivation.
- ↑ albeit corrupt ones