< Ask That Guy With The Glasses

Ask That Guy With The Glasses/YMMV

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: There were a few hints that he and Critic were related beforehand, but episode 67 confirmed That Other Guy was the older brother of both of them. The fangirl fandom went wild.
  • Non Sequitur Scene: In episode 63, That Guy is hit with a giant wooden hammer from off-screen. When he attempts to answer the next question, he's hit with it again.
    • The entire YardOz segment, which is a parody of Zardoz featuring a giant floating head in the sky that tries to convince That Guy to engage in self mutilation for no apparent reason, is ignored, and then the episode goes on without a single reference to what the hell just happened. At least it explains how he got a new pipe.
    • "I'm going to be a monkey now".
  • Cargo Envy: People have gone on record saying they'd love to be that pipe.
  • Crosses the Line Twice: Pretty much 'every single word that comes out of his mouth. It's impossible to find a single episode that does not include something that would make the show ban worthy in some countries.
    • And yet somehow, he managed to be even more horrifyingly indecent by inviting Sage to answer questions.
    • Example: For his ninth video, he casually greeted his viewers:

"Oh, sieg heil. Didn't hear you come in."

    • In episode 46 one of his questions involves a dead baby's organs being spread over the house. He simply stares at the screen in horror, and asks "Sage, is that you?"
    • And one week when Doug lost his voice he put up a video entitled "Ask That Guy Violates Ma-Ti" instead of the usual Nostalgia Critic video. It's actually worse than it sounds, in some ways.
    • In episode 66, he tells a (presumably) disabled person that walking is sexier than putting rims on a wheelchair. Doug actually apologizes for this in the stinger.
  • Dude, Not Funny: If some of his "answers" get this reaction from you, consider that a good sign. A good barometer might be his spiel on Santa Claus.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Oh goodness, yes.
  • Fan Dumb: Would you believe that there are people out there who think Doug believes the same things as his character?
  • Fanon: The gloriously nutty fanfic fandom has decided that the porn movie "Bunny Does Dallas" involved a man in a bunny suit raping a Bound and Gagged Critic with a carrot.
  • Fetish Fuel Station Attendant: Especially if you're a Nightmare Fetishist.
  • Fridge Horror: He's the only one of the characters who has actually interacted (non-verbally) with Doug, and has the most knowledge of the fourth wall. Imagine if he managed to break through.
    • Hey, Ask That Guy, if you want to feel worthless, then Sage will surely go above and beyond making sure you're "satisfied". Talk about Tempting Fate.
  • Fridge Logic: How on earth did he manage to get into heaven? Twice?
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: In episode 31, he made a joke about all the scary freaks of nature who now know who he is. Let's just say Doug's fanbase has got much creepier since then.
  • Growing the Beard: Episode 4 was when his sadism and issues really started to appear. Before that, he was just a suave-but-wacky moron who answered every question wrong.
    • A lot of people think the beard grew again in episode 53 when he moved locations, as there was more focus on Villainous Breakdowns, interactions with other people and giving him extra Hidden Depths.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: In an early episode he has a breakdown about dying alone and forgotten because he's so intelligent, but then snaps back to claim he was just joking. Fast forward to now and he's having constant breakdowns because his humanity won't stop coming out.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: In episode 27, he says people only watch his show for soft porn. About twenty episodes later, well, just have a look at the Fan Service entry.
  • I Knew It!: His parents were badly abusive. Cue the gasps of surprise from absolutely nobody.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Occasionally, when he realizes how sick and twisted he is and gets upset.
  • Periphery Demographic: There are a number of people who just watch for Evil Is Sexy reasons.
  • Ships That Pass in the Night: Shipping him with The Nostalgia Chick is popular, with the idea that she'll either beat him in evil like Sage or that they'll get on together quite well.
  • Tear Jerker: Damnit, he's got some too.
  • The Woobie: Pity the poor narrator. Although he's not completely without fault, he never says anything against the Ax Crazy questions often given, or tries to stop Ask That Guy's killing sprees.
    • The GPS got proposed to, married, had her husband leave in a temper tantrum and then come back to shoot her all in one day.
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