< Ask That Guy With The Glasses

Ask That Guy With The Glasses/Heartwarming

  • At the end of the That Guy With The Glasses Anniversary Brawl, after experiencing enough Crowning Moments Of Awesome and Funny to go around, the scene where Ask That Guy With the Glasses, who has been established as a sadistic, perverse and overall unlikeable person, manages to quell the fighting simply through spoken words, brought a good "awww..." from this troper.
    • That's right: the sadistic Complete Monster that is Ask That Guy, convincing the others to stop fighting in the brawl with just words.
      • No, he doesn't threaten to rape them or maul them if they don't stop fighting. He makes a kindhearted, logical point. Your mind, it has been blown.
  • While the line might have been crossed later, Ask That Guy hugging everyone at Ani Nite 2010 and generally being happy for a change was seriously nice to see.
  • He looks genuinely overjoyed when Yardoz gives him a new pipe.
  • Of course he makes it a Twisted Christmas, but it's a cute surprise to find out that he actually loves the holiday. And that Santa hat is just precious.
  • Any time Doug comes out of character to apologize for whatever awful thing Ask That Guy said, most recently wanting forgiveness for the "walking is sexier than wheelchairs" insult.

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