Ariana Vampire Queen

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    Ariana Vampire Queen is a DeviantArt author, admitted admirer of Erin Locklea (of Brewdening Love fame) and the new stage of madness in the domain of Sue-fics.

    All her fics are centered around Queen Ariana Erehaha SilverDove Seagull, who gained names along the stories and is currently Ariana Erehaha Celestia Twilight Sparkle Heffalump Chives SilverDove Seagull, daughter of Aro Volturi, who was upgraded to King of the Vampires. Ariana's an obvious Self Insert Black Hole Relationship Sue.

    Works written by Ariana Vampire Queen include:

    There are three main fics centered around Ariana :

    • The story of the vampire queen (usually shortened to Vampire Queen) introduces Ariana. She lived the past six years in a foster family for her protection, and her foster parents are going to let her live with their friends, the Thorn family, while they're on a cruise. The parents, Ann and Richard love her. She also starts dating their nephew (and adopted son) Damien, and treating their son as if he had somehow wronged her.
    • Da Life of Delia is a sequel, taking place nine years later in Hogwarts (yes, they're still students at Hogwarts nine years later).
    • Da Story of De Dalton Vampire (usually shortened to Dalton Vampire)) apparently takes place in a different continuity, where Ariana goes to Dalton Academy, despite being a girl, because her father threatened the principal. She then proceeds to make Kurt explode, have Blaine realize he's actually straight and wants to date her, and she joins the academy's Glee Club, the Warblers.
    • True Blue Achy Heart (or True Bloo Hart): A story where Ariana goes to Afghanistan and meets the character from The Kite Runner.
      • It was rewritten as True Heart Love, because "it was not as gud as it cud have bean". This time it's dedicated to snarkers Josky and Chibi.

    Her other fics include:

    As well as numerous one-shots that are based on fandoms as varied ass all of the above, Shakespeare's plays, The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas and Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame.

    Ariana Vampire Queen provides examples of the following tropes:

    General tropes

    • As Long as It Sounds Foreign / Gratuitous Foreign Language: Sometimes a character will spurt random nonsense that the narration will dub as Japanese or French. It should not surprise anyone that this is actually never a real sentence — or even a real word — in those languages
    • But Not Too Foreign: In Dalton Vampire Chapter 13, we learn Ariana's mother is, in fact, American.
    • Butt Monkey: Mark Thorn is this in most of her fics, despite not making any sense in any fic besides Vampire Queen and Da Life of Delia.
    • Catch Phrase: "Breakfast Roll" and "like the unicorns dancing with the elves" both qualify.
    • Dear Negative Reader: Just like Erin, with a twist: she fails to realize some of the haters are haters (case in point: WolfBloodRei), and thanks them for their "good reviews" by inserting thel in her stories as her friends.
    • Department of Redundancy Department: Too many example to list individually, so we'll just list one here.

    every1 was gay accept me and Damien. Damien.... was STRAIGHT!


    Vampire queen

    "when u kissed damien ur love nd his sperm cum up nd den so u can hav babyes tru kussing becoz u are a great vampire>"

    I bit down hardon is dick.

    "Aryana, (remember her nam is peeled dat way 2.) ariana..." a vooice shade.

    Da Life of Delia

    den, as predicted by mort in the sentence abov dis chapta

    every1 was gay accept me and Damien. Damien.... was STRAIGHT!

    i lookd lyk a goffik version of Hermia from wilbert shakespeeres a midsummer nites dreem. da dress barely covered my bottom (geddit bottom lyke da guy in shakespeara)

    Dalton Vampire

    cuz u want a different kind of ride

    Blood was everywhere. Blaine smiled at me.

    True Bloo Heart

    Secret Family

    Hoggy Edward


    • Dear Negative Reader: Surprisingly averted — instead, the author notes in the beginning of each chapter is pure nonsense, such as

    enjoy a story after pissing on the staiars.

    Oneshot fics

    Ariana has many one-shot fics, especially since a few weeks ago when she became very active. Most are so confused and muddled up that the reader has no idea what the plot is, or whether there is one at all. Her recent fics have been mostly CrossOvers between Twilight and Glee , though she seems to be getting into The Kite Runner recently.

    • Once an Episode: The revenge chapters will almost always feature Edward's (or Bella's) magical… bodily waste, then Ariana with Blaine (and maybe some other Glee males) flying on a machine gun. And involve the "flamers", of course.
    • Revenge Fic: Several.
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