< Anime World Order

Anime World Order/YMMV

  • Non Sequitur Scene: Mostly during Daryl's reviews.
    • For instance, the time Daryl abruptly did an impression of fellow anime podcaster Mike Dent singing a Wesley Willis song during his Cyber City Oedo 808 review, which continues on from Daryl's continued insistence that Mike looks like the singer.
    • Or recently, Daryl answering a question about anime's place in history by talking about Golgo13 working with Nelson Mandela and shooting out the ballots that would've won Al Gore the presidency in 2000.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Their review of Macross: Do You Remember Love? is so full of nostalgia, adoration, and unexpected earnestness that it's hard not to get swept up with them.
  • Face of the Band: Daryl is often thought of as the face of Anime World Order, mainly because he edits the podcasts and runs the website.
  • Memetic Molester: Gerald and his Rape Face.
  • Misblamed: At the beginning of the Potemayo review, Clarissa and Gerald discuss how it seems that Daryl's opinions are considered the opinions of all three of them. This point is promptly followed up with a sound clip of the battle victory music from Final Fantasy VII (Daryl edits the podcast, by the way).
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