Angelina Ballerina

Angelina Ballerina is an Animated Series produced by HiT Entertainment, based on books by Catherine Hollabird and Helen Craig. First airing in 2002, the series is a Slice of Life type program. It features the misadventures of a mouse named Angelina Mouseling and her friends.

In 2009, the series was given an All CGI Cartoon makeover and subtitled "The Next Steps" as Angelina goes to attend dancing school. Angelina herself received a makeover in this version of the show: She's now light pink in color. In the original series and books, she was white.

Tropes used in Angelina Ballerina include:

It's. My. Turn!

  • Recursive Adaptation: Some of the books are this.
  • The Silent Bob: Played straight with Ms. Mimi in a CGI episode. And also earlier, the yogurt selling mouse.
  • Skirt Over Slacks: Alice, Vici, and Ms. Mimi wear this in the CGI.
  • Slice of Life: Yep, one of those series.
  • Something We Forgot: Played straight in CGI episode, "Angelina's Lost Ice Skates".
  • Spring Is Late: With a twist in "Angelina's Spring Fling" in the CGI revamp. The characters know perfectly well that there's nothing they can do to stop it from being cold and snowy outside. So, instead, they decide to try to create a bit of spring inside by doing things such as pretending to play baseball, painting Easter eggs and playing a CD of Vivaldi's "Spring."
  • This Is My Side: In Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps, Angelina and Marco did this with a poster after they were assigned to work together. Marco didn't want frills and a tutu on his poster, while Angelina couldn't abide by the idea of having soccer balls in the poster. It didn't work work out, and they went through a couple of other hangups, before finally hitting on a working idea.
  • The Unfavorite: This is what Angelina feels about when Polly debuted in original series episode, "Angelina's Baby Sister".
  • The Voiceless: Ms. Mimi becomes this in one episode of the CGI when she has laryngitis.
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