Amulet (comics)
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Amulet is the brainchild of Kazu Kibuishi, editor of Flight and author of the webcomic Copper and graphic novel Daisy Kutter. It's a graphic novel series chronicling the adventures of Emily, her brother Navin, and her mother, as they find themselves caught up in an alternate, subterraneous world called Alledia. The eponymous amulet is found by Emily in a new house they move into.
Alledia is home to all sorts of wild and imaginative things, like tentacled monsters, walking houses, talking trees, and Emily finds herself trying to not only keep her family together, but also fight an increasingly brutal war against an evil race of elves bent on dominating everyone else.
In 2014, Kibuishi announced that there would be nine volumes in the series. As of September 2018, there were eight volumes published:
- The Stonekeeper
- The Stonekeeper's Curse
- The Cloud Searchers
- The Last Council
- Prince of the Elves
- Escape from Lucien
- Firelight
- Supernova
- Awesome Art
- Beneath the Earth: Sort of; Alledia is actually a kind of alternate Earth, but it's accessible via a huge underground passage and most of it seems to be a giant cave.
- Big Bad: The Elf King. Or so it seems. The King is dead, and His Amulet is the one really running things.
- Brother-Sister Team:
- Bounty Hunter: Gabilan. There's seems to be a lot more to that, though...
- Combat Tentacles
- Disappeared Dad: An extreme version; we actually see Emily's father die before our eyes, and his death is a large part of her current personality.
- Disembodied Eyebrows: Miskit.
- Disney Villain Death: Luger. Or so it seems.
- The Fair Folk: The elves.
- Funny Animal: The population of Kanalis. Implied to be due to a curse.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Prince Trellis sports one stitched-up one across his left eye.
- Heel Face Turn: Prince Trellis and Luger, of all people.
- Humongous Mecha: A house.
- The elves also seem to employ several.
- I Choose to Stay: Subverted in that when Emily says that she has to stay in Alledia, her mother insists that the whole family will too regardless of the dangers they will face.
- I Know Mortal Kombat: Navin, piloting the Albatross.
- La RĂ©sistance: So named, except with "the" instead of "la".
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Luger. After his defeat, he goes from being the Elf King's right hand man to a whimpering old man.
- Living Toys: Miskit seems to be one, but he's actually a robot.
- Magitek: Most of the time, it's either this, or Steampunk.
- Mind Rape: Gabilan seems to enjoy using this.
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family: The elves.
- Nice Hat: Leon Redbeard sports a very nice one.
- One-Winged Angel: Luger, and anyone else who gets "devoured" by the amulet.
- Our Elves Are Better: Completely subverted; elves are cruel and have very sharp teeth. Most of the Mooks look more like orcs moreso than anything.
- Power At a Price: The main point of the amulet. Use it too much and it takes you over, transforming you into a giant monster.
- Using your dead body as a physical vessel with which to rule.
- Power Glows: The amulet.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Emily, when using the amulet.
- Robot Buddy: The entire population of Silas's house.
- Scenery Porn: And how. The art is by far the main draw of the book.
- Space Whale: Sky eels. Despite their rather terrifying appearance, they're quite docile.
- The Starscream: Gabilan.
- Steampunk
- Tentacle Rope
- Unholy Holy Sword: The amulet.