
Amorphous+ is a flash game made by innocuous games. You play an unnamed man wielding the Splatmaster3000 and kill various types of Blob Monsters. During the course of the game, you will unlock "Awards", which in turn will unlock "rewards" in the form of special weapons and armour that will help the player against the slimes.

As you go into the harder levels, you'll meet new types of these blobs (Glooples) that get harder and harder to kill...

Enemies include:

  • Gloople (green). Basic, yet they can glomp together to form worse enemies.
    • Oozle (green). Home in on you, takes three hits to kill, if one were to touch you, you get trapped inside it. Formed with two Glooples.
    • Gray (Guess what color). Can harden up and become invincible, has useless spikes, going up to it gives you the same fate as an Ozzle. Can stab you with a spear made from it, also takes three hits to kill. Formed with a Gloople and an Oozle.
    • Void Eater (deep purple). Has six spider-like legs. Can create a deadly gravity beam that sucks in everything, and can become a mini black hole itself. Formed with a Gloople and a Gray.
  • Stickie (yellow). Mostly basic, yet if you hit it, it leaves it's goo, that can stick to you (and some other glooples) and slow you down. This has the added effect of insulating you from fire and ice attacks.
  • Biter (blue). Has teeth, can lunge at you then kill you. Mascot of the series.
    • Horror (blue). Looks like a giant sphere with two rings of teeth, can fling off a ring that mutates other glooples into biters, can fling off disks. Formed with two biters.
  • Clutter (purple). Runs away from you. Can shoot baby clutters at you that slow you down.
  • Meltie (orange). Leaves a splat of deadly acid when you kill it.
  • Sharp (aqua). When it sees you, it grows deadly spikes that make it invincible, unless you go around it and kill it from behind.
  • Inkie (black). Fast, leaves a trail of slippery ink behind when you kill it. Can blind you for a few seconds if it hits you directly.
  • Fuzzle (tan with brown fur). Takes three hits to kill. Other than that, it's like a biter that can't glomp with others.
  • Grinder (gray exterior, orange interior). It's an enormous boulder. It can squash you with ease, and is extremely tough.
  • Torchie (brown). Lights on fire. If you kill it while it is on fire, you die in an explosion. Can be put out with stickie goo or acid, and it'll go out on its own after a while.
  • Frostie (white). Fast; can freeze you and others if killed near you. While frozen, you can shatter if anything touches you.
  • Amalgam (slightly pale yellow). Can eat others to get bigger. Cutting it makes it smaller and might cause a smaller one to break off. Found near the end of the nest.
  • Queen (red). Can slash you with two claws. Found near the end of the nest.
  • Razor queen (dark blue). Has a multitude of attacks. found near the end of the nest.
Tropes used in Amorphous+ include:
  • Action Bomb: Torchies and Freezies.
  • All There in the Manual: The bestiary contains surprisingly in-depth info on all Glooples you can meet in the game.
  • All Your Powers Combined: Razor Queens have the abilities of several different enemies, including Biters, Queens, Sharps, Clutters, and Horrors, making them real True Final Bosses.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population.
  • Asteroids Monster: Amalgams and Clutters.
  • Armor Is Useless: Averted for the most part; the Reactive Armor at first appears to be, effectively, an extra life, but there are lethal attacks that it can deflect without exploding. The Gray's tendril lance, ordinarily quite lethal, will bounce off the armor without exploding. The Razor Queen's spike attack likewise bounces right off. Also, running into a Torchie will only bump you instead of setting you on fire.
    • The reactive armor can only withstand one shot of certain other attacks, such as the Biter's and the Fuzzle's lunge and other things. And there are some attacks that the armor offers no protection against, such as a Grinder rolling over you, Meltie acid or the Void Eater's disintegration ray.
  • BFS: Your weapon, the Splatmaster3000 and the Razor Glaive.
  • Big Bad/Final Boss/Bonus Boss: The razor queen.
  • Blob Monster: Pretty much EVERY SINGLE ENEMY.
  • Boss in Mook Clothing:
    • Horrors. The Horror, THE HORROR!!! These guys are created in a (thankfully) rare occurrence when two Biters fuse together. They are invulnerable to your regular attack while spinning, and will kill you if you so long as to brush against them while they chase after you. They have three attacks:
      • Spinning into you, which instantly kills you (Unless you have reactive armor, then it just bounces off... destroying the reactive armor in the process.)
      • Shooting out 8-directional spikes that instantly kill you (unless you have reactive armour). If the spikes hit an enemy that isn't a Biter, it turns into one, making the Horror a Mook Maker as well.
      • Splitting up into four spiked wheels that orbit around its core; of course, the disks can instantly kill you, and the Horror will launch them directly at you (and probably at angles that make them very difficult to dodge). This is the only time when you can kill it; hit the core to put an end to it.
        • You can deflect the spinning disks by swing your sword at them. Unfortunately, it makes you stagger a bit, leaving you open to other attacks.
      • Fear is the mind killer. And so are spinny, flying sharp things.
    • Void Eaters. Created in the rare occurrence when a Gray absorbs a gloople. Although they are only a One-Hit-Point Wonder, they have THREE. NASTY. WAYS. of killing your character:
      • The first of its three attacks involves a rapidly-expanding, circular shockwave let out by the blob. If it hits you, bye-bye.
      • The second attack is when it turns into a black hole and draws you in. If something (including other blobs) get too near, it uses attack 1.
      • The third attack involves an ominous darkening of the screen while it sucks in lines. It then fires out a black Disintegrator Ray forward. Unfortunately, you're drawn towards the ray when it is fired. Getting hit by the ray is an instant death, of course. This is, however, probably the best chance to defeat it, as you can get up close to it without risking being hit by attack 1.
      • Of special note is the fact that the Void Eater's megadestructive nature renders it capable of killing everything in the nest -- up to and including the True Final Boss, should you ever be unlucky enough to face both it and the Void Eater at the same time.
    • Amalgams...just Amalgams. They can eat other glooples, can split into more Amalgalms if they're hit or get too large, and take a lot more hits than one would expect.
      • Although, technically, the Amalgam is a boss proper, considering that it only usually shows up near the end of a nest, like the Queen and the Razor Queen.
      • They also remain in the battle even if chased offscreen, unlike other glooples.
        • It can also show up a little over halfway through a large nest, so maybe it could be considered a mid-boss?
    • Grinders could be considered one as well. Made out of living rock, these guys need to be subjected to an explosion, a collision with a very solid object, or a puddle of acid to weaken the outer coating, and then you have to hit the damn thing five times before it gives up and dies. Did I mention it's the largest non-Queen monster?
      • Note that the Grinder is one of the few Glooples that has no reason to fear the Horror, as in the event of a collision it squashes it flat -- on the other hand, it bounces right off the Gray's ludicrously armored skin (as the Gray is likely to defend itself when the Grinder approaches it), knocking off the outer coating in the process. This makes Grays good to have around if there are Grinders about.
        • A short list of things that can knock off a Grinder's outer coating: being caught in the explosion of a grenade or a Torchie (or an Inkie lit on fire by a Torchie); going through the acid puddle left behind by a splatted Meltie; colliding with another Grinder, a defending Gray, or an Instant Wall; or being caught in a shockwave or disintegration beam launched by a Void Eater. Weakening a Grinder isn't as simple as this list makes it sound, though, as everything that can do the job is either situational or in (very) limited supply. With the exception of the Razor Glaive, of course.
  • Combat Tentacle: Grays utilize one of these to try and impale the player. If you have the Reactive Armor on, though, it doesn't do anything more than stun you if it connects.
  • Bragging Rights Reward: The third equipment slot and the eleventh Reward key, which you get after getting all the Awards.
  • Disintegrator Ray: The Void Eater utilizes one of these. No surprise as to what happens if it hits anything, including Horrors and Queens...
  • Dual-Wielding: Kinda... for the Queen. It has two large blades for arms, compared to your single BFS.
  • Duel Boss: When the Queen is the last Gloople in the nest, the fight comes down to one of these. Her agility and Dual-Wielding against your Splatmaster 3000 and powerful gadgets.
  • Excuse Plot: There's blobs, and you have to kill them.
    • Averted for the description of both the Gloples and your items. Everything is described with much care. Every single Glople has a text several paragraphs long devoted to them.
  • Fragile Speedster: Frosties are the fastest of the glooples, and they take one hit -- or contact with anything to die. Unfortunately, when that happens, it freezes everything around it!
    • Stickies, Melties, and Inkies also all die when they collide with anything or take a single hit (though, of those three, only the Inkie is faster than the average Gloople.) All three of these leave behind a very nasty substance when they die, which can be quite hazardous for both you and (most of) the other Glooples.
    • Biters have a fast lunge that gets you more often than you think, but they too die in one hit. Fuzzles on the other hand...
  • Glass Cannon: Queens are arguably this. While they are extremely fast and can kill you easily, they die in one hit. Then again, landing that hit can still be very difficult, since they can parry or dodge all of your attacks and are only vulnerable for a split-second while lunging.
    • Void Eaters are a straighter example, as they are one of the most deadly glooples -- see Boss in Mook Clothing, above. They do, however, die in one hit. Like queens, though, actually getting that hit in can be pretty difficult. (The window of opportunity is much larger, however.)
      • You can only hit them when they are charging up for or executing their disintegration ray. Try to so much as approach them at any other time, and you will be blasted into little pieces by their shockwave attack.
    • Horrors are kind of like this; they die in one hit, though you can only land that hit when they break into pieces to launch spiked disks at you. The problem is trying to rush up to the core and land that hit without one of said spiked disks removing your head from your body (or just plain bisecting you.) Also, they only use that attack when you're far away from them, so it's not like you can immediately be in the perfect position to capitalize on the opportunity (assuming that you could get out of the way of the spiked disks from point-blank range, of course.) At any other time, the Horror's spinning spikes will easily deflect your sword, and then the Horror will probably (as the game puts it) turn you into kibble before you can recover. Oh, and did I mention that Horrors are almost as fast as you are? Don't think you'll be able to put enough distance between yourself and it to provoke its spinning-disk attack without going to a lot of trouble to do so.
  • The Goomba: Green Glooples. The worst they can do is bump into you... which stuns you momentarily, leaving you open to the deadly (or at least super-inconvenient) assaults of other Glooples.
  • Gotta Catch Em All: You can only practice against a type of Gloople or view it in the compendium if you've seen it before, in any mode.
  • Gravity Master: The Void Eater apparently has control of gravitational fields. Which it will use to blast you into bits, no less.
  • Harmless Freezing: If a Frostie hits you, you get temporarily frozen and can't do squat. Thankfully, you can move the mouse up and down to free yourself faster. If you're hit by anything (save for Stickie slime) when you're frozen, you die.
    • Lampshaded in the description for the "Frostbitten" award, in which the author has Shown Their Work; "Hypothermia is apparently not an issue when your life expectancy is about 3 minutes."
  • Healing Factor: Fuzzles will lose their fur (as well as their deadly attack) when they have been damaged twice. Make sure you can quickly get that third hit in, though, as it will grow back its fur after a short while, and then you'll have to do it all over again!
  • Hive Queen: If you're (un)lucky, you'll fight one near the end of a nest.
    • The idea of the Hive Queen is actually played with in-game. The descriptions for the Queen admit that it is not certain whether she really does control the hive, or whether the Gloople swarm has no true ruler and the Hive Queen is just another member of it, albeit a very powerful one.
    • There is a step above the normal Hive Queen, too...
  • Homing Boulders: Literally, in the form of Grinders.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: This is the Gray's main form of attack. However, it's unable to harden its body while doing so, allowing you a chance to damage it.
  • Infinity+1 Sword: The Razor Glaive; it does triple the damage, has superior reach, and can do several things that the Splatmaster3000 can't (such as batting away Horrors and weakening Grinders.) However, it's quite heavy, so wielding it slows you down a bit.
    • As mentioned above, many enemies (like enemies that generally take more than one hit to kill) become laughably easy if you have the Razor Glaive. Its reach is even larger than the Splatmaster 3000, which means you can probably kill enemies with dangerous close range attacks, such as Void Eaters.
      • On the other hand, in order to get aforementioned Infinity+1 Sword, you have to beat the monstrous Razor Queen in single combat. The Razor Queen is a ludicrously huge, mutated Queen that's five times tougher and has an annoying habit of being vulnerable only in front -- which is also where its huge claws are.
  • Instant Death Radius: Literally in the case of Void Eaters -- if you get too close, they create a shockwave, killing you instantly. (Its radius is greater than your sword's reach too, unless you have the Razor Glaive, which is slightly larger than your starting sword.)
  • Interface Screw: What happens when an Inkie hits you. The screen turns completely black for a short while, enough to get you killed easily by another dangerous blob.
    • You can keep swinging your sword though, and hope for the best. There is an award for getting a kill while blinded, and another for surviving the blindness.
  • Killer Rabbit: Fuzzles, which are fuzzy, adorable little things that lunge at you and tear your heart out. Did we mention they take three hits to die, and have a Healing Factor to boot?
  • Kill It with Fire: Torchies. Attempt to kill it while it's on fire and it explodes, killing you instantly.
  • Kill It with Ice: Frosties. Attacking them normally will get you harmlessly frozen, but if you're hit while frozen, you shatter into pieces.
  • Kung Fu-Proof Mook: Sharps. As soon as these guys sense danger, they turn into an invulnerable ball of spikes. Once their perceived threat is gone, they switch back to their original form, where you can kill them in one hit.
    • You can deflect Sharps while their spikes are out, and the game even recommends knocking them out of the screen in order to get rid of them; however, because of the way you swing your sword, you tend to knock it away in a curved path rather than a straight line, which makes getting it off the screen a rather challenging task. Oh, and it's entirely possible to "deflect" a Sharp right into your face.
    • Grinders cannot be initially harmed in any way due to their extremely hard rocky exterior, until you soften/crack them via Meltie Acid, grenades, a Torchie explosion, another Grinder crashing into it, tossing an Instant Wall in its path, having it collide with a hardened Gray, or luring them into a Void Eater's shockwave/disintegration range. (Amusingly, the Grinder is perfectly capable of flattening a Void Eater even after being nailed with its shockwave or kill-beam, though it will just bounce off of a Gray.)
      • Easier if you have the Razor Glaive, since the first hit cracks it and it only takes three hits after that. The recoil from the first hit might give other enemies a chance to kill you, though (if the Grinder doesn't just roll right over you, that is.)
  • Law of Chromatic Superiority: The Queen is the only gloople that's red in color and has gold claws. Uh oh...
  • Literally Shattered Lives: If you get touched by anything after getting frozen by a Frostie explosion, you shatter into ice fragments (read: you die).
  • Ludicrous Gibs: What happens to you if you get exploded by a Torchie or your own grenades, touch a horror when it's spinning, or get into a Void Eater's Instant Death Radius.
  • The Many Deaths of You: Getting swallowed engulfed by a bigger blob, Impaled with Extreme Prejudice (and then absorbed), dissolved via Meltie acid, eaten by a Biter or Fuzzle, exploded, disintegrated by a Void Eater, shredded to pieces by a Horror, rolled over by a Grinder, shattered into pieces after getting frozen by a Frostie, etc. There are even awards for dying in multiple ways! Here's a video showing you ALL of them.
  • Meaningful Name: The Gloopies that come in many different forms have names that suit their abilities.
    • The Meltie explodes into a pool of lethal acid when defeated.
    • Biters try to "bite" your character for an instant death.
    • Stickies explode into sticky goo when defeated.
    • Clutters spawn smaller copies of themselves (that grow to the adult size), cluttering up the screen. They can also spit said smaller copies of themselves onto you, which stick to you and slow you down (if you get hit with a lot of them, you can end up unable to move!!!!)
    • Grays are, well, gray.
    • Fuzzles are covered in fur.
    • Inkies look like ink blobs which leave a trail of black "ink", and explode into inkblots when defeated.
    • Torchies are lit on fire.
    • Frosties are filled with icy liquid which they release on contact.
    • Horrors are, well, COMPLETE HORROR!!!!
    • Justified, since the glooples were named by humans, who based their names on their abilities.
  • Medal of Dishonor: Yes, you get awards for dying multiple times and also for dying in multiple ways. Then again, it's pretty much to be expected...
  • Metal Slime: Grays, but In Name Only. They don't run away, unlike a Metal Slime, and are hard as hell to defeat.
  • Monster Compendium: You fill it up by encountering different types of glooples.
  • Mook Maker: Clutters. Another one of the Goddamned Bats, this thing shoots out purple goo that sticks onto you. When you shake it off, it becomes a baby Clutter, which can grow to adult size if you let it be! Also, Clutters will explode into 1-3 baby Clutters when defeated.
    • Horrors can also launch "teeth" in multiple directions that will mutate a green gloople into a Biter if it hits one.
    • Queens will drop parasites that infect Glooples. If the infected gloople is on the screen when you manage to kill the queen, it transforms into another queen hell-bent on slicing you to bits.
  • Names to Run Away From Really Fast: The Horror, and the Void Eater.
  • Nintendo Hard: You are a One-Hit-Point Wonder, and many of the enemies are incredibly nasty.
  • Off with His Head: If the Queen gets you with her dual blades, she cuts off your head.
    • One of the Horror's moves can also result in this. It's also the only move that lets you attack it.
  • One-Hit-Point Wonder: LOTS of lethal stuff in this game. Although getting "bumped" cannot kill you. Getting lit on fire will not kill you instantly, but you will die if you don't put it out on time.
    • Reactive armour will allow you to become a two hit point wonder. Meltie Acid, Grinders, and Void Eater rays will still instantly kill you, though.
      • The reactive armour also (somewhat) protects you from certain attacks without being destroyed in the process, such as Gray's spike and Razor Queen's spikes it shoots at you (But not those spikey balls).
  • Personal Space Invader: The clutters, if you don't have armor. They slow you down unless you shake them off.
  • Rule of Three: Some of the tougher glooples take three hits to die instead of one, such as Oozles, Fuzzles, and Grays.
  • Scoring Points: For each Gloople you splat, you earn "bounty"; this bounty is multiplied if you splat several glooples in one swing.
  • Set a Mook to Kill a Mook: Sorta... Grinders and Sharps will chase after the player while destroying most weaker glooples in sight, so you can use them to your advantage to clear the way of Goddamned Bats like Biters.
    • Actually, a lot of Glooples can kill other Glooples... Horrors will shred most other Glooples that get in their way, Void Eaters will blast just everything to pieces with their shockwaves (or erase them with their disintegration rays; however, they can only crack Grinders,) Torchies tend to light all other Glooples on fire (according to the game, Glooples are made of alcohol,) Frosties freeze everything around them (allowing said Glooples to be easily shattered,) Inkies that get set on fire by Torchies will explode, Biters and Fuzzles will "pop" other Glooples in their path while lunging, and Oozles and Grays will flatten smaller Glooples that they collide with (assuming that they don't combine with said Glooples, which still means that there's one less Gloople on the screen.) This isn't even going into Meltie acid (which, well, melts most Glooples, though Grinders are (again) only weakened, Grays tend to harden as soon as they get near the stuff, Horrors are unaffected, other Melties are unaffected as well, and Sharps tend to extend their spines when near a Meltie pool, which lets them pass over it unharmed... though, Sharps will be melted if they happen to not have their spikes out when a Meltie is splatted nearby and they wind up in the acid pool.) Also, there's the Amalagm, which will eat any other Gloople that it touches (as long as said other Gloople is its size or smaller)... though, frankly, that only makes things worse for you.
      • Just keep in mind that Glooples killing each other doesn't count for your score, nor does it count for decrementing the number of Glooples left in a Single Nest. In order to make progress, you have to kill the Glooples yourself.
  • Single-Stroke Battle: This is one of the few ways to kill the Queen. Problematic in that you are slow and have one sword, and she is very fast and has two swordlimbs. Thankfully, the Autoturret and the Grenade can and will make short work of her, as will her attacks breaking your reactive armor.
  • Sophisticated As Hell: Some of the descriptions in the bestiary, which provide sophisticated biological commentary about the glooples, but also tend to contain less sophisticated-sounding warnings about how they can kill you.
  • Spike Shooter: The Horror can launch its teeth in eight directions, while the Razor Queen can fire out spikeballs that explode into a burst of spikes.
    • The Razor Queen is all about this. In addition to those spike balls she can fire single spikes to impale you, spike clusters that stick in the ground to reduce your range of manoever (running into one results in a nasty death by impalement), and underground spike-creatures that chase you and try to slice you in halves.
  • Spin to Deflect Stuff: Horrors use this -- in fact, the only time you can hurt it is when it isn't spinning!
  • Sprint Meter: The sprint reward allows you to move a lot faster for a limited period of time. However, you had to stand still to recharge it.
  • Tactical Suicide Boss: Quite a few...
    • Grays will try to impale the player with a spear-like tendril, when doing so it will not be able to harden and will be vulnerable to the player's attack.
    • Horrors will split apart into five pieces, four of which are deadly spinning blades. The fifth is a small blue "core" which, if hit, instantly destroys the Horror. Note that the Horror is otherwise spinning all the time, deflecting EVERYTHING you throw at it.
    • Queens also make themselves vulnerable when lunging, and will parry or dodge any attack otherwise. In fairness, it only makes them vulnerable for a split-second.
      • It's the same deal with the Razor Queen, though the tactic is slightly different - you can't get them from the front, you must avoid the charge, flank them, slice them and run away before the massive claws get you. A Razor Queen is actually somewhat easier to slash than a normal Queen, the window of opportunity being bigger... but then they have FIVE hitpoints as opposed to a normal Queen's one. And much nastier moves.
    • Void Eaters are unable to use their shockwave on stuff that draws close to them while charging up (or firing) their disintegration ray, giving you an opportunity to run up and slash it without being blown to pieces.
  • Taking You with Me: Again, there are plenty of examples.
    • The Meltie bursts into a deadly pool of acid that will dissolve you on contact (unless you have the hazmat suit) when it is killed.
    • The Torchie blows up with you if you attack it when it's on fire.
    • The Frostie freezes everything around it when killed. If you're frozen and get hit by anything, you shatter.
  • The Dev Team Thinks of Everything: Each type of gloople can interact with you AND other glooples in different ways. For example, Stickie Goo will slow you and most weaker glooples down, make you immune to burning, put out Torchie fires, and gum up the mouths of Biters and Fuzzles, preventing them from attacking.
  • Training from Hell: In training mode you can decide what glooples to fight choosing from any species you've faced before. Meaning you can go up against a Queen, a Void Eater, a Horror, an Amalgam and more all at once.
  • True Final Boss: The Razor Queen.
  • "Wake-Up Call" Boss: The first time a player runs into a grinder, he's probably going to realize that some Glooples may need more inventive means to kill that just slashing it with your sword.
  • Weak Turret Gun: With the emphasis on "weak". Although it does auto-aim at blobs and can kill many of the really nasty ones in one shot, it cannot take much damage.
    • Also is a case of AI Stupidity, since while it tries to shoot where you aren't, it may still shoot you to hit an enemy behind you, resulting in your death.
  • You Have Researched Breathing: One of the unlockable Rewards is Sprint. Thankfully, it is the first Reward you're probably going to unlock, thanks to it being on the far left of the Rewards screen.
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