< Alundra


  • Breather Level: Meia's dream doesn't have any enemies in it whatsoever.
    • Also, Nestus' and Bergus' dreams, though they're toward the end of the game, seem to have easier puzzles than a lot of the dungeons you've encountered earlier.
  • Complete Monster: The Dragon, Zorgia, consider cold blooded murder his greatest passion. And that guy pales in comparison to Ronan, the Obviously Evil priest, who in fanatic worship of his "god" murdered about half the village, including your father figure and an eight year old girl, turned just about the other half of the village against you (blaming you for their murders), and goes One-Winged Angel on you in your confrontation. Needless to say, it's very satisfying when you finally get to fight him.
    • Actually, no Ronan was just as much of a victim as everyone else considering the fact that Melzas was a demon that was granted with godlike powers, which convinced the entire village that the gods were trying to help the people and naturally made more religious types like Giles and Ronan who prayed often (and unknowingly giving Melzas more power to cause more pain) much more susceptible to Melzas' evil. After all, it wasn't Ronan who killed Sybill, it was actually Giles, who confesses this right as Melzas power turns him into a werewolf and he fights the evil to stop himself from killing his little sister Kisha, but dies in the process.
    • Heck, Melzas is also a big time Complete Monster extraordinary as he's nothing more than a power hungry God of Evil who tricks many innocent villager to do atrocities just for more power for himself. Everything that was bad in this game, it can be traced to Melzas, starting from Meia's Dark and Troubled Past, Zorgia and Ronan's fall to evil, those damned nightmares that kill people, the Murgg's evilness to the burning down of Inoa. These are all Melzas' designs, and he did that because he's power hungry and he's a dick. A gigantic dick.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Pretty much every boss defeat qualifies, but a special mention has to go to the moment after the final boss fight where you use the fire wand to burn Melzas to death right before you escape the sinking Lake Shrine and are able to watch the ending and credits.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The entire soundtrack defines this perfectly. Particularly the music from the final dungeon the Lake Shrine. and the song that plays during the credits.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Jess' last letter to Alundra, complete with his theme playing as it is read.
    • Also, the ending.
  • Cult Classic
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Meia and Septimus.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Sara Succubus, who seduces Bonaire in his nightmare. This is inverted HARD when you see her true form.
  • Game Breaker: If you collect all fifty of the Gilded Falcons, Captain Merrick will reward you with the Spirit Wand when you go to his shop. This item takes away your physical attack, but grants you infinite magic making the remainder of the game all too easy.
    • The Legendary Sword would also qualify considering it can destroy most bosses, including the last one in just a few hits.
  • Hell Is That Noise: The Nightmare music, fittingly.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Giles. Yeah, he's not the nicest guy around, but considering the fact that his distrust of outsiders and fanatical prayers are all to protect his younger sister whom he genuinely loves, and eventually dies saving, it's somewhat understandable.
  • Memetic Sex Goddess: Meia, so very much.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • Characters can die by dreaming. You may start skipping sleeps if the concept of 'sleeping and dreaming kills you' gets over your head.
    • Lars Crypt in its entirety counts for this. Everything from the scary music to the haunting mist in the area and the undead monsters attacking along with the fact that you are under a graveyard during this sequence.
    • Kline infiltrating your house: Alundra is sleeping, but you notice with a glance to the window that it's night outside. Suddenly, you hear a chilling roar, Kline jumps on your bed (from the roof), and begins to ask you to show him how your body will soon turns into bloody dead meat. Brrrr. Also, without the timely intervention of Alundra and Septimus during that night, who knows who else might have been attacked during the night (several doors of houses in the village are wide open, and another character was awaken by Kline that night, screaming in horror) ?
  • Tear Jerker:
  • That One Boss: The Soul Leech in Giles' dream. Not only you have to kill him with bombs or the weak bow, if it eats Giles, you die instantly.
    • Also the Watcher In The Water, considering his high health, great attack range, and your limited weapons and items at the time.
  • That One Level: Kline's Nightmare, mainly for all the ice puzzles.
  • That One Sidequest: Collecting all fifty of the Gilded Falcons.
  • The Woobie: There are many possible candidates such as Kisha, Meia, Nadia and Sierra after her daughter, Sybill is killed, but Sybill is the obvious choice.
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