Albus Potter Series
The Albus Potter Series is a series of Harry Potter fanfics by Vekin87. Taking place 19 years after the main series, it picks up where the 7th books epilogue begins as it follows the adventures of Albus Severus Potter after he is put into Slytherin House. What makes this fanfic particularly unique is the fact that the author has released full complete books for 6 of the 7 years at Hogwarts, with the sixth book in progress as well as the author's ability to emulate Rowling's style.
Aiding Albus in his adventures are new friends Morrison Vincent and Scorpius Malfoy, fellow Slytherin students, Mirra Tunnels of Gryffindor as well as his cousin Rose Weasley.
The series so far is:
- Albus Potter and the Dungeon of Merlin's Mist
- Albus Potter and the Dragon Fang Wand
- Albus Potter and the Foulest Book
- Albus Potter and the Rise of the Dark Alliance
- Albus Potter and the Silver Wizard
- Albus Potter and the Fortress of the Dead
Tropes used in Albus Potter Series include:
- Artifact of Doom: The Dragon Fang Wand
- Amplifier Artifact: What it allegedly does is unlock a wizard's full potential.
- The Atoner: The Malfoy family seems to be an example.
- Brilliant but Lazy: Albus describes Scorpius as this, but whether he is or not is up to debate.
- Big Eater: Morrison, one of Albus's best friends.
- Call Back: To many of Harry's adventures from the series, which Albus almost never realizes the significance of.
- Cool Teacher: Neville Longbottom,Draco Malfoy
- Cowardly Lion: Albus, at least in the first book.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Sebastian Darvy screws over Albus so that he can join his half-brother, only to screw him over two years later.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: Albus, to the point that his enemies notice and take advantage.
- Deadpan Snarker: Scorpius Malfoy does this a lot.
- Five-Man Band: Somewhat, among Albus and his closest friends.
- The Hero: Albus
- The Lancer: Scorpius, doubles as The Smart Guy
- The Big Guy: Morrison
- The Chick: Mirra Tunnels
- Generation Xerox: Several of the kids have many of the previous generation's personality traits, but usually mixed and matched a bit.
- Gray and Grey Morality: More so than the original Harry Potter novels.
- Inept Mage: Albus and his friend Morrison aren't the best at spells, at least at first.
- Averted with Albus, who recieves some training from Fairhart in The Fortress Of Dread, this then becomes a Took a Level in Badass for Albus
- Instant Allegiance Artifact: The Dragon Fang Wand causes a shift in morality, making the wielder more likely to kill and fall into the Dark Side, at least according to Harry.
- Insufferable Genius: Scorpius and Rose each have their moments.
- Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: The Renegades, a group of wizard vigilantes who killed Death Eaters after Second Wizard War. They wound up killing almost as many as the Death Eaters themselves.
- Knight Templar: The Renegades, big time.
- Not Quite Dead: Fairhart, even though his body was not found, every character in the story (except Albus) thinks he is dead, but it turns out that he really wasn't, as he is the titular Silver Wizard in the fifth story of the series, he then sort of kidnaps Albus, trains him to be a better wizard, only to die at the end of the sixth story, making him a character who was Back for the Dead
- Super-Powered Evil Side: The Dragonfang Wand has some... interesting side effects on Albus, to put it lightly.
- The Mentor: Harry serves as this a lot obviously.
- Took a Level in Badass: Albus, who recieves some training from Fairhart in The Fortress Of Dread
- Trademark Favorite Food: Albus and bacon. Morrison and fudge.
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