Akatsuki Blitzkampf
Akatsuki Blitzkampf is a doujinshi Fighting Game developed by Subtle Style. The game is set in a fictional future (year 266X AD), and involves characters that more or less resembles the German soldiers of World War II. Contrary to most doujin fighting games out there, Akatsuki Blitzkampf's playstyle is regarded as old-school and quite reminiscent of the fighting games Capcom produced during the 90's, including parries similar to the ones seen in the Street Fighter III series.
These games provide examples of:
- Auto Revive: Anonym's Super, complete with a shaft of light shining down from the heavens.
- Badass Grandpa: Fritz.
- Badass in a Nice Suit: Sai combines this with Badass Long Hair.
- Big Bad: Murakumo.
- Boobs of Steel: Compare Kanae and Marilyn Sue, both close combatants, to Mycale and Anonym, both ranged fighters.
- Church Militant: Anonym.
- Confusion Fu: Murakumo and his illusions.
- Darker and Edgier: In contrast to most doujin fighters, the first game had a more darker art style and the atmosphere was a lot less anime-like, instead opting for a "used future" style more seen in Western media. The sequel looks set to defy this, however.
- Dramatic Wind: Most everyone wearing a cape or other long, billowy garment benefits from this.
- Drop the Hammer: Literally. Mycale can summon Mjolnir itself to drop on an opponent's head with a satisfying "BWONG!" sound.
- Evil Eye: In Sai's super.
- Expy: Elektrosoldat plays pretty much like Guile from Street Fighter. Players refer to his projectiles as Booms and to his somersault kicks as Flash Kicks.
- Gainaxing: Marilyn Sue and her massive, pendulous sweater cows. It's not at all hyperbole to say it takes most male players about 6-8 hours of playtime to even notice what color her eyes are (they're purple, in case you still haven't looked away).
- Gratuitous German: Japan's fascination with German culture and history is really nothing new, but as noted under No Swastikas, they're not always clear on which parts of it aren't cool to emulate.
- Gun Kata: Anonym, again. Her super is named Tetragrammaton.
- Guns Akimbo: Anonym uses a pair of chrome-plated Webley revolvers.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Fritz uses a katana to fight, and while he can't go for long combos, every hit causes massive damages. Murakumo also uses a katana, but only for one special move and his Super.
- Lighter and Softer: Apparently, EN-Eins Perfektewelt. Sure, Nazis are still involved, but it suddenly became a lot flashier and more colorful compared to the previous versions, culminating with a playstyle shift into more combo-heavy-involved in a vein of Marvel vs. Capcom or just about a majority of doujin fighters. Some people aren't that pleased.
- Magic Skirt: Mycale, who probably has the most magical skirt of all, considering the hemline ends just below the crotch and it somehow still doesn't show anything.
- Meaningful Name: Subverted. She may have the look down pat, but Marilyn Sue is not a canon Mary Sue. Her role in the plot is mainly to serve as a pain in Akatsuki's ass and a walking pair of breasts that can hurt you [1]. Besides, the concept of a Mary Sue is very (very) familiar to the Japanese, but the specific term Mary Sue isn't. She was most likely named Marilyn in honor of a certain legendary sex symbol, and "Sue" just sounds cute when appended to a girl's first name.
- Mecha-Mooks: Elektrosoldats are soldiers equipped with the Blitz Engine.
- Meganekko: Mycale, which fits quite nicely with her cool and collected demeanor.
- Mighty Glacier: Fritz and Blitztank
- Nazi Zombie: Adler looks like an undead version of Elektrosoldat. Later versions give him a different look from his unit, by giving him different standing, crouching and walking animations, and an evil grin.
- Nintendo Hard: The first version had a brutally hard Murakumo. Later versions toned down his AI heavily.
- No Swastikas: Subverted. The "Nazi" characters aren't actually called Nazis, nor do they have any of the Nazi regalia other than the general layout of their uniforms. The subversion comes when you see Elektrosoldat win a match, salute[2] and yell "Sieg Heil!" Yep.
- Palette Swap: Adler in the first versions of the game, and Perfecti before the Ausf. Achse (arcade) version of the game.
- Putting on the Reich: Murakumo, Elektrosoldat, and Adler, and to a lesser extent Kanae and Akatsuki (the game's hero) as well. Justified in the cases of Adler and Elektrosoldat, who actually are Nazis. Later on, Perfecti joins in on the fun in Ausf Achse.
- Arguably, EN-Ein can also count in Perfektewelt, but it's debatable considering his mild case of Pretty In Mink. Let's not forget Tempelritter, who looks like a cross between a Nazi and a Valkyries.
- Oh, and they also added a mad doctor Expy of Josef Mengele in Perfektewelt, too. If the third game features a club-footed propagandist in a suit, it just may be time to stage an intervention with the folks at Subtle Style.
- Though with Akatsuki, he's more like a representative of the Japanese navy during WWII.
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: Marilyn Sue's Super. 100 hits in 5 seconds. Damn.
- Real Is Brown: The colors were unusually drab for a fighting game. That is until EN-Eins Perfektewelt was announced.
- Revolvers Are Just Better: Anonym uses them
- Shock and Awe: Both Akatsuki and Elektrosoldat's schtick.
- Also Adler and Murakamo, but less emphasized on compared to Akatsuki.
- Shotoclone: Akatsuki, who is more in the mold of Kyo than Ryu. Elektrosoldat's resemblance to Guile is also important to note.
- Shout-Out:.
- Anonym uses Gun Kata and her super is named Tetragrammaton.
- Sinister Shades: Sai. He uses them to cover up his freakish-looking eyes that can cause painful diseases and afflictions in whoever he looks at.
- Stupid Jetpack Hitler: Elektrosoldat is a Nazi robot.
- Super Mode: Wei's various powerups.
- Tank Goodness: Blitztank.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Murakumo.
- ↑ In keeping with the Street Fighter II parallel, she splits the "Zangief" role with Wei, in that both are strength-based fighters who have their own agenda and aren't interested in the main conflict at all. Just like how Zangief wants to prove himself the strongest man alive and couldn't care less about that Shadaloo and Psycho Drive hoo-ha, Marilyn Sue doesn't give a crap about super-soldiers or world conquest and just thinks stealing the Blitz Engine would be a great career move.
- ↑ Not THAT salute, thankfully.
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