Age of Time

Age of Time is a free, multiplayer, persistent-world fantasy action-adventure game by Eric "Badspot" Hartman, the creator of Blockland. It is known mainly for having only female player models, and for having not been updated in four years. You can play it here.

Tropes used in Age of Time include:
  • Awesome but Impractical: You can make swords out of anything from rust, to gold, to plutonium. However, no matter what materials you use, all swords are identical gameplay-wise.
  • Elemental Crafting: Rust, copper, zinc, lead, brass, iron, steel, gold, and plutonium can all be used to make swords, shields, and crossbows. All swords are the same, but shields have different effects depending on what they're made of (gold shields, for instance, create gold coins when struck), and crossbows shoot faster and farther the better the material used.
  • Fireballs: One of the spells you can cast
  • First Town: Port Town, which is also a Port Town.
  • Healing Potion: They come in two sizes and can be found as rare drops in dungeons, or they can be purchased at Port Town, Starboard Town, or the Tavern.
  • Item Crafting: As long as you have the materials, the blacksmith in Port Town will make fabric, clothing, metal, and weapons for you. However, if it's metal or weapons you want, you must also pay a fee.
  • Inexplicable Treasure Chests: Found in the wilderness, and are extremely rare. They used to contain gold, but once Badspot realized that players would just use tracking scripts to hunt them down, he changed them to contain lit dynamite.
  • Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game: Probably the one well-defined genre that this game is closest to. Badspot, however, makes it clear that it is not, as there is no leveling and there can only be 30 players at once on the game's only server.
  • Money Spider: All monsters drop something with killed, and unless it's a Sea Monster, Dynamite Orc, or an Imp, that something will be gold.
  • Orphaned Series: The game is still incomplete and has not been updated in four years.
  • Port Town: The First Town, which also happens to be called Port Town.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: The only way to get wood from trees is by using dynamite, for some reason.
  • Virtual Paper Doll: You can purchase or craft new clothes for your character to wear.
  • We Buy Anything: Averted. You can put anything up for sale in the shops in Port or Starboard Town, and for any price...there's just no guarantee that anyone else will buy it.
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