
The iconic logo, a capital B in bolded impact. Has led to font abuse.

That game where you build stuff.

Badspot, The creator of the game

As described in the quote, Blockland is an online multiplayer game where you build things with bricks. There is an event system, which allows you to make blocks do certain things by hitting them with a wrench and editing it. The bricks follow certain rules such as not being able to be placed inside another brick. Players can "Fakekill" bricks by shooting or exploding them with a sufficient amount of force, which will cause them to move around using the laws of physics. While moving around after being fakekilled, they will not affect the players at all and will reset after a time. The game was created by Eric "Badspot" Hartman using the Torque Engine. It is currently[when?] in version 20. The game now has a launcher that automatically installs small updates and such.

Tropes used in Blockland include:
  • Acceptable Breaks From Reality: Physics is treated more like a suggestion then a law. Bricks tend to only follow this suggestion when coerced with violence. Being clientsided, they can even just be disabled entirely.
  • Accidental Aiming Skills: Due to the 'traveling' nature of weaponry, many times a player won't so much shoot their target as their target walks into their bullet. What makes this different from outright 'leading' is many times the victim won't even be in their aggressor's line of sight in the first place, often walking out from behind walls or out of cover to be hit by a stray round.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: You can modify your avatar's scale using in-game events to be very big.
  • Awesome but Impractical: The mini-nuke add-on has been known to cause servers to crash, due to it's huge explosion fakekilling many bricks at one time.
  • Bottomless Magazines: The weapons Blockland comes stock with (and the vast majority of downloadable weapons) have no need to reload, and no ammo system. Certain mods get around this, like Rotondo's Zombie Mod.
  • Bullet Dodges You: Tier+Tactical's RPG has the uncanny ability to fly AWAY from your target. Experienced players learn to just aim at the ground.
  • Companion Cube: There is a mod for this, and it looks VERY realistic
  • Crossover: Subverted. With a model you can download, you can play as a Robloxian.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: A bit meta, but much of the 'complaints' the game gets are from the parents of kids (generally far too young to be online) telling the creator of the game to make the internet more kid-safe. He posts these conversations on the forums, as a mailbag.
  • Downloadable Content: The game's a powerful building tool on it's own, but much of the content comes from the add-ons forum.
  • Dueling Games: Roblox and Blockland.
    • Many of the older Blockland players will claim that there is no "war" going on between Roblox and Blockland. The new players, however, believe in such a "war".
      • Some people also think its a 3-way, with Minecraft in the mix
  • Difficult but Awesome: Scripting and modeling add-ons and eventing can be very hard, but can be very fun at times.
  • Every Car Is a Pinto: Vehicles blow up when they have zero health.
    • Everything Is A Pinto: Shoot anything. Do it. Chances are, it'll explode. Even if it's a player. Some mods take this even further, with them exploding into gibs.
  • Everythings Built With Blocks: All the blocks in Blockland are generic LEGO like bricks; the largest difference being that they have square pegs instead of circular pegs. The first, alpha version of Blockland had LEGO bricks.
  • Floating Continent: A popular building project.
  • Follow the Leader: Most servers nowadays are based off of older servers that have shut down or otherwise closed their doors.
  • GIFT: Many experienced users are ridiculously mean to newer ones.
  • Good Guns, Bad Guns: Tier+Tactical's Classic Assault Rifle and Classic Battle Rifle are, respectively, an M-16 and an AK-47. They were designed with this trope in mind.
  • Guns Akimbo: Don't even need to download it!
  • Gun Porn: The sheer amount of weaponry on the Blockland Forums would probably blow one's mind.
  • Hand Cannon: Every other weapon is wielded in one hand. Several are magnums that fire rounds larger then the player's head.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Someone made an hand gun add-on once. It was a hand that shot bullets.
  • Incredible Shrinking Man: Events can shrink the player.
  • Interface Screw: Being hurt causes the screen to flash red, and its transparency changes depending on how much damage you took.
    • There is also a add-on whitch changes your GUI completely
  • Kill It with Fire: Flamethrowers are a common add-on, and there was an add-on to make bricks catch on fire and be destroyed.
  • Kill It with Water: One mod has players go realistic with water, because the mod is a oxygen mod
  • Never Bring A Gun to A Sword Fight: Averted, except in the case of the Combat Knife- an instant kill to anyone within arm's length, and quite easy to get into people who aren't paying attention.
  • Nintendo Hard: Challenge servers (Platforming) can be ridiculously hard at times.
  • Powerpuff Girl Hands: Those hands are a bit blocky and abnormal...
  • Press X to Die: The default control for committing suicide is control + K
  • Short-Range Long-Range Weapon: "Sniper Duels" generally consist of fights at point-blank with high powered rifles.
    • Inversion: Many stereotypically shorter ranged weapons like pistols, shotguns and SMGs are usable at long ranges: in many cases they pick up where actual rifles leave off.
  • Standard FPS Guns: It's become a trend as of recently among modders. The basic game comes with a standard pistol, dual pistols and a rocket launcher.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: In minigames, almost every brick except baseplates can be fakekilled with high powered weaponry like the Rocket Launcher. When "killed", the blocks gain client-side physics, and will respawn in a few seconds.
  • Sturgeon's Law: What with all the add-ons and everything being created by the players except the default maps. In fact, the better part of the server list is generally clogged up with 'knife DMs', 'army RPs' and generic knock-offs of the 10% of Blockland's servers that are good. The most direct example would be the amount of cityRPG servers that have popped up, since the source was leaked.
  • Urban Legend of Zelda: The "Renderman" has this status currently, from a body, to a face right in front of you
  • Virtual Paper Doll: You can customize your avatar.
  • Wide Open Sandbox: The game is about building with what are basically virtual Legos.
    • This is inverted sometimes, as people who host servers can apply their own restrictions.
  • Zombie Apocalypse: Zombie mods exist; if only the community would use them more often.
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