< Adorkable
Adorkable/Video Games
- Sora, especially in the first Kingdom Hearts game. In the later games, he Takes A Level In Emo, but beneath it all, he still has a distinct boyish enthusiasm and optimism. Ventus is possibly even more adorkable than Sora given his nature, which is only highlighted when he interacts with Zack and Hercules. Even Terra has his moments. Demyx fits in the fandom's eyes, though he's more of a lazy goof in canon.
- Lucca in Chrono Trigger.
- Soren in Fire Emblem: Path Of Radiance, if the player bothers to dig up his back story to go along with his personality. Erk from the seventh game is this combined with Sugar and Ice Personality, and Azel from the fourth game is this trope.
- Lloyd and Genis in Tales of Symphonia; the former has won many a fangirl for his innocent, boyish charm, and the latter screams this trope in his interactions with Presea.
- Luke, once he cuts his hair, gets rather adorkable with his sudden dependency on others and embarrassed social moments.
- This is the common fan reaction to Naoto in Persona 4 despite (or because of the fact) that she is a girl.
- Unexpectedly, Akihiko Sanada in Persona 3 - who initially comes across as a cool, self-assured upperclassman and is the most sought-after boy at Gekkoukan High School - turns out to be completely adorkable when it comes to actually interacting with girls outside of SEES. The PSP re-release turns it Up to Eleven by making him a possible love interest for the female protagonist.
- Shinjiro Aragaki, of all people, also turns out to have a bit of this going on thanks to a hidden love of animals and cooking shows, though he's more a gruffly Sugar and Ice Personality than outright dorky. Again, it's played up in the PSP version thanks to his Social Link in the female main character's route.
- Katsuya Suou from Persona 2: Eternal Punishment is a cop who wonders if the penal code applies to demons, and he will even interrogate them as a contact option! Her also has a HUGE crush on Maya Amano, and because he's got a crippling case of Cannot Spit It Out, he calls her Ms. Amano, even towards the end of the game.
- Vivi in Final Fantasy IX. He's sweet, kind, The Woobie, clumsy, and adorable. He fits this like a glove.
- Otacon in Metal Gear Solid, especially in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.
- The Peachi comics dialled this trait Up to Eleven.
- Shad from The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess -- a few fans have speculated that he may be some sort of Hyrulean Expy of Otacon. He's also supposedly very similar to Nintendo of America translator Bill Trinen; goodness only knows what that says about Bill.
- For that matter, Toon Link.
- Link himself at the beginning of Skyward Sword. By the end he has taken several hundred thousand levels in badass.
- Alistair from Dragon Age fits this trope to a tee.
- Every playable character in Maple Story, plus most allied NPCs, plus quite a few of the villains.
- Cullen, too, as seen when faced by a female Mage Warden. Until he goes through severe Break the Cutie, anyway.
- Merrill from Dragon Age II combines this with being a Fish Out of Water.
- Mass Effect:
- Tali'Zorah in the second game. Particularly if you play a male Shepard and go for the romance with her. Not to mention her hitting The Woobie status during her loyalty mission.
- Garrus Vakarian. As above, playing a Shepard of the opposite gender and romancing him makes this particularly noticeable, but it's present all the same.
- If you didn't romance either of the above, they hook up in part three. The scene where you catch them together may set off your Cuteness Proximity.
- Liara T'Soni, who is able to be romanced by both sexes. A good portion of her romance has her being easily flustered by Shepard's romances and accidentally, and quite humorously, putting her foot in her mouth. Both attributes were found adorable. And, a lot like Tali, she's a massive woobie.
- Legion, if you talk to him and ask why he's wearing your old armor.
- Zack Fair in the Final Fantasy VII Compilation, especially the prequels Crisis Core and Before Crisis. Zack is one of the strongest Badass Abnormal characters in the series, but he STILL manages to have oh so many adorably silly moments. Even pre-Nibelheim (i.e., sane) Sephiroth apparently isn't immune to Zack's adorkable qualities, as seen here.
- Cloud can be rather adorkable himself at times. "Let's mosey", anyone?
- "Can't you say "move out!" or somethin'?!"
- Super Mario Bros.. Luigi becomes more like this every game.
- Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. Koops, the poor awkward little Koopa who lost is confidence after his dad got eaten by a dragon. Despite his quirks--nay, because of them--he's got quite a large crowd of fan girls.
- Final Fantasy XIII: Snow freakin' Villiers. Big, tough, friendly, cheerful, boyish hopeless romantic... aww. (Someone at Squeenix loves this trope.)
- Within the small fandom for Beyond Good and Evil, The Big Guy Double H has a not-insignificant Fan Girl following due to his bumbling-but-sweet goofball-spy nature. His adorkability is especially pronounced due to what he is.
- Jeff from EarthBound, with that suit, glasses, bow tie, bowl haircut....and he has TONS of fangirls. Lloyd from the prequel counts, too.
- This trait is undoubtedly a good part of Daxter's charm.
- Noel and Carl from BlazBlue can both be considered this. Tsubaki also.
- Being one part Dating Sim, no Harvest Moon game is complete without at least one single character who falls into this category. Among both males and females and across the series, they include Hot Librarian Mary, shy Woobie Cliff, Meganekun Rick, Louis, and Elliot, Mary Expy Sabrina, Shea, Luke (both of which aren't nerdy but are definitely both hilariously and cutely awkward), and Shrinking Violet Candace.
- Kuruna in the spinoff Rune Factory 3 has moments of this. Usually around cake and chocolate.
- Ellis from Left 4 Dead. He's a fairly outgoing Keet, but he gets so adorably tongue-tied talking to Zoey.
- Apollo Justice. His fear of everything and generally incompetent style of lawyering makes him so stupidly cute one begins to wonder how he became a lawyer in the first place.
- Ron DeLite, too.
- Miles Edgeworth often falls into this, especially when it comes to trying to loosen up. Not to mention his not-so-secret love of the Steel Samurai.
- Hahn Mahlay from Phantasy Star IV.
- In Blaze Union, it turns out that most of the Imperial Army fits under this description, but none more than emotionally vulnerable, heartbreakingly kind and eager-to-please Gulcasa at age 17. His allies (and even some of his enemies!) seem to think so too.
- Wheatley from Portal 2. He's a scatterbrained, talkative, friendly little personality core with a British accent (voiced by Stephen Merchant!) who fails at hacking and is a huge Cowardly Lion. Of course, it all goes to hell later, but he's still Adorkably Evil.
- Tales of Innocence: Luca Milda.
- 10 of Spades, a Friendly Sniper from Fallout: New Vegas. He's the shortest character in the game, one of the friendliest, has a stutter, and wears thick Nerd Glasses. Unfortunately, he sometimes disappears from the game after a quest is completed.
- Rief in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. Soft-spoken, scholarly, wears Nerd Glasses and a bowl cut, and if his intro scene is anything to go by, he has a touch of the Keet and a bad sense of self-preservation, as his reaction to a Psynergy Vortex is to get excited and take a closer look.
- Lucas from Pokémon Diamond and Pearl has shades of this, as a NPC.
- Pokémon Black and White brings us Cilan, and if you're not put off by his bizarre personality, N.
- In Morenatsu, almost all the male interests. Konousuke, in particular, but it's part of the overall appeal.
- Laguna Loire, his relationships with both of his love interests are almost based on this.
- Yuri Lowell, while not a shining example of this due to the serious nature of the story and his role in it most of the time, has his moments in several skits and scenes, especially when interacting with fellow party members Karol and Estelle.
- Banjo-Kazooie: Bottles the Short-Sighted Mole.
- How is Rodent not mentioned here? Especially with those big goggle glasses?
- BioWare really seems to like this trope; Star Wars: The Old Republic features several companions for player characters of varying degrees of this trope. Watch the dorkiness be cranked up to eleven if the romance option is taken.
- Guybrush Threepwood from the Monkey Island PC game series is quintessential adorkable.
- In his first meeting with the beautiful pirate governor Elaine, he loses all power to speak coherently, uttering words like "blggw" and "dmnkly" (as the game was initially released in 1990, the jokes were in text).
- His first line ever includes an overly exuberant "I wanna be a pirate!" - immediately exposing his adorkable lack of gruff and tough pirate attitude.
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