Addergoole is a contemporary fantasy Web Serial Novel with erotic and dark-fantasy elements, a modern-day fairy tale of sorts, without the soft-glow filters to soften the harsh edges, without the safety of "happily ever after" or even the security of knowing that the prince on his white horse is the good guy.
Shahin, cold and cynical, thinks she’s being sent to the Addergoole School because her mother can no longer deal with her freakish ways.
Kailani, brilliant and naïve, thinks she’s being sent to a college prep school for exceptional teenagers.
Jamian, who seems so normal, is just worried that in the close quarters of the underground boarding school, his secret will come out.
In a way, they’re all right.
Descend into Addergoole with them, as they learn how much they don’t know about themselves, their parents, and their world.
The link is to the SFW first page. Some other pages will have NSFW content. You Have Been Warned.
Needs Wiki Magic Love.
- Adam and Eve Plot -- one of the suggested reasons for the school
- Am I Just a Toy to You? -- Alisha and Vlad.
- Anything That Moves -- Ardell and Ivette.
- Being Tortured Makes You Evil
- Boarding School of Horrors
- The Chessmaster -- also Regine
- Crapsack World
- Everybody Has Lots of Sex -- seems to be part of the Boarding School of Horrors, actually
- Everyone Is Bi
- The Fair Folk -- everyone
- Grey and Grey Morality
- Horny Devils
- Hot Teacher -- Many, such as Luke, but Vander Linden is the epitome of this idea.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl -- Tolly and Agatha
- I Am Who?
- Ice Queen - Shahin, literally
- Invisible to Normals -- Non-humans look normal to regular humans
- Kiss of the Vampire -- Dysmas.
- Mating Dance
- Manipulative Bastard -- Agatha, in spades
- Mind Rape -- Caspian to Shahin, after abducting her.
- More Than Mind Control
- Our Dragons Are Different
- Puberty Superpowers
- Really Gets Around -- Mea.
- Schoolteachers -- Each student is assigned to a teacher for guidance and such.
- Snark-to-Snark Combat
- Stalker with a Test Tube -- Sima.
- Stepford Snarker
- Their First Time -- Ty & Jamian.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist -- Regine
- Wizarding School -- actually a school for older teenagers who are about to transform into The Fair Folk
- Wrong Guy First -- Kailani, Taro and Conrad. Taro's the wrong guy.