Achievement Unlocked
"Don't worry, metagaming is all that matters."—Slogan for Achievement Unlocked
Achievement Unlocked is a Web Games by Jmtb 02, that could be considered a metagame about metagaming. It is the Spin-Off/sequel to Elephant Rave. The game features an elephant in a room, and a myriad of achievements ranging from simple things like moving left and right, to more complex things like dying a certain amount of times, or visiting certain points in the room in a certain order. You can earn 13 achievements by starting up the game and standing still.
The only real point to the game is to get all of the achievements -- there isn't really any story or anything to speak of. The game ends once you get all of the achievements.
Two subsequent sequels was made. The first of them, Achievement Unlocked 2 pokes fun at the concept of Downloadable Content. It also has a Time Trial challenge and a multiplayer mode. Achievement Unlocked 3 extends the amount of achivements to 400, includes a ladder system, and adds an Excuse Plot where you collect pellets for the Hamster King.
The same elephant stars in This Is the Only Level and its sequel, as well as Elephant Rave HD and Elephant Rave sLoWdOwN Remix, Run Elephant Run, Obey The Game! and Elephant Quest.
If you're here because you were actually looking for information regarding video game achievements, you're looking for Cosmetic Award.
- 100% Completion: The entire point of this game.
- A Winner Is You
- Bragging Rights Reward/Cosmetic Award: Pretty much the whole game, but especially the "Too Much Free Time" achievement, which you get for getting every other achievement in the game.
- Deconstruction: Of the Achievement system.
- Double Jump: Attempting to do so in the first two games is an achievement in itself. It's really available in the third game, and trying to triple-jump gets an achievement.
- Fat Bastard: King Hamster
- Gotta Catch Em All: This is pretty much the whole point of the game, to get all the achievements. You even get an achievement for getting an achievement!
- Guide Dang It: Most of the "numbered points" achievements, particularly "(2*125)+3" and "3*(30/(15-13))".
- Also, one of the achievements is for visiting the hint page
- Several achievements are for changing the elephant's colour, but you're not told how to do this.
- "Can't Follow Instructions" in the sequel. You right-click, and click "Don't Click Here."
- The craziest of them? type the game's URL in another tab while you're still playing it, and you'll gain access to the Hot Coffee screen. Move about in that mini-stage, and stand onto the coffee cup to get more achievements. But wait, there's more: in that secret screen, there's another secret screen, named Cold Coffe. It's found by falling off the side of the Hot Coffee screen. Standing on top the Cold Coffee mug also gives you an achievement. It's pretty safe to say that AU2 also pokes fun at the very notion of Guide Dang It.
- It's All Upstairs From Here: In the second game, finishing the game involves jumping to the top of the Cataclysm level.
- It's Up to You: Seriously.
- Konami Code: Required to get an achievement: "Too Much Contra"
- Mood Whiplash: The Cataclysm (or Roof) in the second game.
- Mundane Made Awesome: The description of the second game.
This is a game about you.
Yes you, the player: A lowly blue elephant In a World that has no defining purpose. But you will create a purpose, and that purpose is to do the unthinkable. The extraordinary. The tasks that few have thought to achieve. The world you struggle in pushes back with tremendously nonsensical squares and launchers... coins that pay for things you would only imagine should have been free to begin with. Spikes will be hellbent in causing your demise. This will not be easy. And while the road of purposelessness will be overbearing you will succeed. You know why?
Because it's your destiny.
Welcome to metagaming hell.
Welcome to Achievement Unlocked 2.
- Also, the ending:
I have triumphed.
I have collected 250 individual achievements.
I was never obligated to finish the achievements given to me. So much time has elapsed... I could have baked a pizza, went for a run, helped my sister move her apartment across town... but instead I sat here.
Here I sat, pushing the arrow keys, moving a little 20 pixel elephant around a screen doing fairly random tasks. First I was getting rewarded for no particular reason; soon after, I started to earn achievements on my own accord. By the end, I became The Master. I won.
I played Row Row Row Your Boat. I ran in a giant hamster wheel. I even pooped a pastry. In the end, it all made sense. I needed to achieve. I needed to win. And even though I got there with a bit of stress, time-wasting, and lack of diginity, I achieved what few have ever done.
Congratulations player. YOU HAVE DONE IT.
Now go play outside or help your sister move or something...
- Nonstandard Game Over: In the second game, going upstairs to finish without all of the achievements.
- Obvious Beta: The third game. Several achievements are glitched, and the frame rate is horrible.
- Only Smart People May Pass: The two number point achievements mentioned above are quite simple to anyone able to do mid-level mathematics.
- Or for those who have the ability to obtain and use a calculator.
- Also, in the second game, there are some achievements you need to know how to play the piano in order to get.
- Press X to Die: In the second game, the "Panic" button kills your elephant. There are several achievements for doing interesting things with this effect.
- Shout-Out: A number of the achievements, such as "THIS IS SPARTA", "Meaning of Life", "Stayin' Alive", "It's a Jump to the Left" and "And it's a step to the Ri-i-ight!".
- In the second game, there's an achievement called "The Bends".
- Side View
- Solid Gold Poop: In the sequels, the elephant can poop pastries, and eat them too.
- Solve the Soup Cans: "My Favourite Spot" stands out in particular.
- Spikes of Doom: And they even change color when touched.
- Stupidity Is the Only Option: Some of the achievements require you to jump into spiked pits. Repeatedly.
- Video Game Cruelty Potential: Some of the achievements require you to kill the poor elephant you're controlling a certain number of times.
- Welcome to The Real World: The first sequel's top level is supposed to be the real world (called the cataclysm), with a dramatic music playing when you enter it. The background is a picture of a city (from the picture, it's probably Chicago) at twilight. You even get an achievement if you kill yourself in the cataclysm.