A Walk to Remember
A Walk to Remember is a weepy 2002 romantic drama tragedy about a bad boy and a sweet Christian girl who fall in love and are torn apart when one of them gets leukemia. Everything you can expect from Nicholas Sparks.
Also notable for being the breakout acting role of teen pop princess Mandy Moore, who also contributed to the soundtrack.
Tropes used in A Walk to Remember include:
- Altar the Speed: The young couple gets married after an extremely short courtship. Because he knows she's dying, and "getting married at the same church her mom did" was one of the things she wanted to do before she died. Sweet or saccharine? You decide.
- Beautiful All Along: Although she was never supposed to be "ugly" (just plain), Jamie has this moment during the scene in which she performs in the school play; as she takes off a black cape she is revealed in a blue silk dress, along with full hair and make-up for the first time.
- Black Best Friend: Eric.
- Dating What Daddy Hates
- Enforced Method Acting: During the production, the actors playing Mandy Moore's classmates were told to distance themselves from her for a period of time, so she would feel unpopular and unliked. According to Mandy Moore, it didn't go as planned, as they caught up and became close when they were told they could be civil to her.
- "God Is Love" Songs
- I'd Tell You, But Then I'd Have To Kill You: Joked at with Jamie.
- Ill Girl: Jamie, the whole movie's point
- Karma Houdini: Landon is part of a drunken "prank" that pretty much cripples another student. His punishment is being made to do some community service by the Principal, as opposed to, say, a criminal trial, or at the very least having to defend himself in a civil suit.
- Like You Were Dying: the whole movie.
- The Mourning After
- Non-Actor Vehicle: perceived to be so.
- The Pollyanna: Jamie mostly is this; she is a devoutly religious girl who is always optimistic and faces her impending death gracefully.
- Preacher's Kid: Jamie.
- Troubled but Cute: Landon.
- Uncle Tomfoolery: The Black Best Friend.
- Uptight Loves Wild
- Wham! Line: When Jamie tells Landon she has leukemia.
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