A Monkey's Tale
A Monkey's Tale is a 1999 animated movie produced by Steve Walsh Productions. It was awarded the prize for Best Animated Film at the Hollywood Film Festival.
Kom, a rebellious teenage simian, falls from his Tree-Top Town down into the jungle, ignoring the local preacher's warnings that "Everything up here is good, and everything down there is bad!".
The unconscious Kom is found by the King of the Laanko monkeys, who live in a more modern environment.
All the while the resident Evil Chancellor is plotting to poison the princess and usurp the throne.
Tropes used in A Monkey's Tale include:
- Big No: More of a Big Monkey Screech, done by Gavin, when Kom falls into the deep dark unknown.
- Big Yes: Done by Kom, when he finds out that once he's educated he'll get to meet the king, who saved him from the jungle.
- Comically Missing the Point: Kom doesn't get the point of a maze.
- Cool Old Guy: The King, who's hobby is hunting a tiger.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Korkornak's preaching that everything up here is good, and everything down below is bad, sounds a bit like Heaven and Hell.
- Everything's Better with Monkeys
- Evil Chancellor: Lord Sebastian.
- Harmless Villain: Gerard the Gormless.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: The Laankos, voiced by John Hurt, Rik Mayall, Sally-Anne Marsh, Michael York and Michael Gambon. Also, Kom's voice actor Matt Hill is pretty well known in the Anime dubbing industry, as well as for his role as Ed in Ed Edd and Eddy.
- Informed Wrongness: Gina having a spat with Kom in the middle of the movie.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Kom
- Large Ham: Gerrard, voiced appropriatly by Rik Mayall.
- Loveable Rogue: Kom.
- Not So Different: The two monkey tribes.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Both the King and the Princess.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: The King of Laanko.
- Surrounded by Idiots: Lord Sebastian.
- Tsundere: Gina.
- Worthy Opponent: The King refers to the tiger he hunts as one of these.
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