AIC (short for Anime International Company) is a large Anime Studio (by large, it's mainly due to having seven subsidiaries - "AIC A.S.T.A.", "AIC Build", "AIC Classic", "AIC Digital", "AIC PLUS+", "AIC Spirits" and "AIC Takarazuka")
Established in 1982, the company has gone on to provide animation for several high profile series and has helped out on many others. Since 2006, they've been developing software (alongside Singapore's Nanyang Technological University) that will generate In-Betweens from key frames.
Side Note: All titles by the subsidiaries are listed here, likewise any Artmic projects (as AIC owns those).
Compare Toei Animation, TMS Entertainment, Studio Gainax, Madhouse, Studio DEEN, Sunrise, Studio Pierrot and Studio Gallop. Other major Anime studios from the Early 80's or prior, and all of which are still around. See also Wang Film Productions and Industrial Light and Magic, two other long lasting animation studios (one Taiwanese, one American) established before the 80's and still running.
Major Projects by AIC and its subsidiaries include:
- Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers (With TMS; Served as "B" Unit)
- Ah! My Goddess (OVAs, Movie and 2005/2007 TV series, Adventures of Mini Goddess animated by OLM Incorporated)
- Amagami
- Armitage III (With Mook DLE)
- Asobi Ni Iku Yo
- Bamboo Blade
- Blue Gender
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
- Bubblegum Crisis
- Burn Up
- Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future (Three animated VHS releases commissioned by Mattel -"Future Force Training", "Bio-Dread Strike Mission" and "Raid On Volcania"- based on the series).
- Dangaioh
- Detonator Orgun
- Fight Iczer One
- Inspector Gadget (Some Season 1 episodes; remainder done by TMS, Wang and Toei)
- Gall Force
- Genocyber
- Girls Bravo
- Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun
- Gun X Sword
- Magical Canan
- Megazone 23
- Moldiver
- Nightwalker
- Now and Then, Here and There
- Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai!
- Parallel Trouble Adventure Dual
- Pole Position (With KKC and D Asia and Visual 80)
- Pumpkin Scissors (With GONZO)
- R-15
- Riding Bean
- Seto no Hanayome (With GONZO)
- Solty Rei (With GONZO)
- Strike Witches (second season only)
- Tenchi Muyo!
- Tokko
- Tokyo Majin
- Vampire Princess Miyu (Both OVAs and series)
Other Projects AIC and its subsidiaries has done include:
- Angel Beats! (2nd Key & Finish Animation)
- The Animatrix (In-betweens for Studio 4°C's "The Second Renaissance", "Kid's Story", "Beyond" and "Detective's Story")
- Anpanman (In-Between Animation)
- Batman: Gotham Knight (In-Between Assistance)
- The Big O (In-Between Animation)
- Blade of the Immortal (In-Between Animation)
- Blood Plus (Digital Paint)
- Canaan (Finish & In-Between Animation)
- Eureka Seven (In-Between Animation)
- Fairy Tail (In-Between Animation)
- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (In-Between Animation)
- Golgo 13: The Professional (In-Between Animation; Additional services)
- Hanasaku Iroha (2nd Key and In-Between Animation)
- Heroman (In-Between Animation)
- Level E (Finish Animation)
- Linebarrels of Iron (Finish Animation)
- Macross Frontier (Finish & In-Between Animation)
- Mobile Suit Gundam 00 (In-Between Animation)
- Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team (In-Between Animation)
- Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (Supporting Photography)
- Noir (Finish Animation)
- Nurse Witch Komugi (Digital Paint)
- Pandora Hearts (In-Between Animation)
- Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt (In-Between Animation)
- Pokémon (Key & In-Between Animation - Diamond & Pearl season)
- Pokémon Arceus and The Jewel of Life (Digtal Paint Assistance)
- Pokémon: Giratina and The Sky Warrior (Animation Assistance)
- Professor Layton and The Eternal Diva (Finish & In-Between Animation)
- Real Drive (In-Between Animation)
- Rurouni Kenshin (Final Line)
- Serial Experiments Lain (Co-Producer)
- Silverhawks (Additional Animation)
- Softenni (In-Between Animation)
- Spirited Away (Supporting Animation)
- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (In-Between, Key & Finish Animation, Animation assistance)
- Thundercats (Additional Animation)
- Toradora! (In-Between Assistance)
- Trinity Blood (Finish Animation)
- White Album (In-Between Animation)
- The World God Only Knows (In-Between Animation)
- You're Under Arrest (Paint, In-Between Animation)
- Cash Cow Franchise: Ah My Goddess, Tenchi Muyo; Captain Power also to a slight extent.
- Stock Sound Effects: The Captain Power videos recycles some of the same effects from Bubblegum Crisis