List of stars in Sagitta

This is the list of notable stars in the constellation Sagitta, sorted by decreasing brightness.

Name B F Var HD HIP RA Dec vis.
Dist. (ly) Sp. class Notes
γ Sgeγ1218931998337 19h 58m 45.39s+19° 29 31.53.51−1.11274K5IIIvariable star, ΔV = 0.004m, P = 6.37836 d
δ Sge Aδ718707697365 19h 47m 23.27s+18° 32 03.33.82−1.87448M2II + B6semiregular variable, Vmax = 3.75m, Vmin = 3.83m
δ Sge Bδ7187077 19h 47m 23.10s+18° 32 01.03.80
α Sgeα518575896757 19h 40m 05.78s+18° 00 50.24.39−1.42473G0IISham, Alsahm
β Sgeβ618595896837 19h 41m 02.93s+17° 28 34.04.39−1.39466G8II
ζ Sgeζ818736297496 19h 48m 58.65s+19° 08
η Sgeη1619060898920 20h 05m 09.47s+19° 59 variable
13 Sge13VZ18957798438 20h 00m 03.31s+17° 30 59.55.33−1.47746M4IIIasemiregular variable, Vmax = 5.27m, Vmin = 5.57m
11 Sge1118909098234 19h 57m 45.44s+16° 47 20.85.540.07404B9III
1 Sge118031794620 19h 15m 17.34s+21° 13 55.65.650.71318A4V
ε Sgeε418519496516 19h 37m 17.38s+16° 27 46.05.67−0.14473G8IIIvarsuspected variable, Vmax = 5.64m, Vmin = 5.67m
S Sge10S18872798085 19h 56m 01.26s+16° 38 05.35.71−4.894289G5Ibv SBCepheid variable, Vmax = 5.24m, Vmin = 6.04m, P = 8.382086 d
15 Sge1519040698819 20h 04m 06.47s+17° 04 16.25.804.5658G1Vbinary star; suspected variable, Vmax = 5.77m, Vmin = 5.80m
HD 193579193579100276 20h 20m 21.40s+17° 47 34.85.82−0.01477K5III
HD 19021119021198738 20h 03m 16.39s+18° 30 03.75.99−1.09849K3Iab:
HD 18024218024294598 19h 15m 02.69s+20° 12 11.36.03−0.70724G8IIIsuspected variable, Vmax = 6m, Vmin = 6.04m
HD 17842817842893966 19h 07m 57.28s+16° 51 binary
HD 17719917719993523 19h 02m 52.62s+19° 39 39.76.11−2.261538K1III
18 Sge1819283699913 20h 16m 19.78s+21° 35
9 Sge9QZ18800197796 19h 52m 21.77s+18° 40 18.86.23−6.9614174O8espectroscopic eclipsing binary, Vmax = 6.16m, Vmin = 6.23m
HD 19181419181499445 20h 11m 03.53s+21° 08
2 Sge218249095398 19h 24m 22.08s+16° 56
V340 SgeV34018562296688 19h 39m 25.34s+16° 34 16.16.37−2.872296M0Iab-Ib SBslow irregular variable
V344 SgeV34419117899176 20h 08m 06.50s+16° 39 51.76.39−4.184234M3IIIirregular variable
HD 18037718037794646 19h 15m 33.37s+18° 30 58.86.46−1.131072M2IIIsemiregular variable
HD 17677617677693374 19h 01m 05.43s+19° 18 34.66.470.74457K1III
U SgeU18118294910 19h 18m 48.41s+19° 36 37.76.50−0.961012B8III + KAlgol variable, Vmax = 6.45m, Vmin = 9.28m, P = 3.38061933 d
θ Sgeθ1719157099352 20h 09m 56.61s+20° 54 53.26.513.24147F5IV
V338 SgeV33817958894377 19h 12m 34.45s+16° 50 47.16.69791B9IVEclipsing binary
3 Sge318257195435 19h 24m 45.39s+16° 57 25.46.841.36407A0
HD 183143HT18314395657 19h 27m 26.56s+18° 17 45.26.867100B7IaeAlpha Cygni variable, Vmax = 6.71m, Vmin = 6.95m, P = 40.44 d
θ Sgeθ17191571 20h 09m 52.30s+20° 53 47.08.90component of the θ Sge system
HD 23170123170196078 19h 32m 04.16s+16° 28 27.48.993.81354F8VUruk; has a planet (b)
R SgeR192388 20h 14m 03.75s+16° 43 35.19.20G0IbRV Tauri variable, Vmax = 8.0m, Vmin = 10.5m, P = 70.77 d
FG SgeFG99527 20h 11m 56.06s+20° 20 04.49.45606B4Ieq-K2IbVmax = 8.7m, Vmin = 18.1m
V SgeV 20h 20m 14.69s+21° 06 10.449.6-137800prototype V Sagittae variable, Vmax = 8.16m, Vmin = 13.9m, P = 0.514195 d
GY SgeGY 19h 35m 13.63s+19° 12 08.69.84Cepheid variable, Vmax = 9.84m, Vmin = 10.60m, P = 51.0625 d
HAT-P-34 20h 12m 47s+17° 37 41.210.16838F8Sansuna; has a transiting planet (b)
SV SgeSV93987 19h 08m 11.77s+16° 43 35.110.3Rv...R Coronae Borealis variable, Vmax = 10.3m, Vmin = 16.5m, P = 56.64 d
HD 187282QT18728297456 19h 48m 32.20s+18° 12 03.710.51WN4Wolf–Rayet star, ΔV = 0.04m
QW SgeQW 19h 45m 49.54s+18° 36 47.811.0M6Z Andromedae variable, Vmax = 11.0m, Vmin = 12.8m, P = 517 d
HM SgeHM 19h 41m 57.09s+16° 44 39.911.10M7Nova and Mira variable
WR 124QR94289 19h 11m 30.88s+16° 51 38.211.12WN8Merrill's Star; Wolf–Rayet star, Vmax = 11.04m, Vmin = 11.12m
RZ SgeRZ 20h 03m 18.47s+17° 02 51.912.3SU Ursae Majoris variable, Vmax = 12.3m, Vmin = 17.7m, P = 0.0682803 d
QY SgeQY 20h 07m 54.62s+18° 42 54.512.37G0e...semiregular variable, Vmax = 12.37m, Vmin = 12.57m
UU SgeUU 19h 42m 10.30s+17° 05 14.414.67sdO+GAlgol variable in planetary nebula, Vmax = 14.18m, Vmin = 15.59m, P = 0.46506918 d
WZ SgeWZ 20h 07m 36.50s+17° 42 14.815.20DAepvprototype WZ Sagittae variable
Black Widow PulsarQX 19h 59m 36.77s+20° 48 15.120.4eclipsing binary/millisecond pulsar, Vmax = 20.4m, Vmin = 23.0m, P = 0.381967 d
WY SgeWY 19h 32m 43.82s+17° 44 55.9nova; dwarf nova; Algol variable
PSR B1944+17 19h 46m 53.04s+18° 05 41.2pulsar
Table legend:

See also

  • List of stars by constellation


  • ESA (1997). "The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues". Retrieved 2006-12-26.
  • Kostjuk, N. D. (2002). "HD-DM-GC-HR-HIP-Bayer-Flamsteed Cross Index". Retrieved 2006-12-26.
  • Roman, N. G. (1987). "Identification of a Constellation from a Position". Retrieved 2006-12-26.
  • "AAVSO Website". American Association of Variable Star Observers. Retrieved 9 March 2014.
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