
Iazychie (Ukrainian: Язичіє, Yazychiye/ Rusyn: Язичіє, Yazychiye) was an artificial literary East Slavic language used in the 19th century and the early 20th century in Halychyna, Bukovina, and Zakarpattia in publishing, particularly by Ukrainian Russophiles (Moskvophiles).[1] It was an unsystematic combination of lexical, phonetic and grammatical elements of vernacular Ukrainian (including dialects of predominantly southwestern origin), Old Ukrainian (Ruthenian language), Polish, Russian and Old Slavic.[1]

The term was introduced by Ukrainophiles, who used it pejoratively.[2] Nikolay Chernyshevsky called "Iazychie" a mutilation of the language and sharply condemned it.[1] Ivan Franko and other representatives of the contemporary territories of today's Western Ukraine's progressive intelligentsia also opposed "Iazychie".[1] The proponents of the language themselves called it Russian or Galich-Russian (галицко-русский) language. Russophiles saw it as a tool against Polish influence and a transition to Russian literary language, considering local dialects to be a "speech of swineherds and shepherds".[3]


  1. Zhovtobyukh, M.A. Iazychie. Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia.
  2. Magocsi, P.R., Iazychie. World Academy of the Carpatho-Rusyn Culture. (in Ukrainian)
  3. Орест Субтельний, Історія України [ Orest Subtelny, History of Ukraine], Section 6.3 (archived)

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