2009 in birding and ornithology


New species

See also Bird species new to science described in the 2000s

Taxonomic developments



World listing



Breeding birds

  • A Manx shearwater (Puffinus puffinus) originally ringed on 17 May 1957 at Bardsley Bird Observatory has bred each summer on the island ever since.[1]

Migrant and wintering birds

  • Britain's largest flock of whiskered terns (Chlidonias hybridus) (eleven) at Willington Gravel Quarry, Derbyshire on 24 April. Eight remained on 25 April and the flock scattered to other midland and north-east sites over the next few days.[1]

Rare birds

  • Britain's second brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater) from 8–10 May on Fair Isle.[1]

Other events

  • The Ringing Scheme celebrate its centenary, on 17 May, with 36 million birds ringed so far.[1]


Rare birds


North America

To be completed


  1. Balmer, D. and Vickery, J. "Birds". In Branson, A. (2009) Wildlife Reports. British Wildlife 20: 348-350
  2. "BirdGuides 27 December 2011". BirdGuides. Retrieved 27 December 2011.

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