Montenegrin phrasebook
Montenegrin (crnogorski / црногорски) is the official language of Montenegro, though it is mainly the same language as Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian.
Pronunciation guide
- a
- like 'u' in "sun"
- e
- like 'e' in "enemy"
- i
- like 'ee' in "leek"
- o
- like 'o' in "opera"
- u
- like 'oo' in "book"
- b
- like 'b' in "bed"
- c
- like 'ts' in "bets"
- č
- like 'ch' in "child"
- ć
- like 't' in "mature"
- d
- like 'd' in "dog"
- dž
- like 'dg' in "fudge"
- đ
- like 'd' in American English "schedule"
- f
- like 'f' in "for"
- g
- like 'g' in "go"
- h
- like 'h' in "help" [usually aspirated]
- j
- like 'y' in "yell"
- k
- like 'k' in "king" [unaspirated]
- l
- like 'l' in "love"
- lj
- like 'li' in "million".
- m
- like 'm' in "mother"
- n
- like 'n' in "nice"
- nj
- like 'ñ' in Spanish "señor" or 'ny' in "canyon"
- p
- like 'p' in "pig" [unaspirated]
- q
- like 'q' in "quest" (only in foreign words)
- r
- trilled 'r' as in the Spanish "roca"
- s
- like 's' in "sock"
- š
- like 'sh' in "cash"
- t
- like 't' in "top" [unaspirated]
- v
- like 'v' in "victory"
- w
- like 'v' in "victor" (only in foreign words)
- x
- like 'cks' in "kicks" or 'gs' in "legs"(only in foreign words)
- z
- like 'z' in "zebra"
- ž
- like 'su' in "measure"
Phrase list
Some phrases in this phrasebook still need to be translated. If you know anything about this language, you can help by plunging forward and translating a phrase.
Common signs
- Hello.
- .(Zdravo)
- Hello. (informal)
- .(Ćao)
- How are you?
- .(Kako si?)
- Fine, thank you.
- .(Dobro, hvala na pitanju)
- What is your name?
- .(Kako se zoves?)
- My name is ______ .
- .(Moje ime je ______.)
- Nice to meet you.
- .(Drago mi je upoznati vas.)
- Please.
- . (Molim)
- Thank you.
- .(Hvala)
- You're welcome.
- . (Nema na cemu)
- Yes.
- . (Da)
- No.
- . (Ne)
- Excuse me. (getting attention)
- (Izvinjavam se, ali...)
- Excuse me. (begging pardon)
- . (Izvinjavam se.)
- I'm sorry.
- . (Zao mi je)
- Goodbye
- . (Dovidjenja)
- Goodbye (informal)
- . ( )
- I can't speak name of language [well].
- . (Ne umijem da pricam Crnogorski [dobro])
- Do you speak English?
- (Dali pricate Engleski?)
- Is there someone here who speaks English?
- (Dali ima ikoga ko prica Engleski?)
- Help!
- (Upomoc!)
- Look out!
- (Pazi!)
- Good morning.
- (Dobro jutro)
- Good evening.
- (Dobar dan)
- Good Afternoon.
- (Dobar dan)
- Good night.
- (Dobro vece)
- Good night (to sleep)
- (Laku noc)
- I don't understand.
- (Ja ne razumijem)
- Where is the toilet?
- (Dje je WC?)
- Leave me alone.
- . (ostavi me na miru .)
- Don't touch me!
- ! (ne diraj me !)
- I'll call the police.
- . (zvacu policiju .)
- Police!
- ! (policija !)
- Stop! Thief!
- ! ! (stani ! lopov!)
- I need your help.
- . (treba mi tvoja pomoc .)
- It's an emergency.
- . (ovo je hitno .)
- I'm lost.
- . (izgubio/la sam se .)
- I lost my bag.
- . (izgubio/la sam torbu .)
- I lost my wallet.
- . (izgubio/la sam novcanik .)
- I'm sick.
- . (lose mi je .)
- I've been injured.
- . (povrijedio/la sam se .)
- I need a doctor.
- . (treba mi doktor .)
- Can I use your phone?
- ? (mogu li koristiti tvoj telefon ?)
- 1
- (jedan )
- 2
- (dva )
- 3
- (tri )
- 4
- (cetri )
- 5
- (pet )
- 6
- (sest )
- 7
- (sedam )
- 8
- (osam )
- 9
- (devet )
- 10
- (deset )
- 11
- (jedanaest )
- 12
- (dvanest )
- 13
- (trinaest )
- 14
- (cetrnaest )
- 15
- (petnaest )
- 16
- (sesnaest )
- 17
- (sedamnaest)
- 18
- (osamnaest )
- 19
- (devetnaest )
- 20
- (dvadeset )
- 21
- (dvadeset jedan )
- 22
- (dvadeset dva )
- 23
- (dvadeset tri )
- 30
- (trideset )
- 40
- (cetrdeset )
- 50
- (pedeset )
- 60
- (sezdeset )
- 70
- (sedamdeset )
- 80
- (osamdeset )
- 90
- (devedeset )
- 100
- (sto )
- 200
- (dvjesta )
- 300
- (trista )
- 400
- (cetristo )
- 500
- (petsto )
- 1,000
- (hiljadu )
- 2,000
- (dvije hiljade )
- 1,000,000
- (jedan milion )
- 1,000,000,000
- (jedna milijarda )
- 1,000,000,000,000
- (jedan trilion )
- number _____ (train, bus, etc.)
- ( )
- half
- (pola )
- less
- (manje )
- more
- (vise )
- now
- (sada )
- later
- (kasnije )
- before
- (prije )
- morning
- (jutro )
- afternoon
- (podne )
- evening
- (vece )
- night
- (noc )
Clock time
- one o'clock AM
- (jedan sat )
- two o'clock AM
- (dva sata )
- noon
- (kasno podne )
- one o'clock PM
- ( )
- two o'clock PM
- ( )
- midnight
- (ponoc )
- _____ minute(s)
- minuto (minut/a)
- _____ hour(s)
- viache (sat/i )
- _____ day(s)
- dine (dan/a )
- _____ week(s)
- semale (sedmica/e )
- _____ month(s)
- fro (mjesec/i)
- _____ year(s)
- inia (godina/e )
- today
- (danas )
- yesterday
- (juce )
- tomorrow
- (sjutra )
- this week
- (ove sedmice)
- last week
- (prosle sedmice )
- next week
- (sledece sedmice )
- Sunday
- (nedjelja )
- Monday
- (ponedjeljak )
- Tuesday
- (utorak )
- Wednesday
- (srijeda )
- Thursday
- (cetvrtak )
- Friday
- (petak )
- Saturday
- (subota )
- January
- (januar )
- February
- (februar )
- March
- (mart )
- April
- (april )
- May
- (maj )
- June
- (jun )
- July
- (jul)
- August
- (avgust )
- September
- (septembar )
- October
- (oktobar )
- November
- (novembar )
- December
- (decembar )
Writing time and date
- black
- (crna )
- white
- (bijela )
- gray
- (siva )
- red
- (crvena )
- blue
- (plava )
- yellow
- (zuta )
- green
- (zelena )
- orange
- (narandzasta )
- purple
- (roza )
- brown
- (kafena )
Bus and train
- How much is a ticket to _____?
- (koliko kosta karta do )
- One ticket to _____, please.
- (jednu kartu do,-- molim )
- Where does this train/bus go?
- (gdje ide ovajvoz/autobus )
- Where is the train/bus to _____?
- (dokle ide ovaj voz/bus )
- Does this train/bus stop in _____?
- (staje li ovaj v/b u )
- When does the train/bus for _____ leave?
- (kada polazi v/b za )
- When will this train/bus arrive in _____?
- (kada ovaj v/b stize u/na )
- How do I get to _____ ?
- (kako da dođem do )
- ...the train station?
- (zeljeznicke stanice )
- ...the bus station?
- (autobuske stanice )
- ...the airport?
- (aerodroma )
- ...downtown?
- (u centar grada )
- ...the youth hostel?
- (do hotela za mlade )
- ...the _____ hotel?
- (do hotela )
- ...the American/Canadian/Australian/British consulate?
- (americkog/kanadskog/britanskog konzulata )
- Where are there a lot of...
- (gdje ima vise )
- (hotela )
- ...restaurants?
- (restorana )
- ...bars?
- (barova )
- ...sites to see?
- (lokacija za vidjeti )
- Can you show me on the map?
- (mozes li mi pokazati na karti )
- street
- (ulicu )
- Turn left.
- ( 'lijevo skretanje' )
- Turn right.
- (desno skretanje )
- left
- (lijevo )
- right
- (desno )
- straight ahead
- (pravo naprijed )
- towards the _____
- (kroz )
- past the _____
- (pored )
- before the _____
- (prije )
- Watch for the _____.
- (potrazi )
- intersection
- ( )
- north
- (sjever )
- south
- (jug )
- east
- (istok )
- west
- (zapad )
- uphill
- (uzbrdo )
- downhill
- (nizbrdo )
- Taxi!
- (taksi )
- Take me to _____, please.
- (odvedite me do )
- How much does it cost to get to _____?
- (koliko kosta do )
- Take me there, please.
- (tamo me povedite )
- Do you have any rooms available?
- (imate li neku slobodnu sobu )
- How much is a room for one person/two people?
- (koliko kosta soba za jednu/dvije osobe )
- Does the room come with...
- (jesu li u sobu uracunati )
- ...bedsheets?
- (prekrivaci )
- ...a bathroom?
- ( 'soba' )
- ...a telephone?
- (telefon )
- ...a TV?
- (teve )
- May I see the room first?
- (mogu li najprije vidjeti sobu)
- Do you have anything quieter?
- (imate li nesto )
- ...bigger?
- (vece )
- ...cleaner?
- (cistije )
- ...cheaper?
- (jeftinije )
- OK, I'll take it.
- (u redu. uzecu tu. )
- I will stay for _____ night(s).
- (ostacu noc/i )
- Can you suggest another hotel?
- (mozete li mi predloziti drugi hotel )
- Do you have a safe?
- (imate li bezbjedne )
- ...lockers?
- (brave )
- Is breakfast/supper included?
- (je li dorucak/rucak uracunat )
- What time is breakfast/supper?
- (u koliko sati je d/r )
- Please clean my room.
- (molim pocistite moju sobu )
- Can you wake me at _____?
- (mozete li me probuditi u )
- I want to check out.
- (zelim da se odjavim )
- Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars?
- (primate li americke/austalijanske/kanadske dolare )
- Do you accept British pounds?
- (primate li britanske funte )
- Do you accept Euros?
- (primate li eure )
- Do you accept credit cards?
- (primate li kreditne kartice )
- Can you change money for me?
- (mozete li zamijeniti novac u moje ime )
- Where can I get money changed?
- (gdje mogu zamijeniti novac )
- Can you change a traveler's check for me?
- (mozete li mi zamijeniti putnicki cek )
- Where can I get a traveler's check changed?
- (gdje mogu zamijeniti putnicki cek )
- What is the exchange rate?
- (koja je razlika )
- Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)?
- (gdje je automatska govorna masina )
- A table for one person/two people, please.
- (sto za jednu/dvije osobe,molim )
- Can I look at the menu, please?
- (mogu li pogledati u jelovnik )
- Can I look in the kitchen?
- (mogu li pogledati u kuhinju )
- Is there a house specialty?
- (ima li specijalitet kuce )
- Is there a local specialty?
- (ima li lokalni specijalitet )
- I'm a vegetarian.
- (ja sam vegetarijanac )
- I don't eat pork.
- (ne jedem svinjetinu )
- I don't eat beef.
- (ne jedem govedinu)
- I only eat kosher food.
- (jedem samo svjezu hranu)
- Can you make it "lite", please? (less oil/butter/lard)
- (mozete li spremiti s manje masti )
- fixed-price meal
- ( )
- a la carte
- (po jelovniku )
- breakfast
- (dorucak )
- lunch
- (rucak )
- tea (meal)
- ( )
- supper
- (vecera )
- I want _____.
- (htio/la bih )
- I want a dish containing _____.
- (h bih jelo koje sadrzi )
- chicken
- (piletinu)
- beef
- (govedinu )
- fish
- (ribu )
- ham
- (virslu )
- sausage
- (kobasicu )
- cheese
- (sir )
- eggs
- (jaja )
- salad
- (salatu )
- (fresh) vegetables
- (svjeze povrce )
- (fresh) fruit
- (svjeze voce )
- bread
- (hljeb )
- toast
- (tost )
- noodles
- (kiflice )
- rice
- (pirinac )
- beans
- (zrna )
- May I have a glass of _____?
- (mogu li dobiti casu )
- May I have a cup of _____?
- (mogu li dobiti solju )
- May I have a bottle of _____?
- (mogu li dobiti bocu )
- coffee
- (kafe )
- tea (drink)
- (caja )
- juice
- (soka )
- (bubbly) water
- (mineralne vode )
- (still) water
- (obicne vode )
- beer
- (piva )
- red/white wine
- (crvenog/bijelog vina )
- May I have some _____?
- (mogu li dobiti malo )
- salt
- (soli )
- black pepper
- (crnog bibera )
- butter
- (maslaca )
- Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of server)
- (izvinite, konobar )
- I'm finished.
- (zavrsio/la sam )
- It was delicious.
- (bilo je izvrsno)
- Please clear the plates.
- (molim ocistite tanjire )
- The check, please.
- (racun, molim )
- Do you serve alcohol?
- (posluzujete li alkohol )
- Is there table service?
- ( )
- A beer/two beers, please.
- (pivo/dva piva )
- A glass of red/white wine, please.
- (casu vina )
- A pint, please.
- ( )
- A bottle, please.
- (bocu )
- _____ (hard liquor) and _____ (mixer), please.
- ( )
- whiskey
- (viski )
- vodka
- (votka )
- rum
- (rum )
- water
- (voda )
- club soda
- ( )
- tonic water
- ( )
- orange juice
- (sok od pomorandze )
- Coke (soda)
- ( )
- Do you have any bar snacks?
- (imate li neke grickalice )
- One more, please.
- (jos jednu,molim )
- Another round, please.
- (jos jednu turu )
- When is closing time?
- (kada se zatvara )
- Cheers!
- (zivjeli )
- Do you have this in my size?
- (imte li ovo u mojoj velicini )
- How much is this?
- (koliko kosta ovo )
- That's too expensive.
- (preskupo je )
- Would you take _____?
- (hocete li uzeti )
- expensive
- (skupo )
- cheap
- (jeftino )
- I can't afford it.
- (ne mogu priustiti )
- I don't want it.
- (ne zelim to )
- You're cheating me.
- (varate me )
- I'm not interested.
- (.nisam zainteresovan.)
- OK, I'll take it.
- (u redu, uzimam )
- Can I have a bag?
- (mogu li dobiti torbu )
- Do you ship (overseas)?
- (da li )
- I need...
- (treba mi )
- ...toothpaste.
- (pasta za zube )
- ...a toothbrush.
- (cetkica za zube )
- ...tampons.
- . (tamponi )
- ...soap.
- (sapun )
- ...shampoo.
- (sampon )
- ...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen)
- (protiv bolova )
- ...cold medicine.
- (za prehladu )
- ...stomach medicine.
- ... (za stomak )
- ...a razor.
- ( )
- umbrella.
- (kisobran )
- ...sunblock lotion.
- (zastita od sunca )
- ...a postcard.
- (razglednica )
- ...postage stamps.
- (markice )
- ...batteries.
- (baterije )
- ...writing paper.
- (papir za pisanje )
- ...a pen.
- (olovka)
- ...English-language books.
- (knjige )
- ...English-language magazines.
- (casopisi )
- English-language newspaper.
- (novine )
- English-English dictionary.
- (rjecnik )
- I want to rent a car.
- (zelim da iznajmim auto )
- Can I get insurance?
- (mogu li dobiti osiguranje )
- stop (on a street sign)
- (stani )
- one way
- (jednosmjerna )
- yield
- (uspori )
- no parking
- (neam parkiranja )
- speed limit
- (ogranicena brzina )
- gas (petrol) station
- (benzinska stanica )
- petrol
- (petrol )
- diesel
- (dizel )
- I haven't done anything wrong.
- (nisam nista pogrijrsio/la )
- It was a misunderstanding.
- (to je bio nesporazum )
- Where are you taking me?
- (gdje me vodite )
- Am I under arrest?
- (jesam li uhapsen/na )
- I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen.
- (ja sam americki/australijanski/britanski/kanadski drzavljanin )
- I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy/consulate.
- (zelim da razgovaram sa ambasadom/konzulatom )
- I want to talk to a lawyer.
- (zelim da razgovaram sa advokatom )
- Can I just pay a fine now?
- (mogu li platiti kaznu,sada )
Learning more
gollark: It's verifiable because I say so.
gollark: I might arbitrarily offer a GTech™ verifiable random number generator service™ you can use for this sort of thing.
gollark: Apiologies, also.
gollark: Please use the correct pronouns for me, lyricly.
gollark: Wait, do the rules *allow* destroying points like that?
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