Za Ukrainu

"Za Ukrainu" (Ukrainian: За Україну, or "For Ukraine") is a Ukrainian patriotic song. In 1991 was a candidate to be adopted as the anthem of Ukraine.

"Za Ukrainu"
Song by Sokoly
English title"For Ukraine"
GenrePatriotic song
Composer(s)Yaroslav Yaroslavenko
Lyricist(s)Mykola Voronyi


The song was written by Mykola Voronyi, a prominent Ukrainian poet, civil activist, politician, and one of the founders of the Central Rada. Voronyi was from a former serf-peasant family and was eventually murdered by the Soviet regime as a socially dangerous element. He was posthumously rehabilitated by the Kirovohrad Oblast Court.

The music to the Vorony's lyric was written by Yaroslav Yaroslavenko, a Ukrainian composer and conductor from Lviv.

The song later in the beginning of 1990's was popularized by the Ukrainian folk-band Sokoly led by Ivan Matsyalko from Lviv Oblast. The song also is considered as the alternative Ukrainian anthem, unofficially. It was popular among the Ukrainian Army in the struggle against the Soviets.

pre-2003 lyrics

UkrainianRoman transliterationEnglish translation

За Україну
З огнем завзяття
Рушаймо, браття,
Всі вперед!
Слушний час
Кличе нас —
Ну ж бо враз
Сповнять святий наказ!

За Україну,
За її долю,
За честь і волю,
За народ!

Ганебні пута
Ми вже порвали
І зруйнували
Царський трон,
З-під ярем
І з тюрем,
Де був гніт,
Ми йдем на вільний світ!


О, Україно!
О, рідна Ненько!
Тобі вірненько
Серця кров
І любов —
Все тобі
Віддати в боротьбі!


Вперед же, браття!
Наш прапор має,
І сонце сяє
Нам в очах!
Дружний тиск,
Зброї блиск,
В серці гнів
І з ним свобідний спів:


Za Ukrainu
Z ohnem zavziattia,
Rushaimo, brattia,
Vsi vpered!
Slushnyi chas
Klyche nas -
Nu zh bo vraz
Spovniat sviatyi nakaz!

Za Ukrainu,
Za yiyi dolyu,
Za chest i volyu,
Za narod!

Hanebni puta
My vzhe porvaly
I zruinuvaly
Tsarskyi tron,
Z-pid yarem
I z tyurem,
De buv hnit
My idem na vilnyi svit!


O, Ukraino!
O, ridna Nenko!
Tobi virnenko
Sertsia krov
I lyubov -
Vse tobi
Viddaty v borotbi!


Vpered zhe, brattia!
Nash prapor maye,
I sontse syaye
Nam v ochakh!
Druzhni tysk,
Zbroi blysk,
V sertsi hniv
I z nym svobidnyi spiv:


For our Ukraine
With fierce tenacity
Let's move, oh brothers,
All ahead.
The right time
Calls for us -
Now, let's at once
Fulfill the sacred will!

For our Ukraine,
For her fate,
For honor and will,
For the people!

The shameful bonds
We all have torn
as well we ruined,
The Tsarist's throne.
From under yokes
And out of jails -
Where was oppression
We are walking to free world!


Oh, our Ukraine,
Oh, our dear Nanny!
To you we loyally
Here swear.
Of heart blood
And its love -
All to you
We're pledging in the fight!


Then, charge, oh brothers!
Our banner's waving,
And sun is shining
into eyes!
Collective press,
Weapon's glance -
the heart's full of wreath
And with it the freedom's chant:


The lyrics of the song is somewhat of a revolutionary theme.

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See also


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