Yefet Street
Yefet Street is one of the main streets of Jaffa and historical road from old Jaffa to the south. It was named after Noah's son Japhet, founder of the city according to one legend. Previously called "Ajami Street", after Ibrahim al-Ajami, the Persian saint. The street passes over water at Yehuda Hyamit Street bridge that was built during the British Mandate.

The street was once a way around the walls of old Jaffa, and after the demolition of the wall and the growth of the city, became a major commercial street. Connecting road between Jaffa and Gaza in the past and present links between the clock Square street in Bat Yam (Balfour Street continues). The road was one of three ways mapped out major cities, along with Nablus Road (now Raziel Street and down the street of Eilat, a Tel Aviv - Yafo and through respect) and another way to Jerusalem via Ramle (now Oley Zion Street and through the Ben-Zvi Street). in "Yefet street corner Sionah Tagger Street" there a structure (transformation) designed in 1923 by architect Alexander Baerwald.