
The X-League (Xリーグ) is the top-level professional American football league in Japan. It was founded in 1971 as the Japan American Football League, and changed its name to the X League in 1997. There are three divisions (X1, X2, and X3) among which there is promotion and relegation.[1] Teams in the three-tier league are split into East, West, and Central divisions. There are two types of teams, one being a company team in which only employees of that particular sponsoring company may play, and the other being a club team for which anyone can try out.

Current season, competition or edition:
FormerlyJapan American Football League (19711997)
SportAmerican football
Founded1971 (1971)
No. of teams53 (X1:18, X2:18, X3:17)
Most recent
Fujitsu Frontiers (5th title)
Most titlesObic Seagulls (8 titles)
Official websiteOfficial website

Game rules are based on those of the NCAA college division in the United States, with the exception of the length of quarters, which are 12 minutes instead of 15 during the first stage of the season.

The Japanese national team, which has won the first and second editions of the American Football World Cup and was runner-up, finishing second to the American team, in the 2007 installment of the tournament, was made up almost entirely of players from this league.

Americans are often recruited to play for X League teams, with a strict rule of four per team. No more than two foreign players per team are allowed on the field of play at a time.

Season format

The league is split into 3 tiers: X1 Super, X1 Area and X2

There are two spring tournaments as well which are used by teams to ready themselves and evaluate new players before the fall season. One is the larger Pearl Bowl which teams from eastern Japan compete in, and the other is the Green Bowl for teams in western Japan.

Regular season

The top tier, X1 Super includes eight teams who will all play each other once in a seven game season.

The second tier, X1 Area contains 12 teams while X2 comprises 18 teams. The teams in X1 Area will be divided into three groups with each team playing six games, three inside the group and three outside.


At the end of the X1 Super season, the top four teams head into the semifinals. The winners of the semifinals would advance to the Japan X Bowl.

The top two teams in the X1 Area would compete in the X1 Area bowl for the chance to advance to the Area/Super promotional match against the 8th placed X1 Super team.

Japan X Bowl

The two semifinal winners would meet for the league championship in the Japan X Bowl held at the Tokyo Dome. Since 1987, Japan X Bowl has decided the X League championship. Until 2002, it was known as the Tokyo Super Bowl. The winner of this game goes on to the Rice Bowl to face the winner of the Koshien Bowl, the national college championship game.

Relegation/Replacement games

The 8th place team from X1 Super would play a relegation playoff game against the winning team from the X1 Area league

The same goes for the last place team in the X1 Area who would play the X2 champion to decide who would be the 12th team in X1 Area

2019 X-League team organization

X1 Super

X1 Area



  • Club Triax
  • Sony Solidstate
  • Club Blue Thunders
  • Warriors
  • Club Barbarian
  • Hurricanes





  • Itochu Wings
  • Mitsui & Co., Ltd. Seagulls
  • Club Steelers


A Block
  • Club Islands
  • Club Bears
  • Aichi Golden Wings
  • Okayama Standing Bears
  • Kirix Toyota Bull Fighters
  • Honjetsu Blazers

B Block
  • Hiroshima UCS Hawks
  • Tri-stars
  • Wako Raiders
  • Osaka Prefectural Police Shields
  • Mie Fire Birds

Past League Results

X-League Divisional Standings since 1997

Advanced to Final6, Super9 or Post Season Promoted from X2 Demoted to X2 at the end of the season. Team Folded at the end of the season.
1997 EastAsahi Beer Silver StarOnward OaksBank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi ApricotFujitsu FrontiersTokai Bank Red WaveRenown Rovers
CentralKajima DeersNissan Prince TokyoRecruit SeagullsSkylark Co.,Ltd. SkylarksSanwa Bank Lark HillsSakura Bank Dainosu
1998 EastNissan Prince TokyoAsahi Beer Silver StarSkylark Co.,Ltd. SkylarksTokai Bank Red WaveSumitomo Bank SpringsBank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Apricot
CentralKajima DeersRecruit SeagullsOnward OaksFujitsu FrontiersRenown RoversSanwa Bank Lark Hills
1999 EastOnward OaksRecruit SeagullsNissan Prince TokyoTokyo Marine DolphinsTokyo-Mitsubishi Bank ApricotSankura Bank Dainosu
CentralKajima DeersAsahi Beer Silver StarFujitsu FrontiersSkylark Co.,Ltd. SkylarksTokyo Marine DolphinsSanwa Bank Lark Hills
2000 EastFujitsu FrontiersAsahi Beer Silver StarOnward OaksSkylark Co.,Ltd. SkylarksClub DainosuRenown Rovers
CentralRecruit SeagullsNissan Prince TokyoKajima DeersTokyo-Mitsubishi BankTokyo Marine DolphinsTokyo Skyliners
2001 EastKajima DeersFujitsu FrontiersNissan Prince TokyoGakusei-Engokai RocbullClub DainosuClub Huskies
CentralRecruit SeagullsAsahi Beer Silver StarOnward OaksLionsRenown RoversPenta-Ocean Construction Co. Pirates
2002 EastFujitsu FrontiersKajima DeersLionsNissan SkylinersIBM Big BlueSakura Bank Dainosu
CentralSeagullsOnward SkylarksAsahi Beer Silver StarGakusei-Engokai RocbullRenown RoversClub Huskies
2003 EastOnward SkylarksAsahi Beer Silver StarFujitsu FrontiersNissan SkylinersTokyo Gas CreatorsClub Huskies
CentralKajima DeersObic SeagullsPenta-Ocean Construction Co. PiratesAll Mitsubishi LionsGakusei-Engokai RocbullIBM Big Blue
2004 EastKajima DeersAsahi Beer Silver StarAll Mitsubishi LionsIBM Big BlueGakusei-Engokai RocbullPenta-Ocean Construction Pirates
CentralOnward SkylarksObic SeagullsNissan SkylinersFujitsu FrontiersTokyo Gas CreatorsClub Huskies
2005 EastObic SeagullsOnward SkylarksFujitsu FrontiersYasuda L.A. PiratesTokyo Gas CreatorsAll Mitsubishi Lions
CentralKajima DeersAsahi Beer Silver StarIBM Big BlueNissan SkylinersGakusei-Engokai RocbullRenesas Hurricanes
2006 EastOnward SkylarksKajima DeersIBM Big BlueAll Mitsubishi LionsMeiji Yasuda PiratesGakusei-Engokai Rocbull
CentralAsahi Beer Silver StarObic SeagullsFujitsu FrontiersNissan SkylinersTokyo Gas CreatorsRenesas Hurricanes
2007 EastFujitsu FrontiersObic SeagullsAsahi Beer Silver StarAll Mitsubishi LionsRenesas HurricanesGakusei-Engokai Rocbull
CentralKajima DeersOnward SkylarksIBM Big BlueMeiji Yasuda PiratesTokyo Gas CreatorsFuji Xerox Minerva
2008 EastOnward SkylarksFujitsu FrontiersAsahi Beer Silver StarMeiji Yasuda PiratesRenesas HurricanesFuji Xerox Minerva
CentralKajima DeersObic SeagullsIBM Big BlueAll Mitsubishi LionsAll Tokyo Gas CreatorsGakusei-Engokai Rocbull
2009 EastAsahi Beer Silver StarObic SeagullsNihon Unisys BullsAll Mitsubishi LionsFuji Xerox MinervaAll Tokyo Gas Creators
CentralFujitsu FrontiersKajima DeersIBM Big BlueMeiji Yasuda PiratesHurricanes AFCBullseyes Tokyo
2010 EastKajima DeersIBM Big BlueAsahi Beer Silver StarAll Mitsubishi LionsBullseyes TokyoFuji Xerox Minerva
CentralObic SeagullsFujitsu FrontiersMeiji Yasuda PiratesAll Tokyo Gas CreatorsHurricanes AFCNihon Unisys Bulls
2011 EastKajima DeersFujitsu FrontiersAll Mitsubishi LionsMeiji Yasuda PiratesBullseyes TokyoFuji Xerox Minverva
CentralObic SeagullsNojima Sagamihara RiseAsahi Beer Silver StarIBM Big BlueAll Tokyo Gas CreatorsNihon Unisys Bulls
2012 EastKajima DeersNojima Sagamihara RiseAsahi Beer Silver StarMeiji Yasuda PiratesNihon Unisys BullsBullseyes Tokyo
CentralObic SeagullsFujitsu FrontiersIBM Big BlueTokyo Gas CreatorsAll Mitsubishi LionsFuji Xerox Minerva
2013 EastFujitsu FrontiersKajima DeersAsahi Beer Silver StarTokyo Gas CreatorsNihon Unisys BullsHurricanes
CentralObic SeagullsNojima Sagamihara RiseIBM Big BlueAll Mitsubishi LionsMeiji Yasuda PiratesTokyo MPD Eagles
2014 EastFujitsu FrontiersIBM Big BlueNojima Sagamihara RiseTokyo Gas CreatorsMeiji Yasuda PiratesHurricanes
CentralLIXIL DeersObic SeagullsAsahi Beer Silver StarAll Mitsubishi LionsBulls Football ClubTaiyo Building Mgmt. Cranes
2015 EastFujitsu FrontiersNojima Sagamihara RiseObic SeagullsAll Mitsubishi LionsMeiji Yasuda Penta-Ocean PiratesTokyo MPD Eagles
CentralIBM Big BlueLIXIL DeersAsahi Beer Silver StarBulls Football ClubTokyo Gas CreatorsHurricanes
2016 EastFujitsu FrontiersIBM Big BlueAsahi Beer Silver StarAll Mitsubishi LionsTokyo MPD EaglesBulls Football Club
CentralObic SeagullsLIXIL DeersNojima Sagamihara RiseTokyo Gas CreatorsMeiji Yasuda Penta-Ocean PiratesBullseyes Tokyo
2017 EastFujitsu FrontiersLIXIL DeersAsahi Beer Silver StarFuji Xerox Minerva AFCTokyo Gas CreatorsTokyo MPD Eagles
CentralNojima Sagamihara RiseIBM Big BlueObic SeagullsAll Mitsubishi LionsMeiji Yasuda Penta-Ocean PiratesBulls Football Club
2018 EastFujitsu FrontiersIBM Big BlueAsahi Beer Silver StarAll Mitsubishi LionsMeiji Yasuda Penta-Ocean PiratesDentsu Club Caterpillars
CentralNojima Sagamihara RiseObic SeagullsLIXIL DeersTokyo Gas CreatorsFuji Xerox Minerva AFCBulls Football Club
1997WestMatsushita Electric Works ImpulseSunstar FiniesMYCAL BearsOsaka Black EaglesIwatani SidewindersAsahi Soft Drinks Challengers
1998WestAsahi Soft Drinks ChallengersMatsushita Electric Works ImpulseMYCAL BearsIwatani SidewindersSunstar FiniesIuchi Black Eagles
1999WestAsahi Soft Drinks ChallengersMYCAL BearsMatsushita Electric Works ImpulseKohaku FiniesIuchi Black EaglesIwatani Sidewinders
2000WestMatsushita Electric Works ImpulseAsahi Soft Drinks ChallengersMYCAL BearsKohaku FiniesIuchi Black EaglesIwatani Sidewinders
2001WestMatsushita Electric Works ImpulseAsahi Soft Drinks ChallengersMYCAL BearsIwatani SidewindersKohaku FiniesAS ONE Black Eagles
2002WestMatsushita Denko ImpulseAsahi Soft Drinks ChallengersAS ONE Black EaglesIwatani SidewindersHankyu BruinsKohaku Finies
2003WestMatsushita Denko ImpulseAsahi Soft Drinks ChallengersAS ONE Black EaglesNaigai Denki MarviesHankyu BruinsIwatani Sidewinders
2004WestMatsushita Denko ImpulseAsahi Soft Drinks ChallengersAS ONE Black EaglesNaigai Denki MarviesFinies Football ClubHankyu Bruins
2005WestMatsushita Denko ImpulseAsahi Soft Drinks ChallengersNaigai Denki MarviesAS ONE Black EaglesIwatani SidewindersKobe Finies
2006WestMatsushita Denko ImpulseNagai Denki MarviesAsahi Soft Drinks ChallengersSRC Kobe FiniesAS ONE Black EaglesIwatani Sidewinders
2007WestMatsushita Denko ImpulseAsahi Soft Drinks ChallengersNaigai Denki MarviesAS ONE Black EaglesSRC Kobe FiniesNagoya Cyclones
2008WestAsahi Soft Drinks ChallengersPanasonic Denko ImpulseSRC Kobe FiniesNaigai Denki MarviesAsahi Pretec Golden FightersAS ONE Black Eagles
2009WestPanasonic Denko ImpulseAsahi Soft Drinks ChallengersSuita MarviesElecom Kobe FiniesAsahi Pretec Golden FightersAS ONE Black Eagles
2010WestPanasonic Denko ImpulseAsahi Soft Drinks ChallengersSuita MarviesElecom Kobe FiniesAS ONE Black EaglesNagoya Cyclones
2011WestPanasonic ImpulseAsahi Soft Drinks ChallengersAS ONE Black EaglesElecom Kobe FiniesNagoya CyclonesFuji Xerox J-Stars
2012WestPanasonic ImpulseAsahi Soft Drinks ChallengersAS ONE Black EaglesElecom Kobe FiniesNagoya CyclonesNishinomiya Bruins
2013WestPanasonic ImpulseAsahi Soft Drinks ChallengersAS ONE Black EaglesElecom Kobe FiniesNishinomiya BruinsNagoya Cyclones
2014WestElecom Kobe FiniesPanasonic ImpulseAsahi Soft Drinks ChallengersAS ONE Black EaglesNagoya CyclonesNishinomiya Bruins
2015WestPanasonic ImpulseAsahi Soft Drinks ChallengersElecom Kobe FiniesAS ONE Black EaglesNagoya CyclonesFuji Xerox J-Stars
2016WestPanasonic ImpulseElecom Kobe FiniesAsahi Soft Drinks ChallengersAS ONE Black EaglesNagoya CyclonesSidewinders
2017WestPanasonic ImpulseElecom Kobe FiniesAsahi Soft Drinks ChallengersAS ONE Black EaglesNagoya CyclonesClub Hawkeye
2018WestPanasonic ImpulseElecom Kobe FiniesAsahi Soft Drinks ChallengersAS ONE Black EaglesNagoya CyclonesSidewinders
  • Until 2008, the top 2 teams in each division qualified for the playoffs to the Japan X bowl known as the Final6. Starting 2009, the top 3 teams in each division qualified for the Super9 in the 2nd stage.
Advanced to Semifinals Promoted from X1 Area Demoted to X1 Area at the end of the season. Team Folded at the end of the season.
X1 Super
2019Fujitsu FrontiersObic SeagullsPanasonic ImpulseElecom Kobe FiniesIBM Big BlueTokyo Gas CreatorsAll Mitsubishi LionsNojima Sagamihara Rise
Advanced to Post Season Promoted from X2 Demoted to X2 at the end of the season. Team Folded at the end of the season.
X1 Area East/Central
2019 EastAsahi Beer Silver StarFuji Xerox Minerva AFCDentsu Club CaterpillarsAFC Cranes
CentralLIXIL DeersMeiji Yasuda PentaOcean PiratesTokyo MPD EaglesBullseyes Tokyo
X1 Area West
2019 WestAsahi Soft Drinks ChallengersFukuoka Opatsu SunsNagoya CyclonesAS ONE Black Eagles

Playing venues

Awards and honors

All X-League Team

Since 2000, the X-League honors outstanding players by electing them to the All X-League Team. 11 offensive players, 11 defensive players and 3 special team players are voted by the Head Coaches and 5 players on each of the 18 X1 teams to be selected for the team.

X-League Most Valuable Player (MVP) award

The X-League Most Valuable Player award (X-League MVP) is an award given to the Japanese American Football player who is considered most valuable to his team in the X-League. Started in 2012, the award was divided between the best player in each division until 2014 when one overall MVP was awarded.

2012 EastYasuhiro MarutaRunning BackKajima Deers
CentralNoriaki KinoshitaWide ReceiverObic Seagulls
WestRyohei ImanashiCornerbackPanasonic Impulse
2013 EastKeiya HiramotoQuarterbackFujitsu Frontiers
CentralNoriaki KinoshitaWide ReceiverObic Seagulls
WestTetsuo TakataQuarterbackPanasonic Impulse
2014Gino GordonRunning BackFujitsu Frontiers
2015Tetsuo Takata[2]
QuarterbackPanasonic Impulse
2016Colby Cameron[3]
2017Benjamin Anderson[4]
QuarterbackPanasonic Impulse
2018Trashaun NixonRunning BackFujitsu Frontiers
2019 Samajie Grant Running Back Fujitsu Frontiers

X-League Rookie of the Year (ROY) award

The X-League Rookie of the Year award (X-League ROY) is an award given to the player who is considered have made a big impact during his first year with his team. Started in 2012, the award was divided between the best player in each division until 2014 when one overall ROY was awarded.

2012 EastKohei AraiCenterKajima Deers
CentralKevin CraftQuarterbackIBM Big Blue
WestHisashi KurokawaOffensive TacklePanasonic Impulse
2013 EastJinpei YoshimotoWide ReceiverFujitsu Frontiers
CentralKealakai MaiavaOffensive TackleObic Seagulls
WestDavid MotuLinebackerPanasonic Impulse
2014Colby CameronQuarterbackFujitsu Frontiers
2015Mason MillsQuarterbackAsahi Beer Silver Star
2016Devin GardnerQuarterbackNojima Sagamihara Rise
2017Taku LiRunning BackObic Seagulls
2018Michael BirdsongQuarterbackFujitsu Frontiers
2019 Samajie Grant Running Back Fujitsu Frontiers

X-League Fairplay award

Since 2012, the X-League Fairplay award is awarded to the team that had accumulated the fewest penalties during the regular season.

2012WestPanasonic Impulse
2013CentralAll Mitsubishi Lions
2014EastHurricanes (X-League)
2015CentralHurricanes (X-League)
2016EastKeishichou Eagles
2017EastKeishichou Eagles

Team names

  • Silver Star → Asahi Beer Silver Star
  • Matsushita Electric Works Impulse → Panasonic Electric Works Impulse
  • Kohoku Finies → Sunstar Finies → Kohoku Finies → Finies Football Club → Kobe Finies → SRC Kobe Finies → Elecom Kobe Finies
  • Recruit Seagulls → Seagulls → Obic Seagulls
  • NEC Falcons (dissolved in 1997)
  • Renown Rovers (dissolved in 2003)
  • Onward Oaks → Onward Skylarks(Combined with Skylark Skylarks in 2001) → Onward Oaks (dissolved in 2009)→ Sagamihara Rise (Remnants of the Onward Oaks formed a new team called the Sagamihara Rise (same uniforms and colors, although different logo) and played one level down in the X2 league through the 2010 season. They subsequently won the challenge game against the Renesas Hurricanes to move back up to X1 in December 2010, and will play again in the X1 Central Division for the 2011 season, with the Hurricanes moving down to X2)
gollark: Or what exactly Opus (audio codec used by Discord) does to it.
gollark: It doesn't work very well because I don't know DSP.
gollark: I do have a prototype audio modem thing.
gollark: I was just espeak-ing /dev/urandom, and definitely not encrypted data which would be indistinguishable from that.
gollark: Also that, yes.


  1. "League Playoff Works". xleague.com. Retrieved January 6, 2016.
  2. Nagatsuka, Kaz (February 2, 2016). "Takata named MVP; 8 Impulse make All X-League team". xleague.com. Retrieved March 4, 2016.
  3. "Cameron named MVP, heads 9 Frontiers on All-League team". xleague.com. January 31, 2017. Retrieved February 5, 2017.
  4. Marantz, Ken (November 30, 2017). "Panasonic QB Anderson named MVP; Impulse, Frontiers lead All X-League selections with 7 each". xleague.com. Retrieved November 30, 2017.
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