Whirlwinds of Danger

Whirlwinds of Danger (original Polish title: Warszawianka) is a Polish socialist revolutionary song written some time between 1879 and 1883.[1] The Polish title, a deliberate reference to the earlier song by the same title, could be translated as either The Varsovian, The Song of Warsaw (as in the Leon Lishner version[2]) or "the lady of Warsaw". To distinguish between the two, it is often called "Warszawianka 1905 roku" ("Warszawianka of 1905"), after the song became the anthem of worker protests during the Revolution in the Kingdom of Poland (1905–1907), when 30 workers were shot[3] during the May Day demonstrations in Warsaw in 1905.

LanguagePolish, Russian
English titleWhirlwinds of Danger
March Song of the Workers
The Song of Warsaw
Hostile Whirlwinds
The Varsovian
Writtenbetween 1879 and 1883
Published15 September 1883
GenreRevolutionary song
Songwriter(s)Wacław Święcicki
Douglas Robson (1st English version)
Randall Swingler (2nd English version)
Composer(s)Józef Pławiński

According to one version, Wacław Święcicki wrote the song in 1879 while serving a sentence in the Tenth Pavilion of the Warsaw Citadel for socialist activity. Another popular version has it written in 1883, immediately upon Święcicki's return from exile in Siberia.[4][5] By the beginning of the next decade the song became one of the most popular revolutionary anthems in Russian-held Poland.[6] The music was written by composer Józef Pławiński, who was imprisoned together with Święcicki, inspired partially by the January Uprising song "Marsz Żuawów".[7]

Lyrics and variants

Its Russian version with altered lyrics, which removed any mention of Warsaw from the song, the "Varshavianka" (Варшавянка), once experienced considerable popularity. Gleb Krzhizhanovsky is usually reported as the author of the Russian version and the moment of writing the text is thought to be 1897, when Krzhizhanovsky was imprisoned.

The Spanish song "To The Barricades" is set to the same tune. In East Germany, a German translation was created and used as a common piece of marching music by the Army; whilst France's 1st Parachute Hussar Regiment adopted the same music using different lyrics.

In 1924, Isadora Duncan composed a dance routine called Varshavianka to the tune of the song.[8]

An English version of the lyrics, originally titled "March Song of the Workers", but known more widely as "Whirlwinds of Danger", was written by Douglas Robson, a member of the Industrial Workers of the World[9] in the 1920s. A London recording of this version by "Rufus John" Goss, made ca. 1925, is available online.[10] It was notably sung by Paul Robeson (only the first stanza)[11] and Leon Lishner (full version, but with modified lyrics).[2] A different version, which kept Robson's first stanza, but with the second and third completely rewritten by Randall Swingler, was published in 1938.[12] However, this version never achieved major popularity.

In 1936, Valeriano Orobón Fernández adapted "Warszawianka" in Spanish as "A las Barricadas", which became one of the most popular songs of the Spanish anarchists during the Spanish Civil War.

Polish versions

Original Polish lyrics (Socialist version)

Śmiało podnieśmy sztandar nasz w górę!
Choć burza wrogich żywiołów wyje,
Choć nas dziś gnębią siły ponure,
Chociaż niepewne jutro niczyje...
O!... bo to sztandar całej ludzkości,
To hasło święte, pieśń zmartwychwstania,
To tryumf pracy — sprawiedliwości,
To zorza wszystkich ludów zbratania.

Naprzód, Warszawo!
Na walkę krwawą,
Świętą a prawą!
Marsz, marsz, Warszawo!

Dziś, gdy roboczy lud ginie z głodu,
Zbrodnią w rozkoszy tonąć, jak w błocie;
I hańba temu, kto z nas za młodu
Lęka się stanąć choć na szafocie!
Nikt za ideę nie ginie marnie,
Z czasem zwycięża Chrystus Judasza!
Niech święty ogień młodość ogarnie,
Choć wielu padnie — lecz przyszłość nasza!

Naprzód, Warszawo!
Na walkę krwawą,
Świętą a prawą!
Marsz, marsz, Warszawo!

Hura!... zerwijmy z carów korony,
Gdy ludy dotąd chodzą w cierniowej;
I w krwi zatopmy nadgniłe trony,
Spurpurowione we krwi ludowej!...
Ha!... zemsta straszna dzisiejszym katom,
Co wysysają życie z milionów!...
Ha!... zemsta carom i plutokratom!
A przyjdzie żniwo przyszłości plonów!

Naprzód, Warszawo!
Na walkę krwawą,
Świętą a prawą!
Marsz, marsz, Warszawo!

Modified Polish lyrics (Communist version)

Śmiało podnieśmy sztandar nasz w górę!
Choć burza wrogich żywiołów wyje,
Choć nas dziś gnębią siły ponure,
Chociaż niepewne jutro niczyje...
O!... bo to sztandar całej ludzkości,
To hasło święte, pieśń zmartwychwstania,
To tryumf pracy — sprawiedliwości,
To zorza wszystkich ludów zbratania.

Naprzód Warszawo!
Na walkę krwawą,
Świętą a prawą!
Marsz, Warszawo, marsz!

Dziś, gdy roboczy lud ginie z głodu,
Zbrodnią w rozkoszy tonąć, jak w błocie;
I hańba temu, kto z nas za młodu
Lęka się stanąć choć na szafocie!
O, nie bez śladu każdy z tych skona,
Co życie sprawie oddają w darze,
Bo nasz zwycięski śpiew ich imiona
Milionom ludzi ku czci przekaże!

Naprzód Warszawo!
Na walkę krwawą,
Świętą a prawą!
Marsz, Warszawo, marsz!

Hura!... zerwijmy z carów korony,
Gdy ludy dotąd chodzą w cierniowej;
I w krwi zatopmy nadgniłe trony,
Spurpurowiałe we krwi ludowej!...
Ha!... zemsta straszna dzisiejszym katom,
Co wysysają życie z milionów!...
Ha!... zemsta carom i plutokratom!
A przyjdzie żniwo przyszłości plonów!

Naprzód, Warszawo!
Na walkę krwawą,
Świętą a prawą!
Marsz, Warszawo, marsz!

English literal translation

Let us raise boldly our banner,
Even though a storm of hostile elements is howling
Even though sinister forces oppress us today,
Even though everybody's tomorrow is uncertain.
Oh, this is the banner of the whole mankind,
The sacred call, the song of resurrection,
It's the triumph of labor and justice,
It's the dawn of the brotherhood of all peoples!

Forward, Warsaw!
To the bloody fight,
Sacred and righteous!
March, march, Warsaw!

Today when the working people are starving,
To indulge in luxury is a crime,
And shame to those among us, who in our young age,
Are afraid to mount the scaffold!
Oh, we will never forget the deaths of those,
Who gave their life for the cause,
Because our victorious chant will make
Their names honoured by millions of people!

Forward, Warsaw!
To the bloody fight,
Sacred and righteous!
March, march, Warsaw!

Hurra! Let's tear down the crown of the tzars,
While peoples are wearing the one of thorns.
Let's drown the rotten thrones in blood,
Thrones already stained purple with the people's blood!
Ha! Frightful vengeance to today's tormentors,
That suck the life out of millions of people.
Ha! Vengeance to the tzars and plutocrats,
And we'll harvest the crops of the future!

Forward, Warsaw!
To the bloody fight,
Sacred and righteous!
March, march, Warsaw!

English translations

Douglas Robson version[9]

Whirlwinds of danger are raging around us,
O'erwhelming forces of darkness assail,
Still in the fight see advancing before us,
Red flag of liberty that yet shall prevail.

Then forward ye workers, freedom awaits you,
O'er all the world on the land and the sea.
On with the fight for the cause of humanity.
March, march ye toilers and the world shall be free.

Women and children in hunger are calling,
Shall we be silent to their sorrow and woe?
While in the fight see our brothers are falling,
Up then united and conquer the foe!

Then forward ye workers, freedom awaits you,
O'er all the world on the land and the sea.
On with the fight for the cause of humanity.
March, march ye toilers and the world shall be free.

Off with the crown of the tyrants of favor!
Down in the dust with the prince and the peer!
Strike off your chains, all ye brave sons of labor!
Wake all humanity, for victory is near.

Then forward ye workers, freedom awaits you,
O'er all the world on the land and the sea.
On with the fight for the cause of humanity.
March, march ye toilers and the world shall be free.

Modernized version[13]

Whirlwinds of danger are raging around us,
O'erwhelming forces of darkness assail,
Still in the fight see advancing before us,
Red flag of liberty that yet shall prevail.

Then forward you workers, freedom awaits you,
O'er all the world on the land and the sea.
On with the fight for the cause of humanity.
March, march you toilers and the world shall be free.

Brothers and sisters in hunger are calling,
Shall we be silent to their sorrow and woe?
While in the fight see our comrades are falling,
Up then united and conquer the foe!

Then forward you workers, freedom awaits you,
O'er all the world on the land and the sea.
On with the fight for the cause of humanity.
March, march you toilers and the world shall be free.

Off with the crown of the tyrants of favor!
Down in the dust with the prince and the peer!
Strike off your chains, sons and daughters of labor!
Wake all humanity, for victory is near.

Then forward you workers, freedom awaits you,
O'er all the world on the land and the sea.
On with the fight for the cause of humanity.
March, march you toilers and the world shall be free.

Other versions

Russian version

Вихри враждебные веют над нами,
Тёмные силы нас злобно гнетут.
В бой роковой мы вступили с врагами,
Нас еще судьбы безвестные ждут.
Но мы подымем гордо и смело
Знамя борьбы за рабочее дело,
Знамя великой борьбы всех народов
За лучший мир, за святую свободу.

На бой кровавый,
Святой и правый
Марш, марш вперед,
Рабочий народ.

Мрёт в наши дни с голодухи рабочий,
Станем ли, братья, мы дольше молчать?
Наших сподвижников юные очи
Может ли вид эшафота пугать?
В битве великой не сгинут бесследно
Павшие с честью во имя идей.
Их имена с нашей песню победной
Станут священны мильонам людей.

На бой кровавый,
Святой и правый
Марш, марш вперед,
Рабочий народ.

Нам ненавистны тиранов короны,
Цепи народа-страдальца мы чтим.
Кровью народной залитые троны
Кровью мы наших врагов обагрим!
Смерть беспощадная всем супостатам!
Всем паразитам трудящихся масс!
Мщенье и смерть всем царям-плутократам!
Близок победы торжественный час.

На бой кровавый,
Святой и правый
Марш, марш вперед,
Рабочий народ.

German version

Feindliche Stürme durchtoben die Lüfte,
drohende Wolken verdunkeln das Licht.
Mag uns auch Schmerz und Tod nun erwarten,
gegen die Feinde ruft auf uns die Pflicht.
Wir haben der Freiheit leuchtende Flamme
hoch über unseren Häuptern entfacht:
die Fahne des Sieges, der Völkerbefreiung,
die sicher uns führt in der letzen Schlacht

Auf, auf nun zum blutigen, heiligen Kampfe.
Bezwinge die Feinde, du Arbeitervolk.
Auf die Barrikaden, auf die Barrikaden,
erstürme die Welt, du Arbeitervolk!

Tod und Verderben allen Bedrückern,
leidendem Volke gilt unsere Tat,
kehrt gegen sie die mordenden Waffen,
dass sie ernten die eigene Saat!
Mit Arbeiterblut gedüngt ist die Erde,
gebt euer Blut für den letzen Krieg,
dass der Menschheit Erlösung werde!
Feierlich naht der heilige Sieg.

Auf, auf nun zum blutigen, heiligen Kampfe.
Bezwinge die Feinde, du Arbeitervolk.
Auf die Barrikaden, auf die Barrikaden,
erstürme die Welt, du Arbeitervolk!

Elend und Hunger verderben uns alle,
gegen die Feinde ruft mahnend die Not,
Freiheit und Glück für die Menschheit erstreiten!
Kämpfende Jugend erschreckt nicht der Tod.
Die Toten, der grossen Idee gestorben,
werden Millionen heilig sein.
Auf denn, erhebt euch, Brüder, Genossen,
ergreift die Waffen und schliesst die Reihn!

Faroese version

Hungur og neyð alt ov leingi vit kendu,
tíðum varð rænt okkar dagliga breyð.
Nú verður á slíkum óskili endi,
nú stendur stríðið um lív ella deyð!
Tær hugsjónir bjørtu fyrr lív máttu lúka,
líkbleikt á valinum arbeiðsfólk lá.
Nú er' tað vit skulu hevndarstund brúka:
Smell, reyði dúkur mót himinum blá!

Nú, haldið í hernað! Dystur skal standa!
Sigur skal vinnast, nú framá í bólk!
Blóðreyða merki nú smellir um landa:
Nú byrjar nýtíð for arbeiðsins fólk!

Japanese version

 暴虐の雲 光を覆い
 敵の嵐は 荒れ狂う
 怯まず進め 我等の友よ
 敵の鉄鎖を 打ち砕け
 自由の火柱 輝かしく
 頭上高く 燃え立ちぬ
 今や最後の 闘いに
 勝利の旗は ひらめかん

 起て同胞よ ゆけ闘いに
 聖なる血に まみれよ
 砦の上に 我等の世界
 築き固めよ 勇ましく

Romanized Japanese

Bōgyaku no Kumo Hikari wo o-oi
Teki no Arashi wa arekurū
Hirumazu susume Warera ga Tomo yo
Teki no Tessa wo uchikudake
Jiyū no Hibashira kagayakashiku
Zujō takaku moetachinu
Imaya Saigo no Tatakai ni
Shōri no Hata wa hiramekan

Tate Harakara yo yuke Tatakai ni
Seinaru Chi ni mamireyo
Toride no Ue ni Warera no Sekai
Kizukikatameyo isamashiku

Hungarian version

Rontása tört ránk a dúló viharnak,
ordas had áradata kelt ellenünk.
Vesztünkre esküdtek ádáz hatalmak,
s tudtuk, egy életen át kell küzdenünk.

Álltunk a vészben, álltunk merészen,
lelkünkben tűzpirosan izzott a cél.
Munkások, álljunk a nagy harcra készen,
melyből az emberi nem új napja kél!

Kínzó igában legörnyedt a hátunk,
Mégis reméltük ama nagy diadalt.
Szenvedve távol jövendőbe láttunk,
s harsogva zengtük a szent csatadalt:

Vérünk nem omlott a harcban hiába.
Mártírjainknak neve nagy lesz és dicső.
Emlékük az fonja legszebb dalába,
Melyért elestek: a boldog jövő.

Norwegian version

Fiendens stormvinder mot oss seg kaster,
dunkelhets makter trykker oss ned.
Frem dog til kampen vi modige haster,
er på vår ukjente skjebne beredt.

Arbeidersaken stiger med dagen
frem under frihetens blodrøde flagg.
Det er vårt håp i vår rastløse jagen
frem, frem til seier er kampropets klang!

Her i vår tid dør det mange av hunger
Kan det da mer være tvil i din sjel?
Selv skafottene roper med tunger
Frihetens sang kan man ei slå ihjel

Alle som faller manende kaller
Navnene toner igjen i vår sang
Og over slettene rungene gjaller
frem, frem til seier er kampropets klang!

Og som vi hater tyrannenes kroner
Ærer vi høyt alle lidelsens bånd
Falle skal alle de blodstenkte troner
og våre fiender dø for vår hånd

Hevnen og døden skal være buden
Som tyrraniet skal lide ved oss
Selv har vi sået nå høster vi grøden
Fremad vi stormer som brusende foss!

Hevnen og døden skal være buden
Som tyrraniet skal lide ved oss
Selv har vi sået nå høster vi grøden
Fremad vi stormer som brusende foss!

Danish version

Stormene glammer så vildt over lande,
natsorte skyer formørker solens lys.
Os kalder pligten mod fjenden at stande,
ej ænses smerte og dødskolde gys.
Thi vi ejer frihedens lysende flamme,
højt vil vi hæve vort luende flag.
Her vi os fylker; så kampglad en stamme
for folkets frihed står rustet til slag.

Nu frem da til kampen. På barrikaden
sejren skal vindes for arbejdets folk.
Rødt smælder flagdugens flig over staden,
ny tid skabes af arbejdets folk.

Død og fordærv over folkets tyranner.
Bødlernes skare vil høste blodig sæd.
Skælvende ser den vort flammende banner,
hører vort hævnråb i dødsangstens ræd.
Arbejdets helte! Tit har i givet
jorden for andre jert dyreste blod.
Krigen, den sidste for frihed, for livet
kan I vel vinde med sejrshåbets mod.

Nu frem da til kampen. På barrikaden
sejren skal vindes for arbejdets folk.
Rødt smælder flagdugens flig over staden,
ny tid skabes af arbejdets folk.

Sulten og nøden har naget os alle,
tit man berøved' os det daglige brød.
Lidelsens samfund i grus nu skal falde,
arbejdets ungdom ræddes aldrig for død!
Ofte ideen livet har krævet,
tit er det ofret for massernes sag.
Frem da til kampen. Se fanen er hævet.
Arbejderhæren står rede til slag.

Nu frem da til kampen. På barrikaden
sejren skal vindes for arbejdets folk.
Rødt smælder flagdugens flig over staden,
ny tid skabes af arbejdets folk.

Dutch version

Donkere stormen staan op in de wolken,
Machtige schaduwen verduisteren het licht.
Mag ons leed of dood ons verbeiden,
Tegen de vijand roept ons de plicht.

Wij heffen ter vrijheid stralende standard,
Rood als een vlam in de duistere krijg,
De standard van moed,
De bannier der bevrijding,
Brandt boven ons hoofd
In de storm van de tijd.
Sta op tot de strijd!
Bereidt u ten aanval!
kamp voor uw leven,
Dijn arbeidersvolk!
Op de barricades!
Op de barricades!
Verover de aarde, o arbeidersvolk!

Nederlaag en dood aan de demon ader wereld!
Lijdende mensheid bevrijdt slecht de daad.
Tegen de heersers: de stormvloed der bloeders,
Dat zij oogsten hun bloedige zaad.
Van arbeidersbloed doordrenkt deze aarde...
Geef van uw ziel voor de laatste slag:
Dat boven de rokende velden ziet rijzen
Mensheid het licht van de broederschapdag!
Sta op tot de strijd!
Bereidt u ten aanval!
Kamp voor uw leven,
Dijn arbeidersvolk!
Op de barricades!
Op de barricades!
Verover de aarde,
o arbeidersvolk!

Italian version

La classe operaia, compagni, è all'attacco,
Stato e padroni non la possono fermare,
Niente operai curvi più a lavorare
Ma tutti uniti siamo pronti a lottare.
No a lavoro saloriato,
Unità di tutti gli operai!
Il comunismo è il nostro progamma
Con il Partito conquistiamo il potere.

Stato e padroni, fate attenzione,
Nasce il Partito dell'insurrezione;
Potere operaio e rivoluzione,
Bandiere rosse e comunismo sarà!

Nessuno o tutti, o tutto o niente,
E solo insieme che dobbiamo lotare,
O i fucili o le catene:
Questa è la scelta che ci resta da fare.
Compagni, avanti per il Partito,
Contro lo Stato lottà armata sarà:
Con la conquista di tutto il potere
Il dittatura operaia sarà!

Stato e padroni, fate attenzione,
Nasce il Partito dell'insurrezione;
Potere operaio e rivoluzione,
Bandiere rosse e comunismo sarà!

I proletari sono pronti alla lotta,
Pane e lavoro non vogliono più,
Non c'è da perdere che le catene
E c'e intero mondo da guadagnare!
Via dalla linea, prendiamo il fucile,
Forza compagni, alla guerra civile!
Agnelli, Pirelli, Restivo, Colombo,
Non più parole, ma piogge di piombo!

Stato e padroni, fate attenzione,
Nasce il Partito dell'insurrezione;
Potere operaio e rivoluzione,
Bandiere rosse e comunismo sarà!

Stato e padroni, fate attenzione,
Nasce il Partito dell'insurrezione;
Viva il Partito e rivoluzione,
Bandiere rosse e comunismo sarà!

Swedish version

Oss alla unga som längta och strida,
oss väntar handlingen, som kräver mer än mod.
Oss skänkes lyckan att offra och lida,
dö för den tro som bröder
helgat med blod.

Ja, hör hur den brusar, hör hur den dånar,
stormen som bådar oss frihetens vår.
Vi är de unga blant folken som sjunga.
Jublande hymn att ädel strid förstår.
Ja, hör hur den brusar, hör hur den dånar,
stormen som bådar oss frihetens vår.
Vi är de unga blant folken som sjunga.
Jublande hymn att ädel strid förstår.

En gång när vi alla unga är gömda
djupt under tuvorna där fejden hetast stod.
Skall våra handlingar ej vara glömda
av framtidsfolket som är barn av vårt blod.

Ja, ungdom är livets härliga vårtid
ungdom förpliktigar mot kommande år.
Vi alle unga i kampen vi sjunga.
Hänförda, starka mot vårt öde vi går
Ja , ungdom är livets härliga vårtid
ungdom förpliktigar mot kommande år.
Vi alla unga i kampen vi sjunga.
Hänförda, starka mot vårt öde vi går.

French version

En rangs serrés, l'ennemi nous attaque,
Autour de notre drapeau, groupons-nous !
Que nous importe la mort menaçante ?
Pour notre cause, soyons prêts à souffrir.
Mais le genre humain, courbé sous la honte,
Ne doit avoir qu'un seul étendard,
Un seul mot d'ordre : « Travail et Justice,
Fraternité de tous les ouvriers » !

Frères, aux armes,
Pour notre lutte,
Pour la victoire de tous les travailleurs !

Les profiteurs vautrés dans la richesse
Privent de pain l'ouvrier affamé.
Ceux qui sont morts pour nos grandes idées
N'ont pas en vain combattu et péri !
Contre les richards, et les ploutocrates,
Contre les rois, contre les trônes pourris,
Nous lancerons la vengeance puissante,
Et nous serons à tout jamais victorieux !

Frères, aux armes,
Pour notre lutte,
Pour la victoire de tous les travailleurs !

Chinese version



Finnish version

Riistäjät ruoskaa nyt selkäämme soittaa,
vastassa valkoinen armeija on.
Pakko on taistella,
kuolla tai voittaa,
ratkaisu eessä on tuntematon.
Mutta me nostamme purppuravaatteen,
taistoon mi työläiset kutsua voi.
Rohkeina puolesta veljeysaatteen
käymme ja kaikille laulumme soi.

Aatteemme ainoan,
kalliin ja oikean,
puolesta raatajat eespäin mars,
Aatteemme ainoan,
kalliin ja oikean,
puolesta raatajat eespäin mars.

Veljemme vankilat tyrmiinsä sulkee,
kostaja kultaakin kalleimman vei
Ilkkuen roistot ja ryövärit kulkee,
sellaista kauemmin sallita ei!
Vääryyttä vastaan
me taistelun teillä kuljemme
kostoa kalpamme soi.
Vaikkakin yksilöt sortuisi siellä,
muistonsa konsana kuolla ei voi!

Aatteemme ainoan,
kalliin ja oikean,
puolesta raatajat eespäin mars,
Aatteemme ainoan,
kalliin ja oikean,
puolesta raatajat eespäin mars.

Valtikat, kruunut me pirstoiksi lyömme,
orjuuden kahleet katkomme me;
kauhea joskin on puhdistustyömme,
ihmisen onnen on ehtona se.
Siksipä nyt säälittä taistelun tielle,
voitto on työväen,
tiedämme sen
Porvarit, keisarit, helvetti heille,
olkoon nyt töistänsä armollinen!

Aatteemme ainoan,
kalliin ja oikean,
puolesta raatajat eespäin mars,
Aatteemme ainoan,
kalliin ja oikean,
puolesta raatajat eespäin mars.

Greek version

Θύελλες, άνεμοι γύρω μας πνέουν
Τέκνα του σκότους εμάς κυνηγούν
Σ' ύστερες μάχες μπλεκόμαστε τώρα
Κι άγνωστες τύχες εμάς καρτερούν

Πάντα περήφανοι, πάντα εμπρός
Σώζουμε έθνη και δούλους λαούς
Πέφτοντας κάπου, μα πάντα νικώντας
Σώζουμε έθνη και δούλους λαούς

Λιώνουν, πεινούν οι εργάτες μπροστά μας
Ως πότε αδέρφια αυτές οι σκηνές
Ήρωες νέοι μη σας τρομάζουν
Δίκες κρεμάλες και άλλες ποινές

Κι όμως ψηλά τη σημαία κρατώντας
Πάντα περήφανοι, πάντα εμπρός
Πέφτοντας κάπου, μα πάντα νικώντας
Σώζουμε έθνη και δούλους λαούς

Μίσος κι εκδίκηση σε κάθε κλέφτη
Σε κάθε τύραννο της εργατιάς
Θάνατος σ' όλους τους μπουρζουάδες
Ήρθε η ώρα της λευτεριάς

Στη μάχη, στην πάλη, στον τίμιο αγώνα
Κείνοι που πέσανε θα δοξαστούν
Κι απογόνοι στις συγκεντρώσεις
Τα ονόματά τους θα διαλαλούν.

Romanised Greek

Thýelles, ánemoi gýro mas pnéoun
Tékna tou skótous emás kynigoún
S' ýsteres máches mplekómaste tóra
Ki ágnostes týches emás karteroún

Pánta perífanoi, pánta emprós
Sózoume éthni kai doúlous laoús
Péftontas kápou, ma pánta nikóntas
Sózoume éthni kai doúlous laoús

Liónoun, peinoún oi ergátes mprostá mas
Os póte adérfia aftés oi skinés
Íroes néoi mi sas tromázoun
Díkes kremáles kai álles poinés

Ki ómos psilá ti simaía kratóntas
Pánta perífanoi, pánta emprós
Péftontas kápou, ma pánta nikóntas
Sózoume éthni kai doúlous laoús

Mísos ki ekdíkisi se káthe kléfti
Se káthe týranno tis ergatiás
Thánatos s' ólous tous mpourzouádes
Írthe i ;ora tis lefteriás

Sti máchi, stin páli, ston tímio agóna
Keínoi pou pésane tha doksastoún
Ki apógonoi stis sygkentróseis
Ta onómatá tous tha dialaloún.

In films

The first words of the Russian version served as a name for 1953 film Hostile Whirlwinds.

In Doctor Zhivago, an instrumental version of the song is played by the peaceful demonstrators in Moscow.

The song, in version performed by The Red Army Choir, featured in the opening credits of The Jackal (credited as "Warsovienne"), as well as in the submarine scene of Hail, Caesar! (credited as "Varchavianka").

The song, with altered lyrics, is used in the second episode of the 2018 Polish Netflix Series 1983


  1. Zakrzewski, pp. 13–16
  2. Leon Lishner – Varshavianka
  3. Ascher, Abraham (1994). The Revolution of 1905: Russia in Disarray, Stanford University Press, pp. 157–158, ISBN 0-8047-2327-3
  4. Szurczak, pp. 233–234
  5. Nadolski, p. 159
  6. Dobrowolski, p. IV
  7. Biblioteka Polskiej Piosenki, Warszawianka
  8. Varshavianka (1924) – Loyola University Chicago Department of Fine and Performing Arts]
  9. March Song of the Workers – Protest Song Lyrics
  10. Recording: "Whirlwinds of Danger", Sung by Rufus John – Exploring 20th century London]
  11. Paul Robeson's performance of the Warszawianka
  12. Alan Bush and Randall Swingler, The Left Song Book. Gollancz 1938.
  13. Whirlwinds of Danger – annotated at Genius.com

See also

  • Revolution in the Kingdom of Poland (1905–1907)
  • "Warszawianka 1831 roku"
  • "A las barricadas"


  • Bogdan Zakrzewski (1981). >>Warszawianka<< Wacława Święcickiego [Wacław Święcicki's "Warszawianka"] (in Polish). Ossolineum. p. 44. ISBN 9788304007925.
  • Stanisław Ryszard Dobrowolski (1888). Wybór poezyj dla robotników [Selection of poems for the workers]. Biblioteka Robotnika Polskiego (in Polish). VI. Geneva-Warsaw: Proletaryat. p. 56.
  • Artur Nadolski (2008). Pani Chłodna; opowieść o warszawskiej ulicy [Miss Chłodna, story of a Warsaw's street] (in Polish). Bellona. p. 491. ISBN 9788311112582.
  • Anna Szurczak (1981). "Warszawianka". Polonistyka (in Polish). 34 (189). ISSN 0551-3707.
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