Welsh School (security studies)
The Welsh School (sometimes the Aberystwyth School) also known as emancipatory realism is a school within the discipline of security studies. It is a critical approach that aims to link security to critical theory[1] and which relies upon insights from the Frankfurt School and Gramscian thinking for its framework. Key academics considered part of the Welsh School include Ken Booth and Richard Wyn Jones.[2]
See also
- Critical Security Studies
- Copenhagen School (international relations)
- Paris School (Security Studies)
- Vaughn-Williams, Nick. Peoples, Columba (2010) Critical Security Studies: An Introduction, Abingdon, Routledge, PP. 17-18
- Floyd, Rita (2007) ‘Towards a consequentialist evaluation of security: bringing the Copenhagen and Welsh Schools of security studies’, British International Studies Association, 33/1: 328
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