VirtualSchoolBC is an online school offering free secondary school courses to British Columbia residents. The bricks and mortar site is at 1065 Columbia St.,Suite 200, New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada. VirtualSchoolBC is a public school within School District 40 New Westminster funded by the Ministry of Education of British Columbia. Students who complete courses may add them to or complete a graduation plan. Students have a variety of goals. Some want to complete high school. Others are graduates who want to satisfy the prerequisites for a college or university programme. VirtualSchoolBC uses BlackBoard Learn to deliver continuous entry courses. It is a member of LearnNowBC.
School District 40 New Westminster offers high school courses as scheduled courses at its New Westminster Secondary School Location. The Community Education division offers high school courses as scheduled night school courses and also as continuous entry courses. In 1998 a group of teachers began offering continuous entry high school courses online using WebCT. WebCT was bought by BlackBoard in 2006 and virtualschoolBC ported their courses to BlackBoard Learn.