Untitled Horror Movie

Untitled Horror Movie is an upcoming horror comedy film directed by Nick Simon, who co-wrote the screenplay with Luke Baines. Baines also stars in the film alongside Claire Holt, Darren Barnet, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Katherine McNamara, and Timothy Granaderos.[1] The film utilizes found footage conventions, and in one scene presents its narrative via a computer screen. Its plot follows six actors who decide to create a horror film, and in doing so unwittingly summon a malevolent spirit.

Untitled Horror Movie
Directed byNick Simon
Produced byBronwyn Cornelius
Marina Stabile
Written byNick Simon
Luke Baines
StarringLuke Baines
Claire Holt
Darren Barnet
Emmy Raver-Lampman
Katherine McNamara
Timothy Granaderos
CinematographyKevin Duggin
CountryUnited States

Untitled Horror Movie was filmed remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The processes of writing, pre-production, and filming all took place during COVID-19-related quarantines. The film's actors—who were self-isolating at their homes during shooting—were responsible for lighting, makeup, audio and camerawork, with direction, assistance and communication taking place through Zoom.[2]


"With their hit TV show on the brink of cancellation, six actors decide to film their own horror movie. In their search for a plot, they unintentionally summon a spirit with an affinity for violence, who starts picking them off... one vapid actor at a time."



"The actors did everything from lighting themselves [...] to recording their own sound and doing their own hair and makeup. As crazy as that could have been, it was easily one of the most enjoyable experiences in my professional life. It was one of those once in a lifetime moments when everything aligns at the exact right time."

– director and co-writer Nick Simon on the production of Untitled Horror Movie.[1]

Director and co-writer Nick Simon, with star and fellow co-writer Luke Baines, pitched the concept of Untitled Horror Movie to producers Bronwyn Cornelius and Marina Stabile, who helped acquire funding for the project.[2] Cornelius stated that "We've never met the cast and crew, and yet we all absolutely bonded virtually over these Zoom calls. It's fascinating how connected you can feel to somebody having never physically met them. [...] You don't need to lose that bonding just because we can't physically be in the same space."[2]

Untitled Horror Movie was filmed remotely as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the processes of writing, pre-production, and filming all taking place during COVID-19-related quarantines.[2] Simon and crew sent packages containing makeup and hair supplies, camera equipment, props, and lighting equipment to the film's actors, who were each isolating at their respective homes, and explained how to set up equipment over Zoom calls.[2] Cinematographer Kevin Duggin helped the actors rig lights and set up camera shots, while hair and makeup department head Stefanie Terzo sent the actors video tutorials on how to create artificial bruises and wounds using makeup.[2]

One portion of the film presents the narrative through a computer screen, with the characters interacting via a video chat.[2] The rest of the film is shot in a more traditional found footage style.[1][2]

Post-production on the film is expected to wrap by early September.[4]

gollark: And approximately thinks webcrawlers are deep magic of some form which will find anything ever?
gollark: I mean, best guess he wants to find seeeeeeeeecret darknet websites or something?
gollark: Reasonable, as this does seem FAIRLY shady.
gollark: There's "only" about 541 lines of code here, I'm sure I can come up with a better implementation again.
gollark: OH APIOFORMS, my webcrawler code was SO VAGUELY BAD.

See also


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