United States results in men's freestyle wrestling

Wrestlers from the United States have taken part in most of the major men's freestyle wrestling competitions over the years, in particular the Olympic Games and FILA Wrestling World Championships.

Men's freestyle wrestling competition began in the Olympics in 1904. FILA began holding World Championships in men's freestyle in 1951. During Olympic years, FILA suspends the World Championships.

The United States did not send wrestlers to the championships in 1951, 1957, 1959, 1980, and 2002.

No official team standings are kept for the Olympics. Some team finishes are approximate.

List of United States results at the Olympics and World Championships


YearTeam Finish47.6 kg52.2 kg56.7 kg61.2 kg65.8 kg71.7 kg71.7+ kg
19041stCurry, Robert (1st)Mehnert, George (1st)Niflot, Isidor (1st)Bradshaw, Benjamin (1st)Roehm, Otto (1st)Ericksen, Charles (1st)Hansen, Bernhoff (1st)
Hein, John (2nd)Bauer, Gustave (2nd) Wester, August (2nd) McLear, Theodore (2nd) Tesing, Rudolph (2nd) Beckmann, William (2nd) Kugler, Frank (2nd)
Thiefenthaler, Gustav (3rd) Nelson, William (3rd) Strebler, Louis (3rd) Clapper, Charles (3rd) Zirkel, Albert (3rd) Jerry Winholtz (3rd) Warmbold, Fred (3rd)
Holgate, Claude (4th) N/AFour Other CompetitorsSix Other CompetitorsSeven Other CompetitorsSeven Other CompetitorsTwo Other Competitors


YearTeam Finish54 kg60.3 kg66.6 kg73 kg73+ kg
19082ndMehnert, George (1st)Dole, George (1st)Krug, John (5th)Craige, John (DNP)Talbot, Lee (DNP)
N/AN/AN/ANarganes, Frank (DNP) N/A


YearTeam Finish60 kg67.5 kg75 kg82.5 kg82.5+ kg
19202ndAckerly, Charles (1st)Metropoulos, George (DNP)Johnson, Charley (3rd)Maurer, Walter (3rd)Pendleton, Nat (2nd)
Gerson, Samuel (2nd)Shimmon, Joseph (DNP)Frantz, Angus (4th)Redman, John (4th)Meyer, Fred (3rd)


YearTeam Finish56 kg61 kg66 kg72 kg79 kg87 kg87+ kg
19241stHines, Bryan (3rd)Reed, Robin (1st)Vis, Russell (1st)Lookabaugh, Guy (4th)Smith, Herschel (DNP)Spellman, John (1st)Steel, Harry (1st)
MacWilliam, Milton (DNP) Newton, Chester (2nd) Martter, Perry (DNP) Johnson, William (5th) Wright, Walter (DNP) Strack, Charles (DNP) Flanders, Roger (DNP)
19284thHewitt, Robert (5th)Morrison, Allie (1st)Berryman, Clarence (6th)Appleton, Lloyd (2nd)Hammond, Ralph (4th)Edwards, Heywood (4th)George, Ed (4th)
19321stPearce, Robert (1st)Nemir, Edgar (2nd)Clodfelter, Melvin (4th)van Bebber, Jack (1st)Hess, Robert (4th)Mehringer, Peter (1st)Riley, Jack (2nd)
19362ndFlood, Ross (2nd)Millard, Francis (2nd)Strong, Harley (5th)Lewis, Frank (1st)Voliva, Richard (2nd)Clemons, Ray (5th)Dunn, Roy (DNP)


YearTeam Finish52 kg57 kg62 kg (−1961), 63 kg (1962–1968)67 kg (−1961), 70 kg (1962–1968)73 kg (−1961), 78 kg (1962–1968)79 kg (−1961), 87 kg (1962–1968)87 kg (−1961), 97 kg (1962–1968)87+ kg (−1961), 97+ kg (1962–1968)
19482ndJernigan, William (7th)Leeman, Gerald (2nd)Moore, Hal (6th)Koll, Bill (5th)Merrill, Leland (3rd)Brand, Glen (1st)Wittenberg, Henry (1st) Hutton, Richard (7th)
1949N/AEvent Not Held
1950N/AEvent Not Held
1951DNCTeam Did Not Compete
19524thPeery, Robert (7th)Borders, Bill (DNP)Henson, Josiah (3rd)Evans, Jay (2nd)Smith, William (1st)Hodge, Dan (DNP)Wittenberg, Henry (2nd) Kerslake, William (5th)
1953N/AEvent Not Held
19548thDelgado, Richard (5th)Rose, James (5th)Rice, Alan (5th)No Recorded CompetitorHolt, James (6th)Hubel, Wenzel (4th)Thomas, Dale (6th)No Recorded Competitor
1955N/AEvent Not Held
19566thDelgado, Richard (5th)Allen, Lee (DNP)Roderick, Myron (4th)Evans, Jay (5th)Fischer, Ernest (8th)Hodge, Dan (2nd)Blair, Peter (3rd) Kerslake, William (7th)
1957DNCTeam Did Not Compete
1958N/AEvent Not Held
1959DNCTeam Did Not Compete
19602ndSimons, Gray (5th)McCann, Terry (1st)Giani, Louis (DNP)Wilson, Shelby (1st)Blubaugh, Douglas (1st)DeWitt, Ed (4th)Brand, Daniel (5th) Kerslake, William (8th)
19619thWilson, Richard (5th)Molino, Carmen (5th)Allen, Lee (6th)Rodriguez, Michael (5th)Perillo, Earl (6th)Camilleri, Russ (6th)Brand, Daniel (4th) Lewis, Dale (DNP)
19626thWilson, Richard (DNP)Aubel, Dave (4th)Finley, Ron (4th)Ruth, Gregory (5th)Ferguson, James (3rd)Farrell, Bill (DNP)Brand, Daniel (3rd) Solowin, Merrell (DNP)
19636thFitch, Andrew (6th)Aubel, Dave (DNP)Finley, Ron (4th)Ruth, Gregory (3rd)Lahr, Dean (4th)Camilleri, Russ (6th)Winer, Russell (DNP) Solowin, Merrell (DNP)
19648thSimons, Gray (7th)Aubel, Dave (4th)Douglas, Bobby (4th)Ruth, Gregory (5th)Tribble, Charles (DNP)Brand, Daniel (3rd)Conine, Gerald (6th) Kristoff, Larry (7th)
19658thSanders, Rick (DNP)No Recorded CompetitorDouglas, Bobby (DNP)Burke, James (DNP)Camilleri, Russ (DNP)Baughman, Wayne (5th)Conine, Gerald (DNP)Kristoff, Larry (3rd)
19667thSanders, Rick (3rd)Powell, Fred (5th)Douglas, Bobby (2nd)Holzer, Werner (4th)Kauffman, Len (4th)Lahr, Dean (5th)Lewis, Jess (5th)Kristoff, Larry (2nd)
19676thSanders, Rick (2nd)Sofman, Richard (DNP)Young, Michael (3rd)Holzer, Werner (DNP)Kelly, Patrick (DNP)Baughman, Wayne (6th)Houska, Harry (4th)Kristoff, Larry (3rd)
19686thSanders, Rick (2nd)Behm, Don (2nd)Douglas, Bobby (DNP)Wells, Wayne (4th)Combs, Steve (7th)Peckham, Thomas (4th)Lewis, Jess (6th)Kristoff, Larry (5th)


YearTeam Finish48 kg52 kg57 kg62 kg68 kg74 kg82 kg90 kg100 kg100+ kg (−1984), 130 kg (1985–1996)
19692ndKestel, Dale (5th)Sanders, Rick (1st)Behm, Don (2nd)Young, Michael (5th)Douglas, Bobby (4th)Wells, Wayne (2nd)Fozzard, Fred (1st) Schenk, Henk (3rd)Kristoff, Larry (2nd)Rasley, Rocky (5th)
19704thOrta, Joe (DNP)Morley, John (5th)Behm, Don (5th)Young, Michael (3rd)Douglas, Bobby (3rd)Wells, Wayne (1st)Fozzard, Fred (5th) Harlow, Bill (2nd)Kristoff, Larry (2nd)Wojciechowski, Greg (4th)
19714thGonzales, Sergio (6th)Carr, Jimmy (DNP)Behm, Don (2nd)Davis, Gene (4th)Gable, Dan (1st)Gallego, Mike (DNP)Peterson, John (DNP) Hellickson, Russ (3rd)Kristoff, Larry (DNP)Deadrich, Buck (DNP)
19722ndGonzales, Sergio (7th)Carr, Jimmy (DNP)Sanders, Rick (2nd)Davis, Gene (DNP)Gable, Dan (1st)Wells, Wayne (1st)Peterson, John (2nd) Peterson, Ben (1st)Schenk, Henk (DNP)Taylor, Chris (3rd)
19733rdRange, David (DNP)Geller, Henry (DNP)Behm, Don (4th)Morgan, Larry (4th)Keaser, Lloyd (1st)Dziedzic, Stan (DNP)Peterson, John (DNP)Peterson, Ben (3rd) Duschen, James (DNP)McCready, Mike (DNP)
197415thRosado, William (DNP)Breece, Gary (DNP)Gitcho, Jan (DNP)Humphrey, Jim (DNP)Davis, Gene (6th)Dziedzic, Stan (5th)Hicks, Greg (DNP)Paolano, Vincent (DNP) Bowlsby, John (DNP)McCready, Mike (6th)
197511thBaltezore, Larry (DNP)Haines, Jim (DNP)Massery, Mark (4th)Humphrey, Jim (4th)Keaser, Lloyd (DNP)Adams, Carl (5th)Hicks, Greg (5th)Hellickson, Russ (4th) Peterson, Ben (4th)McCready, Mike (5th)
19763rdRosado, William (DNP)Haines, Jim (DNP)Corso, Joe (DNP)Davis, Gene (3rd)Keaser, Lloyd (2nd)Dziedzic, Stan (3rd)Peterson, John (1st)Peterson, Ben (2nd) Hellickson, Russ (2nd)Jackson, Jimmy (DNP)
19773rdNo Recorded CompetitorMiller, Randal (DNP)Reinwand, Jack (3rd)Humphrey, Jim (2nd)Yagla, Chuck (DNP)Dziedzic, Stan (1st)Chris Campbell (5th)Soucie, Laurent (DNP) McCready, Mike (DNP)Bowlsby, John (6th)
19784thRosado, William (DNP)Haines, Jim (4th)Lewis, Randy (DNP)Cysewski, Tim (DNP)Humphrey, Jim (DNP)Kemp, Lee (1st)Peterson, John (3rd)Peterson, Ben (5th) Bielenberg, Larry (6th)Wojciechowski, Greg (5th)
19793rdWeaver, Bobby (2nd) Haines, Jim (2nd)Corso, Joe (3rd)Metzger, Andre (3rd)Yagla, Chuck (DNP)Kemp, Lee (1st)Peterson, John (2nd)Soucie, Laurent (6th) Hellickson, Russ (2nd)Klemm, David (DNP)
1980DNCWeaver, Bobby (DNC)Mills, Gene (DNC)Azevedo, John (DNC)Lewis, Randy (DNC)Yagla, Chuck (DNC)Kemp, Lee (DNC)Chris Campbell (DNC)Peterson, Ben (DNC) Hellickson, Russ (DNC)Wojciechowski, Greg (DNC)
19813rdRosado, William (3rd)Gonzales, Joe (5th)Corso, Joe (DNP)Land, Mike (5th)Rein, Andy (4th)Kemp, Lee (3rd)Chris Campbell (1st)Lewis, Dan (DNP) Gibson, Greg (2nd)Smith, Harold (5th)
19823rdVanni, Tim (6th)Gonzales, Joe (3rd)Azevedo, John (4th)Lewis, Randy (4th)Metzger, Andre (4th)Kemp, Lee (1st)Schultz, Dave (3rd)Hull, Mitch (9th) Gibson, Greg (3rd)Baumgartner, Bruce (7th)
19832ndWeaver, Bobby (5th)Gonzales, Joe (9th)Davis, Barry (12th)Smith, Lee Roy (2nd)Carr, Nate (8th)Schultz, Dave (1st)Schultz, Mark (7th)Banach, Ed (7th) Gibson, Greg (2nd)Baumgartner, Bruce (3rd)
19841stWeaver, Bobby (1st)Gonzales, Joe (DNP)Davis, Barry (2nd)Lewis, Randy (1st)Rein, Andy (2nd)Schultz, Dave (1st)Schultz, Mark (1st)Banach, Ed (1st)Banach, Lou (1st)Baumgartner, Bruce (1st)
19852ndVanni, Tim (10th)Gonzales, Joe (4th)Darkus, Kevin (2nd)Mills, Gene (DNP)Metzger, Andre (DNP)Schultz, Dave (2nd)Schultz, Mark (1st)Scherr, Bill (1st) Severn, Dan (6th)Baumgartner, Bruce (3rd)
19863rdVanni, Tim (6th)Erb, Mike (9th)Davis, Barry (2nd)McFarland, Joe (2nd)Metzger, Andre (2nd)Schultz, Dave (3rd)Schultz, Mark (7th)Scherr, Jim (3rd) Scherr, Bill (2nd) Baumgartner, Bruce (1st)
19872ndVanni, Tim (5th)Robbins, Greg (12th)Davis, Barry (2nd)Smith, John (1st)Metzger, Andre (3rd)Schultz, Dave (2nd)Schultz, Mark (1st)Scherr, Jim (2nd) Scherr, Bill (3rd)Baumgartner, Bruce (3rd)
19882ndVanni, Tim (4th)Chertow, Ken (DNP)Davis, Barry (DNP)Smith, John (1st)Carr, Nate (3rd)Monday, Kenny (1st)Schultz, Mark (6th)Scherr, Jim (5th)Scherr, Bill (3rd)Baumgartner, Bruce (2nd)
19892ndVanni, Tim (5th)Jones, Zeke (7th)Penrith, Brad (DNP)Smith, John (1st)Giura, John (7th)Monday, Kenny (1st)Douglas, Melvin (2nd)Scherr, Jim (2nd) Scherr, Bill (2nd)Baumgartner, Bruce (2nd)
19904thBaze, Cory (6th)Jones, Zeke (4th)Melchiore, Joe (7th)Smith, John (1st)Carr, Nate (5th)Koll, Rob (5th)Alger, Royce (2nd)Chris Campbell (2nd) Trost, Kirk (3rd)Baumgartner, Bruce (2nd)
19912ndVanni, Tim (11th)Jones, Zeke (1st)Penrith, Brad (2nd)Smith, John (1st)Saunders, Townsend (15th)Monday, Kenny (2nd)Jackson, Kevin (1st)Chris Campbell (5th) Coleman, Mark (2nd)Baumgartner, Bruce (7th)
19922ndVanni, Tim (5th)Jones, Zeke (2nd)Cross, Kendall (6th)Smith, John (1st)Saunders, Townsend (7th)Monday, Kenny (2nd)Jackson, Kevin (1st)Chris Campbell (3rd)Coleman, Mark (7th)Baumgartner, Bruce (1st)
19931stEiter, Rob (9th) Jones, Zeke (4th) Brands, Terry (1st)Brands, Tom (1st)Saunders, Townsend (4th)Schultz, Dave (2nd)Jackson, Kevin (4th)Douglas, Melvin (1st)Kerr, Mark (7th)Baumgartner, Bruce (1st)
199410thVanni, Tim (9th)Jones, Zeke (11th)Brands, Terry (11th)Brands, Tom (11th)Saunders, Townsend (11th)Schultz, Dave (7th)Jackson, Kevin (11th)Douglas, Melvin (3rd)Kerr, Mark (11th)Baumgartner, Bruce (2nd)
19951stEiter, Rob (7th)Jones, Zeke (3rd)Brands, Terry (1st)Brands, Tom (9th)Saunders, Townsend (8th)Schultz, Dave (5th)Jackson, Kevin (1st)Douglas, Melvin (3rd)Angle, Kurt (1st)Baumgartner, Bruce (1st)
19961stEiter, Rob (8th)Rosselli, Lou (11th)Cross, Kendall (1st)Brands, Tom (1st)Saunders, Townsend (2nd)Monday, Kenny (6th)Gutches, Les (7th)Douglas, Melvin (7th)Angle, Kurt (1st)Baumgartner, Bruce (3rd)


YearTeam Finish54 kg58 kg63 kg69 kg76 kg85 kg97 kg130 kg
19973rdJones, Zeke (11th)Purler, Tony (10th)Kolat, Cary (2nd)McIlravy, Lincoln (12th)St. John, Dan (16th)Gutches, Les (1st)Douglas, Melvin (9th)Erikson, Tom (4th)
19983rdHenson, Sammie (1st)Purler, Tony (11th)Kolat, Cary (3rd)McIlravy, Lincoln (3rd)Marianetti, Steve (11th)Gutches, Les (7th)Douglas, Melvin (5th)McCoy, Kerry (4th)
19992ndAkin, Eric (16th)Guerrero, Eric (7th)Kolat, Cary (4th)McIlravy, Lincoln (2nd)Williams, Joe (4th)Gutches, Les (3rd)Black, Dominic (17th)Neal, Stephen (1st)
20002ndHenson, Sammie (2nd)Brands, Terry (3rd)Kolat, Cary (9th)McIlravy, Lincoln (3rd)Slay, Brandon (1st)Burton, Charles (5th)Douglas, Melvin (18th)McCoy, Kerry (5th)
20016thAbas, Stephen (16th)Guerrero, Eric (13th)Zadick, Bill (7th)Bono, Chris (13th)Williams, Joe (3rd)Eggum, Brandon (2nd)Black, Dominic (13th)McCoy, Kerry (4th)


YearTeam Finish55 kg60 kg66 kg74 kg84 kg96 kg120 kg
2002DNCAbas, Stephen (DNC)Guerrero, Eric (DNC)Bono, Chris (DNC)Williams, Joe (DNC)Sanderson, Cael (DNC)Hartung, Tim (DNC)McCoy, Kerry (DNC)
20032ndAbas, Stephen (5th)Guerrero, Eric (10th)Kelly, Jamill (28th)Williams, Joe (13th)Sanderson, Cael (2nd)Cormier, Daniel (5th)McCoy, Kerry (2nd)
20042ndAbas, Stephen (2nd)Guerrero, Eric (16th)Kelly, Jamill (2nd)Williams, Joe (5th)Sanderson, Cael (1st)Cormier, Daniel (4th)McCoy, Kerry (7th)
20059thHenson, Sammie (14th)Lightner, Michael (22nd)Bono, Chris (22nd)Williams, Joe (3rd)Lawal, Mo (7th)Cormier, Daniel (11th)Thompson, Tolly (3rd)
20063rdHenson, Sammie (3rd)Zadick, Mike (2nd)Zadick, Bill (1st)Pritzlaff, Donny (3rd)Hrovat, Andy (18th)Cormier, Daniel (21st)Thompson, Tolly (14th)
20074thCejudo, Henry (31st)Zadick, Mike (27th)Schwab, Doug (5th)Heskett, Joe (5th)Williams, Joe (5th)Cormier, Daniel (3rd)Rowlands, Tommy (5th)
20089thCejudo, Henry (1st)Zadick, Mike (19th)Schwab, Doug (14th)Askren, Ben (7th)Hrovat, Andy (12th)Cormier, Daniel (19th)Mocco, Steve (7th)
20097thFelix, Danny (24th)Bunch, Shawn (28th)Paulson, Trent (24th)Schlatter, Dustin (23rd)Herbert, Jake (2nd)Varner, Jake (9th)Dlagnev, Tervel (3rd)
201022ndBlanc, Obe (9th)Zadick, Mike (25th)Metcalf, Brent (20th)Paulson, Travis (29th)Herbert, Jake (25th)Bergman, J.D. (10th)Sigman, Les (9th)
20113rdSimmons, Nick (5th)Humphrey, Reece (9th)Ware, Teyon (30th)Burroughs, Jordan (1st)Sanderson, Cael (5th)Varner, Jake (3rd)Dlagnev, Tervel (5th)
20122ndHazewinkel, Sam (17th)Scott, Coleman (3rd)Frayer, Jared (17th)Burroughs, Jordan (1st)Herbert, Jake (7th)Varner, Jake (1st)Dlagnev, Tervel (3rd)
20135thEscobedo, Angel (5th)Humphrey, Reece (8th)Metcalf, Brent (27th)Burroughs, Jordan (1st)Gavin, Keith (14th)Bergman, J.D. (25th)Dlagnev, Tervel (5th)


YearTeam Finish57 kg61 kg65 kg70 kg74 kg86 kg97 kg125 kg
20149thRamos, Tony (16th)Kennedy, Jimmy (10th)Metcalf, Brent (12th)Marable, Nick (8th)Burroughs, Jordan (3rd)Ruth, Edward (15th)Varner, Jake (13th)Dlagnev, Tervel (3rd)
20157thRamos, Tony (11th)Humphrey, Reece (12th)Metcalf, Brent (10th)Green, James (3rd)Burroughs, Jordan (1st)Herbert, Jake (33rd)Snyder, Kyle (1st)Rey, Zach (23rd)
20163rdDennis, Daniel (19th) Stieber, Logan* (1st) Molinaro, Frank (5th) Green, James* (7th)Burroughs, Jordan (9th) Cox, J'Den (3rd) Snyder, Kyle (1st) Dlagnev, Tervel (5th)
20171stGilman, Thomas (2nd) Stieber, Logan (12th) Retherford, Zain (11th) Green, James (2nd) Burroughs, Jordan (1st) Cox, J'Den (3rd) Snyder, Kyle (1st) Gwiazdowski, Nick (3rd)


YearTeam Finish57 kg61 kg65 kg70 kg74 kg79 kg86 kg92 kg97 kg125 kg
20182ndGilman, Thomas (5th) Colon, Joe (3rd) Stieber, Logan (19th) Green, James (13th) Burroughs, Jordan (3rd) Dake, Kyle (1st) Taylor, David (1st) Cox, J'Den (1st) Snyder, Kyle (2nd) Gwiazdowski, Nick (3rd)
20193rdFix, Daton (12th) Graff, Tyler (5th) Retherford, Zain (26th) Green, James (13th) Burroughs, Jordan (3rd) Dake, Kyle (1st) Downey, Pat (9th) Cox, J'Den (1st) Snyder, Kyle (3rd) Gwiazdowski, Nick (19th)


Medalists by weight, 1904–2016

Category60 kg and below61–70 kg71–87 kgmore than 87 kg
Total weight classes contested at international championships162140156151
Weights in which the United States medaled45487756
Weights in which the United States won championships16213417
Percentage of possible medals won by the United States27.734.349.437.1
Percentage of championship titles won by the United States9.915.021.811.3

Medalists by era

Total weight classes contested at international championships45128280103
Weight classes in which the United States medaled302612729
Weight classes in which the United States won championships206497
Percentage of medals won by the United States66.720.345.428.2
Percentage of championship titles won by the United States44.44.717.56.8

Average performances by era

Weight classes contested by United States wrestlers4510126996
Number of United States wrestlersN/A6610750
Average number of international championship appearances per wrestlerN/A1.532.511.92
Medalists' average number of international championship appearances until first medal1.001.401.601.71
Champions' average number of international championship appearances until first title1.001.001.851.57
Average number of medals ultimately won by United States medalists1.021.672.231.38
Average number of championships ultimately won by United States champions1.051.001.811.00
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See also


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