
UTC+05:30 is an identifier for a time offset from UTC of +05:30. This time is used in India[1] and Sri Lanka.[2] It is five and a half hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time.

World map with the time zone highlighted
UTC offset
Current time
08:35, 16 August 2020 UTC+05:30 [refresh]
Central meridian
82.5 degrees E
Date-time group
UTC+05:30 2008: blue (December), orange (June), yellow (all year round), light blue (sea areas)

Around 1.4 billion people live inside this time zone, making it the second most populous after UTC+08:00.

As standard time (all year round)

Principal cities: Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Colombo

South Asia

gollark: There is lots of stuff which nobody really *needs* - you can live without it, society could work without it (if we had set stuff up that way) - but it's not very nice to not have it. Like computers, or modern medicine, or non-bare-minimum food and housing.
gollark: Food is, broadly speaking, necessary to live. But while I could probably *survive* on cheaper, less resource-intensive-to-produce food than I do, or less food by caloric content and stuff, I like to have more/better food than is strictly necessary. Same with water - I won't die of dehydration on some small amount per day, but on the whole I'll be worse off if I don't have as much to drink as I want, or enough water for showering and washing stuff.
gollark: I'm typing.
gollark: You totally did.
gollark: * Markdown

See also


  1. "India time". 24timezones.com. Retrieved 2018-01-16.
  2. "Sri Lanka Time". 24timezones.com. Retrieved 2018-01-16.

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