
UTC+08:30 is an identifier for a time offset from UTC of +08:30.

World map with the time zone highlighted
UTC offset
Current time
13:32, 17 August 2020 UTC+08:30 [refresh]
Central meridian
127.5 degrees E
Date-time group


UTC+08:30 was Standard Time of South Korea from 1954 to 1961[1]and it was the time zone of North Korea from 2015 to 2018. This time was also used for Changpai Time Zone in northeast China between 1918 and 1949.

gollark: Me too!
gollark: The spec is too unclear.
gollark: Macron is strictly worse than Brain[REDACTED].
gollark: Python is slow and provides few static guarantees and has awful dependency management. Rust is too dependencyuous and often inflexible. Nim has basically no libraries or popular support. All other programming languages are dominated options, as far as I know, by my arbitrary standards.
gollark: So does BANCStar.

See also


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