Trenčianske Stankovce

Trenčianske Stankovce ( Hungarian: Trencsénsztankóc ) is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.


In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1345. The original territory of the municipality Trenčianske Stankovce was settled in prehistoric times. Provide testimony about archaeological finds. Hedzi Veľkými Stankovce and Selco was discovered archaeological site Hradiště long and short, but they are still little explored. Certainly in the future will bear witness to the earth in the form of archaeological finds from the territory of the other former villages. Written sources to enter the territory Trenčianske Stankoviec during early feudalism.

The first mention of Stankovce dates from 1345, when the state called possessio Stanuk. Originally it was one village that time divided into two separate villages - Large and Small Stankovce. In 1410 Small Stankovce known under the name Parva Stank in the year 1439 mentions possessio seu villa Noghstankouecz Veľké Stankovce.

Stankoviec name has its origins in personal name Stanislav. While small Stankovce remained family owned and Stankovce accrue after the extinction of families Barsonyi, Kolocsanyi, Ruttkay, DECS, Ottlík, and Szilvay Trsťanský, Great Stankovce were permanent property of Trencin castle estate. Landlord land Veľkých Stankoviec has happened since the end of the 16th century part of the lands to the Great Bierovciach and its message remains until the dissolution of feudalism.

The first written mention comes from divorced in 1212, when they occur under the name of terra Rozowag, later under the names Rozvacz, Raxowag, Roswas and others. Originally, the owners of the Earl of Pezinok villages, namely George of Pezinok later Trenčianska Demjan yeoman family, family Přibice and the end of the 16th century. The area fell under the dominion Trencin Castle. This land belonged to the lands of the report to the Great Bierovciach and in 1746 created a separate farmstead in the divorce. The first written mention of Sedličnej dates from 1403, when it occurs under the Naz vom Sedlisna, then the Zedlysna, possessio Zedlych (1496) and later as saddles, Zelychna, Sedlyznye and others. It was a typical yeoman village, with a number APPLICABLE owners. During the feudal families are given Sedlický, Kopčaško, Bremečko, Glosz, Dubnický, Adamovský, Szilagy, Valentini, cooking fat, Nevedzký, Szilvay, Turzo and others. By raising living even today older people are given the surname Leipzig, whose owners come from a family of Trencin mayor - Czech exiles from Germany (the current Havlickuv Brod). After the death of the famous cartographer and military expert John Leipzig, received the bulk of the property in the village Gelnica Seldenreich pharmacist who pomadarčil in the second half of the 19th century on my surname and the Zsolnay 20th Hoffman century. It is quite natural question when you ask, which employ residents of villages located within the current Trenčianske Stankoviec. The main source of subsistence agriculture in the past, reflecting the common seal. To seal Veľkých Stankoviec, dated in 1733 is a sheaf of grain. Employed is the breeding of farm animals. For example, the German statistical yearbook Trencin County from 1877 states that at this time is kept in the first divorce 350 sheep, 45 pigs, 20 cows, 34 oxen and 2 horses. Some divorced people, and certainly the other villages are employed occasionally fishing, what are frequently reference in Urbar, primary sources and informants of the feudal serf obligations towards. Until recently, the II. World War II and shortly after, locals hunted fish Vah especially at night. Fishing tradition at Vah hitherto maintained. Our man he has long realized the potential uses of rivers to power mills and sawmills. Urbar Trencin Castle estate from 1549 recorded in Velké Stankovce mill, which belonged to the Great Protestant parish Bierovciach. In 1875, the vydržiavalo Trencianske estate along the saw mill powered by water power. In 17th century refers to the Great Bierovciach ferry, which transported the inhabitants of the banks of the river Vah. This transport device existed in Opatovce and certainly there was a similar route in the territory of communes, located today in Trenčianske Stankoviec. The transport of persons and used in the Vah and boats. Proportion of the population paid crafts and trades. In 1683, for example, in large Stankovce mention two butchers and a weaver. In 1877, the state in two amplifying the landlord in small Stankovce a miller, three innkeeper, a blacksmith, in large Stankovce three millers, two blacksmiths and two landlord in Sedličnej an apprentice locksmith in, a blacksmith and a carpenter. Within the business area 2nd half of the 19th century manor belonged to the distillery in Velké Stankovce and distribute a brick in Velké Stankovce in the 18th century was in Velké Stankovce expanded trade in timber.

With relation to the territory of the former village is an interesting development of religious backgrounds. The oldest religious and cultural center of this region were Bierovce. The mention of the oldest Roman Catholic parish to the Great Bierovciach dates from 1332–1336, when dozens of popes are chosen. This data book contains Monumenta Vaticana. At this time, was the parish church in terajšíchVeľkých Bieroviec and during the Reformation with philia passed into the hands of evangelicals. Later it was demolished and in its place was built in 18th century in Velké Bierovciach current church. After rekatolizácii in 1670 after the church became the church in filiálnym Trenčianskej Turnej.V time of the Reformation had been placed under administration to the Great Protestant parish Bierovciach except "matkocirkvi" Opatovce, Sedličná, Stankovce Small, Large Stankovce, distributed, Bobrovník, Nozdrkovce and Bela. The first Protestant priests to the Great Bierovciach was John Schindler, who came in 1545 in Moravia, and he was a reformer of the church and in Trencin tour and Selci. When it worked here in the years 1582 - 1586 Andrew Schindlerius of Liptov later Michal Caban, Pavel Rajman from Prievidza, Nicholas Nicolaides of Klobusice, Andrej Urbanovič, Pauline Daniel, Martin Sinapius grew, George Parsicius of Zilina, which was later rector of Trencin Lutheran High School, George Kušlebiades sum of the last and finally again in the years 1663 - 1670 Andrew Urbanovič. According to records in the visitation logs Lutheran Church of the years 1611 and 1625 belonged to the parish veľkobierovskej mill in Velké Stankovce from which the miller gave the pastor every year 46 štvrtníkov rye. Fara also had fields and meadows in Little Stankovce, large Bierovciach, Bobrovník and elsewhere.

In the 19th century, was involved in health education in the Lutheran priest Small Stankovce Podhradský Adam, a native of Moravia hazel. Iudový successfully worked as a doctor was treating smallpox. However, he had an incurable disease. Gradually lose their sight, finally completely lost his sight and his earthly pilgrimage ended in 1862 with its load in Kochanovciach L. Bachar, where he was buried. Adam was also a literary Podhradský active. He wrote poems jokes and morals. Some of them came after his death in the press. Teacher at the Lutheran School was malostankovskej Karol Rizner, ľudovovýchovný worker, fruiterer and father of the founder of the Slovak National Bibliography Ľ.V. Riznera. Small Stankovce the location of the Shir Paul Čendekoviča (Senica 1301 - Small Stankovce 26/12/1855). It was a personal friend and classmate of Louis Stur. By Stankoviec Uhrovec came from. At school he malostankovskej and small Stankovce buried patriotic teacher Paul Mikulik. Originating from the New Krtoviec Topoľčany orchards, where he was born 4.6.1821. In small Stankovce died 05/04/1877. Previously, he served in Beckov and Zemianska Podhradí. To participate in helping Podjavorinská Slovak uprising in the region between meruôsmych and their conviction by the Slovak national were detained by the Hungarian authorities in Budapest and Mukachevo. On malostankovskom cemetery is buried Lutheran priest Stefan Križan - Žiranský. In small Stankovce worked for over 30 years. His literary works are written in Slovak national spirit. The most famous include a new "Milan and Milina". The Turkish issue is back in work "Gergelová feast." In this literary work written about the nature of the Turkish invasion in 1663 and put into action its surroundings Trenčianske Mitic. It is also the author of the play "Obsitnik" and literary-historical considerations. In the years 1877 - 1910 he performed in the Little Stankovce teacher-educators Iudovo, poet and national revivalist Michal Batko Kiss, a native of Stur Uhrovec. So far there are living relatives. When I was a poet of a larger piece, his patriotic poems lose importance. He went separate poetry collections "Flower Heart Slovak feelings, Kiss youth, selection of poems by Michael Kiss, numerous poems." In rukupise remained "Cactus flowers and Rozpomienka the nice days in Banska Stiavnica". In our village we had organárov. John comes from divorcing Hard (born 1336), repair organs and musical instruments. This craft is taught in the Cr-new. The provision of services especially in western Slovakia. Death found him. on 29.7.1893 in the worse on left, where he is buried. John also hard to apply as an engineer-constructor. Together with Mr. Vlcek locksmiths built the bikes, called 2nd half of the 19th century "rýchlobežkami". In 1870 he graduated from cycling to ~ furtina. where he visited the Slovak national newspaper editors. This fact suggests that the Slovaks, although they lived in difficult and humble to know to cope with technological progress in the upcoming II. XIX.sto-half hence. So not only Paris and other world cities had their own engineers, but they were Slovaks. The carrier and disseminator of Slovak culture include also the late Mr. Adam Hrusovsky, a simple man - concrete worker who in addition to their hard work found its way to the Slovak culture, literature, ethnography and regional history. Their knowledge often pleasantly surprised. He excelled and rare human qualities - an effort to help his neighbor and his neighbor was everyone without distinction.

Surroundings Trenčianske Stankoviec has never been cut off from the spiritual currents of his time. Around 1450 he attended the University of Kraków John Zeman Oblazovský of Sedličnej. Inhabitants of the former municipalities adversely affected various events and disasters. In 1663, came on the nature of the Turkish troops. Some inhabitants of the Great Stankoviec and other villages have come into exile or been killed. Damage was also a live inventory - soldiers seized animals for their needs. During the last uhorského Habsburg uprising of Francis II. Rákóczi and his defeat at mills in the year 1708 in the former municipalities operated or experienced in battle and Kuruc imperial troops. Villages hit by numerous floods. Residents of our former communities are continuously enrolled through their participation in the Slovak national revolutionary movements in the period 1848-49. Engage in battles for Slovak national rights. Refused to cooperate with Trenčín košútovskými Guard to the extent that the suzerain Trencin county wanted to close the prison veľkostankovského mayor. To overcome the resistance of local populations to 100 invited suzerain of the Hungarian Guard Banovce nad Bebravou. In Stankovsky circles of the supporting case for Mr. Slovak. Compelled Ludovít, štúrovec, candidate for the Slovak National Party in the Ugrian Diet II. half of the 19th century-tion. With the support of mayor, J. Hasek, Mr. alone. L. Dohnanyi and the Lutheran priest Stefan Križan arise in small Stankovce "Mutual maid to support the economic and the mutual interests of small people." In support of the Slovak national interests before 30 October 1918 to engage in a time of increased Magyarization numerous former residents of all four villages. For small Stankovce mentions Cyril Bodický, Lutheran priest with his family, Emil Križan, Janka Križanová genus. Kubišová Zánka Križanová, Stephen Haško, Mayor John Humera st. Štefan Haško ml., John Urbanek, Ladislav Bodický, George Haško, John Haško, Stephen Smooth Chrastina Michael, Andrew Jason, John Poruban, the Sky Andrew, Stephen howling, John Záhumenský, Adam tanac and others. In case of divorce of Andrew and Stephen Tomík Komorovský in Sedličnej Vachánka of Stephen, Andrew Kassel and in Velké Stankovce of Stephen Hrusovsky, Paul Križan, Stephen Blazek, Michael Lodge, John Záhumenský, John howled and others. Stankovčania the rebellion there was no shortage of 71st Trencin infantry regiment in Kragujevac in June 1918 against the meaninglessness of l. World War II. Trenčianske Stankovce never happened apart from the creation of Slovak national consciousness and national culture. Participate in the same local natives and personalities who worked here for many years. In Sedličnej was born and died the famous cartographer and military expert John Slovak origin Mikovíni Leipzig after Samuel's second personality in Uhorsku in cartography. Lived from 1766 to 1826. In our village is over-farmed. Last year was held in his honor and the ceremony was open to the public from the new academic tombstone. Struhárika sculptor Milan. . John Leipzig is the Author of 'l'lappa regni Hungariae "(Map uhorského Kingdom), 12 Repertory workshops and other geographical work. His map of the Kingdom uhorského knew the Emperor Napoleon L., English geographers and highly evaluated by the present Slovak and Czech geographic experts. Tiny part of his estate Trenčianske own museum here and to preserve part of his library. In his honor was installed last year at the castle Jubilee Exhibition, we have great interest to extend the public until 1993. In small Stankovce was born a descendant of John Mičátek Trencin teacher (1837-1905 Kysáči in Vojvodina). After finishing his studies at home in Trencin, church and Blue went to protest against Magyarization on the lower floor, where he worked as a teacher. There had been plowed a deep furrow as a Slovak national revivalist, amateur theater, ľudovovýchovný worker, teacher and journalist.

Trenčianske Stankovce deserve attention in view of the existence of a peculiar culture. Viewed former village once known for their folk, architectural monuments. The last remnants of this expression are the remains of mills, granaries and older people's bells. From zvoničiek brick bell tower stands to the Great Stankovce, dating from the year 1859 with a classical bell topped in 1949, Trencin zvonolejárom Paul Rank neskoroklaskistická the bell from 1867 and a stone sculpture, with a bell in the bell of Sedličnej XVIII. rocio hundred-and bell towers in Little Stankovce. Its beauty excelled Stankovsky folk costume. Music and song wealth that has largely disappeared, now part represents Trenčianska twelve. Its beauty is the Evangelical Church in Little Stankovce of 1784 - a remarkable vidiecl: architecture and tectonic sacred monument, respon povedaj lungs their time and budget and its vlastníkkov its original patrons (Dubnica, Ujhelyovcov, Tomčániovcov, Leipzig, and other Szilvayovcov). It belongs to the dominant community. In Sedličnej was once a Jewish synagogue and cemetery. Disappeared after World War II. Vej world-war. Another landmark is Trenčianske Stankoviec filiálny Roman Catholic Church / 1994 / as evidence of modern religious architecture.

In 1972 merged Stankovce Small, Large Stankovce, Sedličná and expands into one common community.


The municipality lies at an altitude of 220 metres and covers an area of 24.497 km². It has a population of about 3201 people.

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gollark: It does not.
gollark: It also uses 5% CPU constantly - probable garbage collection.
gollark: Ale: I think it's the logs.
gollark: Skynet 1 is now using 200MB of RAM thanks to my awful code.


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