Trei culori

Trei culori ("Three colours") was the national anthem of the Socialist Republic of Romania from 1977 until 1990. In 24 January 1990, after the Romanian Revolution, it was officially replaced by Deșteaptă-te, române!.[1][2] Before 1977, the national anthem had been E scris pe tricolor Unire, introduced in 1975.[3]

Trei culori
English: Three Colours
Coat of arms of S.R.Romania (1965-1989)

National anthem of Socialist Republic of Romania
LyricsCiprian Porumbescu, 1977
MusicCiprian Porumbescu

Trei culori is based on a Romanian patriotic song with the same title (music and lyrics by Ciprian Porumbescu). The original text twice underwent non-credited revisions in order to reflect the country's Communist doctrine as well as parallels between past and present glories. This was unlike one of the previous anthems, Te slăvim, Românie, a text mentioning Romania's brotherhood with the Soviet Union and praises of the Leninist ideology were consciously not included, emphasising a more National Communist character of the state.

The title refers to the national flag of Romania, which is a blue-yellow-red tricolour. It has not undergone many or major changes in the history of the Romanian state. Only the distribution of the colors (in point of proportion and position) changed to a certain extent, being made equal after the abortive Romanian revolution of 1848. The Romanian principalities were among the many European states during that time that were inspired by the French revolutionary spirit to make a tricolour or dimensionally standardized three-color banner as their national flag.

The song continued as the national anthem for around a month after the overthrow of the Socialist Republic,[1][2] but with Porumbescu's original patriotic lyrics.

Original patriotic song

Romanian lyrics Literal English translation Free English translation

Trei culori cunosc pe lume
Ce le țin de-un sânt odor,
Sunt culori de-un vechi renume
Suveniri de-un brav popor.

Roșu-i focul ce-mi străbate,
Inima-mi plină de dor
Pentru sânta libertate
Și al patriei amor.

Auriu ca mândrul soare
Fi-va'l nostru viitor
Pururea'n eternă floare
Și cu luci netrecător

Iar albastrul e credința
Pentru nație ce-oi nutrim
Credincioși fără schimbare
Pân' la moarte o să-i fim

Pân' pe cer și cât în lume
Vor fi aste trei culori
Vom avea un falnic nume
Și un falnic viitor

Iar când, fraților, m'oi duce
De la voi ș'oi fi să mor
Pe mormânt, atunci să-mi puneți
Mândrul nostru tricolor

Three colours I know in the world
And I hold them like a holy jewel
They are colours with an ancient fame
Reminders of a brave nation.

Red is the fire that permeates
My heart which is full of longing
For holy liberty
And the love for the fatherland.

Golden as the proud sun
Shall be our future.
Always in eternal blossom
And unwithered radiance.

And blue is our loyalty
To our nation, which we cherish.
To it we shall be loyal
To the death, without faltering.

As long as in the sky and in the world
There will be these three colours
We'll have a glorious name
And a glorious future.

And when, brothers, I shall leave you
And the time will have come to die,
On my tomb then lay
Our proud tricolor flag.

With three colours I'm acquainted
And their holiest embrace
Since old times by glory painted
Recalling a gallant race

Crimson for the fire burning
in my patriotic heart
Liberty, so it decided
Shall be its goals from the start

Like the sun in skyey bowers
golden shall our future be
Blooming like a myriad flowers
Shining bright for all to see

We'll be loyal 'till we perish
to Romania, brave and true
To the Homeland which we cherish
this our pledge is marked in blue

As long as our flag is flying
and is gloriously unfurled,
our Romania, land undying,
will be praised and crown the world.

And when, brothers, I shall leave you
And my time will come to die,
This tricolour flag of ours
on my grave shall proudly lie

National anthem

Romanian lyrics Literal English translation Free English translation

Trei culori cunosc pe lume,
Amintind de-un brav popor,
Ce-i viteaz, cu vechi renume,
În luptă triumfător.

Multe secole luptară
Străbunii noștri eroi,
Să trăim stăpîni în țară,
Ziditori ai lumii noi.

Roșu, galben și albastru
Este-al nostru tricolor.
Se înalță ca un astru
Gloriosul meu popor.

Suntem un popor în lume
Strâns unit și muncitor,
Liber, cu un nou renume
Și un țel cutezător.

Azi partidul ne unește
Și pe plaiul românesc
Socialismul se clădește,
Prin elan muncitoresc.

Pentru-a patriei onoare,
Vrăjmașii-n luptă-i zdrobim.
Cu alte neamuri sub soare,
Demn, în pace, să trăim.

Iar tu, Românie mîndră,
Tot mereu să dăinuiesti
Și în comunista eră
Ca o stea să strălucești.

Three colours I know in the world,
Reminders of a brave people
Which is brave, with old renown
Victorious in battle.

For long ages
Our heroic forefathers fought
To live as masters of this land,
Builders of the new world.

Red, yellow, and blue
Is our tricolour
The glory of my people
Rises like a star.

We are a people in the world
Close-knit and industrious,
Free, with a new renown
and an audacious aim.

Today the Party unites us
And on Romanian land
Socialism is being built,
Through the workers' spirit.

For the honor of our country,
We crush enemies in battle.
With other nations under the sun,
We live, trustworthy, in peace.

And you, splendid Romania,
Shall stand for ever and ever,
And in the Communist era
Shall shine as a star.

With three colours I'm acquainted
Which recall a gallant race –
Since old times by glory sainted
Battles has it won apace.

For long ages our forefathers
Have this gallant flag unfurled,
So we may the land's fruit gather,
Building here the future's world.

This tricolour flag of ours
Flutters crimson, yellow, blue,
Like a star in skyey bowers
Rise my people, brave and true.

In this world we are a nation
Keen on work and of one soul.
Free and with new reputation,
Sharing one ambitious goal.

Now united by our Party;
In Romania's meads and fields,
Our work is hard and hearty,
Building Socialism its yield.

For the homeland's greater glory
We crush enemies at fight,
But we'd share a peaceful story
With all peoples in proud light.

Proud Romania, now dearer,
Live forever in fine light!
In the Communist new era
Like a star you must shine bright!

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